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Posts posted by Wasa

  1. Honestly, it's the arms (or in this case, the "sleeves") that no-one has seemingly managed to get right. Even lervish/Plasma's model. Look at movie version Kylo Ren, then look at the models. I'm primarily talking about TFA version. I think it could be the sculpting that's off and the way the model was "built/moulded". If they can get that right, then they're onto something. But until then, it'll never be 100% accurate.

    The sleevees look like the movie version though...?

  2. To be fair, I still think we could do with a NEW (more accurate) Kylo Ren model (w/ respect to lervish and Plasma). When you start looking at models, you notice small details that can throw off the accuracy, somewhat. So, personally.. I'd be all for, that NEW Kylo Ren model (posted above by the OP). The others aren't really too much of an issue.


    Maul = We already have DT's version


    Rey = We have Scerendo's version.

    I'm completely disagreeing with you, Lervish did a great job on the head but the real problem is in Kylo's hair because it's way too thin. Just putting Toshi's Anakin hair(And I mean Toshi's, not Hapslash) would fit the character way better. 




    Why port poorly a character model when you can just kitbash it and get it truly perfect...

    General Howard likes this
  3. I cry when I see how the new Battlefront games handle lightsaber combat. I fucking cry. All aspects of these games (except for visuals and audio) are literally worse than in JK2, a 15 year old game. But that's a general problem with current AAA games, not only EA, making gold plated pieces of shit that look awesome but play profane af.

    A new Jedi Knight (which would be a reboot with a name as simple as "Jedi Knight") would be bad anyway. AAA developers and publishers don't take a risk. They would be like "Ok, Jedi Knight was this game where people played with lightsabers etc, so let's just implement a system where you have to press a single button and the game will handle everything else. That's what people want and everything else would be too complicated for the players anyway."

    So yes, the Jedi Knight series has been wasted. But now it's too late. We will not see another game with JK's lightsaber-combat and movement mechanics cause it's simply too complicated for what current AAA developers are aiming for.

    That's the only conclusion you can draw from reboots like Thief, Tomb Raider and Battlefront etc. I'd rather have no new Jedi Knight than another bad reboot (I was so angry about Thief...).

    The only option that I see are dedicated fanprojects.


    Battlefronts are not supposed to have great saber to saber combat, they're goddamn shooters, but anyway it's derailing the topic. 

    Besides, there are many good game reboots(and frankly Tomb Raider is one of them) these reboots are Ninja Gaiden, Doom or even Mortal Kombat.

  4. What we're doing is 'Versus playing'.  Either of speaker says their favorite comic is better than another. If it contiues, it'll not be ended.

    I'm sorry everyone. When I started this topic, I was certain that I will gain an answer...  But maybe I was wrong.


    I agree that the Force is stronger than any other special abilities. But I think it's not interesting if it's the strongest power I've ever seen.

    I think we need much stronger power than the Force. Is there any good power to overwhelm the Force?  If it exists, It would be fun.

    the force is basically a mix of Karma and Abrahamic gods/and Hindu

  5. From that point of view, you're right.

    In Star wars, there's no dimension travel force power.  Even God Luke Skywalker couldn't do that. (I've heard that Luke made a Black Hole and throw it to the enemies...  But... if it is black hole...  The theory will be complicated...)


    Anyway, if two story universe can be cross-overed, we can discuss the possiblilty.

    Then, You said that jaden can stop him.  But I don't think so.  Because Cthulhu has cosmic horror power and can overwhelm everyone except powerful elder gods... outer gods...

    Although jedi is powerful, they can be eliminated by various tricks and traps, superior numbers, superior tactics.

    The power of each jedi varies respectively.  Maybe Luke, Kyle and Jaden will overwhelm and surpress thousands of soilders.  But... What about others?  Most of them are about halfway. That's why Clonetroopers could eliminate so many jedi.  Excepting council members or other special named ones, Most of them are about halfway.


    Besides, All gods in Cthulhu mythos are cosmic scale.   I think it fits in Star Wars universe because it treats inter-galaxy story(it's legend standard anyway...).  The galaxy is cosmic and universe, right?

    Azatoth is most powerful and lives out of multi-universe demension.   In Jedi's point of view, they can be also cosmic horror target.


    But it's better than normal human in real world.  We are all weak human.  Jack Walters is also powerless human, too.   But Jedi has special powers and can be more powerful by training. The talent is different by each of the jedi.

    I think they can even confront and maintain the battle for a while.....  however they will be exterminated one by one because of them.


    If jedi combines their power in one, maybe they can defeat Cthulhu and Dagon, but it would be not easy.

    But what about yog-sotos or Azatoth?  What about other Outer-gods? And Cthulhu has sibling and parents and grandparents, too.


    Therefore, my answer is that.

    Cosmic horror is always cosmic horror anywhere, The Star wars is not exception of this.


  6. 1. They only seem to kill as a last resource. After all his recent experience (learning from his visions with Yoda that fighting was what doomed the Jedi) Kanan seems to be much more of a pacifist than the rest of the cast. Ezra is his student, so it seems reasonable that he's avoiding senseless murder in this season (though he has murdered stormtroopers in the past).


    2. Kanan was a padawan that didn't formally finish his training until recently and Ezra is the student of a former padawan that didn't formally finish his training until recently. They're not supposed to be OP mary sues like Revan and other EU characters. 

    And it's also because it's not the Jedi way

  7. Looks like Dice and EA have pulled micro transactions all together. I think I should apologize as I play very few of EA games and as such am not totally up on their practices. I didn't totally understand the extent to what pay to win really meant. Now that I do, I totally understand why people have been upset about this, but since that is now fixed, hopefully that will make the game much more enjoyable.


    I take it stuff like this is what EA is known for? Being pay to win?

    The keyword is t e m p o r a r i l y
    z3filus and General Howard like this
  8. Skywalker obviously.

    Even though I hold Katarn as a slightly better protagonist, Luke is the superior Jedi. His Force Powers are of a higher quality in that, he's had at least defeated more formidable foes than Katarn did(Darth Vader, legends Lumiya, Mara Jade etc...) 

    Regarding physical attributes, Luke matched Vader in raw strength weaving curtains out his lightsaber, fighting faster than thought, generating afterimages, deflecting blaster fire from 128 shooters at once, perceiving the sublight-speed motion of ships in slow-motion and so on reflecting greater strength and speed than Kyle by at least a noticeable margin.

    Pitting both to go out against each other is just pretty much making Obi-wan fighting Yoda. Actually, Obi-Wan vs Kyle would be a pretty close fight.

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