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Everything posted by afi

  1. Oh wait I confused splitscreen with coop
  2. I thought there was coop-code from the consoles
  3. Would be a cool project though
  4. I didn't like #10 until I saw it in the preview
  5. There were MBII and Ja+ ladders, however there was no 1.00 ladder at any point in the history of the Jedi Academy ESL-section since 2004. Also what Ping said.
  6. @@AshuraDX didn't know about this one heh @@Ping I know about compJA but they have a different goal and I think it won't hurt if there are two competitive-standalone projects. Also yea, one of the goals is the balancing, another one is to make people stop running. In Quake you can run but most of the time it doesn't make much sense. I want to achieve something similar in Jedi Academy (even though it might be hard without ranged weapons and pickups). I don't want to change too much of the gameplay to not piss off all the competitive players. One of the changes implemented so far is that you can roll when you already started your attack (in the windup). Also I've made changes to the air-acceleration and you can start an attack while you're already in a wallrun (and a couple of other minor changes). This doesn't sound like much but it gives you noticeable more control.
  7. Yo, I'm currently working on a (multiplayer-)project called sabermode. The goal of this project is to make a standalone game for saber fighting (means no other weapons and no force-powers except for force-jump) with slight changes in the movement/combat-mechanics making the fights a bit faster and giving the player a bit more control. I think the sabersystem in Jedi Academy is unique and it would be great to have that free to play for everyone without having to purchase Jedi Academy. I'm in a really early stage right now and most of the work will be to replace all the assets that are used in the game (at least I don't have to replace all these weapons...phew!). Since I'm actually quite busy in real life it will probably take some time until I'm finished but one of the reasons to post this here on the forums was to motivate me so let's see if that works B) . It would be nice if someone here would like to help me and contribute on this project as it will be a sh*tload of work doing it all alone. Also any kind of advices or suggestions are appreciated.
  8. Hi, I'm wondering what could be the best way to remove all weapons (except for saber) and force-powers (except for jump) so you can't use them anymore in the game. Of course I can delete them from the menus and remove them from the maps but you would still be able to get them through the console or at least with cheats. Any idea how I'd remove them completely? Is there a way to "lock" g_forcepowerdisable and g_weapondisable? Something like (pseudocode): if (g_weapondisable != 524279) { g_weapondisable = 524279 }Or will it be more complicated? Btw do forcepowers get pre-cached (like weapons)?
  9. Decompile? Where is that map from? It looks awesome nonetheless...
  10. Everytime I watch defrag movies I expect comments under the video like "How is this hard? He's just jumping around. I can do that in CoD."
  11. What I meant are replacements of all needed files (like animations, gfx and menus) that are used by the engine and that need to be there in order for the game to start. And at least one map, at least one playermodel etc... I didn't mean to copy the style of the current assets (like exact copies of the current maps) which wouldn't be a good idea anyway, as the layouts are copyrighted as well (even though you wouldn't get any issues as long as you don't sell your game (I hope I don't start another porting-discussion)).
  12. Yes, but then again it would be easier if those people who are able to do animations would do it for everyone instead of everyone doing it for theirselves.
  13. But wouldn't it be enough to have a sub-forum on JKHub for now?
  14. Hi, I was just wondering if someone is working on recreating assets for standalone mods/games based on Jedi Academy. I was quite inactive in 2013 so I might have missed something but personally I think it would be awesome to have some kind of public resource of assets that everyone can use for their projects. Like... animations, effects, menus, models, maps, even if they are just placeholders.
  15. Jedi Knight Collection for -60% on steam. In case you don't know these you should check them out.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JamyzGenius


      Hey afiNity, i think i know you mate, i saw you in Traders Guild some time ago... hmhmmm

    3. minilogoguy18


      I already own the collection in their original CD form. ;)

    4. therfiles


      Awesome! Just snagged it. Thanks for sharing, Afi!


  16. afi

    Hey there

    Are you the liam from Quake 3? Aka the one with the fragmovies and frags in Get Quaked?
  17. If ported/stolen sounds/music/gfx are not allowed you have to delete 90% of the mods on this page.
  18. At least you didn't mention JKHub But what do you expect? Big companies don't give a fuck about mods and modders. They care about cash though.
  19. Iconically. @@SiLink: I really don't know, we want to add these demo-replays to the competitive play - wiki. I'm not sure if people would actually visit JKHub for them though. I think it would need several aspects to get those players to the JKHub. Which are files (demos, configs, movies), maybe interviews + newsletter (in case there's actually still something interesting to report ) and events. And a server would help as well obviously. I really don't know if it's not a bit too late now considering the overall population of ESL, MBII, CTF etc. I mean, if you would get all the (active/semi-active) ESL players to the JKHub this place would be full with players... You would really need to get a reason for them to stay though... The reason why I signed up to the JKHub were 1. Trying to get more comp players to the Hub 2. Cause I'm also a modder. Most comp players are no modders and don't give a shit about anything else than the ESL. Also, everything I'm suggesting here are suggestions based on my experience as an ESL and MBII player/admin. I don't really have a clue about the CTF - and the JA+ - community/clanscene.
  20. Well, you don't have tanks (maybe swoops or AT-STs) but you have weapons and force and strafe-jumping etc. So it depends on what you mean with easy to "learn". Like... when did you "learn" a game. If you're able to handle all force-powers and weapons? Or if you know how to move and to point a blaster pistol at your enemy. I think a game like CS or Battlefield is easier to learn tbh. And you actually have several hitzones in Jedi Academy. But I don't want to argue, I know what you mean.
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