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Posts posted by Wasa

  1. Quite late to the party, but still... my "other" I'd be interested to see, would be a Clone Wars era as it was imagined back before the prequels came out: from the little information back then, a conflict which occurred between 41 and 35 BBY, with the Galactic Republic and the Jedi fighting the mandalorian clones (this, at least, seemed to be the most widely accepted theory on how things went).

    Other than that, well, of course, the Thrawn Trilogy era (9 ABY) or the Hand of Thrawn era (19 ABY).

    What's wrong with The Clone Wars conflict as it is? Anyway, that's not the thread for this, so...


    I honestly think having a campaign during the GCW era where you're playing a non-sensitive Stormtrooper that's a good guy, but doesn't defect the Empire would be very interesting. The Clone Wars would be another interesting era based on the TV show, be it playing a jedi or a clone trooper there's lots of to go there. 


    As for Tavion, I had so many ideas how a better model could look like. Let's begin with that she doesn't really resemble her Jedi Outcast version. Everything on her is different. I suggest that a basic model should be made of her,

    which can be used as a basis to create both her Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy incarnations.

    Well depending on the time between both games you could just say she got older?

  3. It's not more interactive, its block, attack, block, attack, mindless hack-n-slashing, and occasional blocking, being more fun is subjective, but you can definitely do a lot more in JKA when fighting with sabers then you can do with your sword in Rising.


    Rising has many moves that make the fights more interactive though, and to be honest with you lightsaber combat in basejka is mindless swinging, so not big difference here. 


    Can you show me a lunge from Metal Gear Rising? it might look different then what I'm thinking a lunge is.




    You can lunge without doing a combo in JKA.


    You literally can't... You either roll and tap the left click for a lunge or you use blue and grip + pull + left click into a lunge.

    I don't really want super flashy combat like that, it seemed kinda silly, awesome at times, but kinda silly.

    Doesn't this beat the point of your topic though?

  4. JKA isn't wasted potential, Rising is fun, but it's very basic when you get down to it, JKA has far more in terms of options.


    Rising is difficult in the beginning, but the game becomes overwhelmingly easy, because, like I said earlier, once you learn to block, the game loses all it's challenge.


    I'm sorry but blue style attack IS proper lunging, in my opinion, and you can't do any of those things in Rising either, you're actually very limited when you really think about it, all it does is make you able to cut stuff better, swordplay is different, it makes you feel as if you're fighting with a sword, I like having unsure blocks and parries.


    Rising has more awesome story moments, QTE's, etc.


    It has some pretty cool combat as well, but while it's combat is "cooler", then JKA, it doesn't mean it's better.


    Blade Mode and the ability to cut anything doesn't make it better then JKA, I want to feel like I'm in a fight, not be an unstoppable dominant juggernaut.


    The basic attacks are cool, but Jedi Academy always feels fresh whereas Rising's lack of variety can wear you down.

    You're missing my point mate. I don't care whether the game is easy or difficult(Rising is supposed to be easy since that's even in the plot) the sword-fighting there is just more fun and more interactive than it is in base JKA 



    and you can't do any of those things in Rising either


    You definitely can lunge in Rising though, it's in the moveset. 



    I'm sorry but blue style attack IS proper lunging


    I don't think you've ever grabbed a sword if you think that's a proper lunge... While it looks like one, the way it is performed(I mean the combo) it's just silly. 





    I don't want super flashy sword attacks, I want a sword fight that gets at you, and gets you nervous about the fact you're going to win or not, something that raises the bar, which, I'm sorry, Rising simply doesn't do.

    Why not mix both though?

  5. I haven't played Rising (in fact, I can't even find it, is that the game's full name?).

    The game's name Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. 



    It's Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance .


    I don't know why some of you consider Rising to be superior, because rising played more like a hack'n slash title (which is much different compare to JA). And the reasons that Rising was more successful were 

    It's because the sword actually feels like a real sword. It can cut through things and the attack animations actually feel like actual sword attacks opposed to simple lightsaber swings in JKA, I find Rising's combat system much more fun since JKA is a wasted potential, imo.


    Base JKA has lunging, parrying, thrusting, it just doesn't have a dedicated block button.

    The game has hardly any of these. Parrying is almost non-existent in baseJKA and it's present in MB2, the game doesn't have lunging either, unlss you are referring to grip + force pull + blue style attack/or rolling "stab" , none of these are proper lunges. And about thrusting... It's just thrusting the sword backwards. 


    Imagine Jedi Academy getting Blade Symphony treatment... Now that'd be a perfect game since Blade Symphony was based on it iirc.

  6. It has a great combat system, but the blade mode is one stationary mode, and in JKA, the swordplay is one of the best, ever, like, in any game, its just fantastic.


    You can go just as fast as in Rising, and then faster still, and you still have set animations, whereas this game can be customized to its utmost fullest.

    Blade mode may be a stationary mode, but the ability to cut almost anything like you want to sells it better for me than JKA, imo. JKA's combat systen lacks really many things (that was mostly covered with mods, but still) like blockig, parrying, lunging, thrusting while Rising has those, albeit limited in "set animations".
  7. Then it's settled - we all move to Rising and improve its combat system! :)

    I don't know whether you played the game or not but slashing with your sword in Rising felt more satisfying since you could cut almost through everything in every way you wanted to. I mean sure, the JK has great combat system but swinging the lightsaber just doesn't feel as interactive as using the blade mode in Rising to cut objects and enemies freely as you wish to. I don't mean to derail the topic, but imo the JK combat system could be polished a little better.


    And as for the non-star wars stuff, it's really unfortunate how people don't see the potential of it at the moment, yes. But it doesn't mean the stuff is non existant.

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