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Posts posted by Wasa

  1. One can always replace Rosh with a Rodian (or a Jawa) and add their native tongue instead of Galactic Basic. =)


    I remember there was a model of new Rosh, which looked more like Anakin Skywalker in Episode II. It had similar clothes design, but closer to old Jedi robe, same colors of it, of hair and eyes. I never tried it in game, so I don't know how would that work out together.


    By the way, did you know, that the gang leader Brejik in KOTOR was voiced by the same actor?

    In SWTOR the swoop track on Taris was known as Brejik's Run.



    Rosh Penin's Voice Actor has also played Dustil.

    NumberWan likes this
  2. @@Jolly Well you could be the first person to make a good Kylo Ren that would be accurate to the movie so far.


    Add a cape to the back of your model like this:



    Put a silver revan mask on him and make the neck skin black like this:



    Then make sure he has the correct height (guy on the far left) :




    Those 4 things would make this complete IMO. :P

    Kylo Ren has a helmet not a maskhttp://media.melty.es/article-2580810-fb-f1419325014/star-wars-7-kylo-ren-kylo-ren-casco-star.jpg
    Darth Sion likes this
  3. @ when I was searching around on the net for the hilt names, I noticed on certain sides that luke's hilt is named "The Prodigal Son". Might be just someone made that up, but it's worth taking into account if that's really it's name. But after all, I don't really think Luke's hilt is awesome enough to be called the prodigal son :D

    I think it'd make a fine name for his hilt from ANH-ESB, also great job at Kyle's lightsaber!

    Rooxon likes this
  4. One of the Chinese forums leaked the photos of the main characters in Episode VII - these are actually the action figures, which will be released presumably in 2016, after the film - acording to starwarsunderworld site. The actual picture (spoilers!) is below:




    The Helmet Character from the left reminds me of this picture



    Doesn't that mean it is confirmed :P?

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