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Everything posted by afi

  1. Tbh, the only way we ESL admins were able to detect cheats was with demos or screenshots. Sometimes people are stupid enough to leave the wallhack on when they take a screenshot. Something like the lag unlocker can be seen on the lagometer. Wallhacks are hard to detect on demos because it's hard to tell the difference between "knowing where the enemy is" (wallhacking), knowing the map perfectly (including where the spawn points are and how they work) and simply intuition. I don't know how many times I got accused of cheating (mostly wallhacking) and there were so many supporttickets/protests about cheating in all the years I was admin and most were bullshit. If someone uses serverside modded sabers you can detect that with configstrings if the serverowner is stupid enough. I wouldn't call scripts "cheats" but they are usually quite obvious, for example low jump scripts can easily be seen if you know what you have to look for.
  2. Thanks! Not yet, I still have to replace the playermodel and the animations (which you dont see anyway) and some sounds and gfx. Also I'm using a skybox that is not mine and I have to ask for permissions for (the readme says I can use it but asking is always better I guess).
  3. I've made a little video which is basically me failing at that map https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SolYMFxkOpk On a side note: Even if I'm going to be the only one who plays this game it was worth it. I'm playing that map all the time now hehe
  4. Nope, some of them are jumppads though. Moving platforms is on my list for the next map
  5. It's the same bull... with Luke tbh. Luke vs Vader is like 3 weeks against 30 years experience. But Jedi Academy could really have a bigger time frame. It's possible that the missions are supposed to take place with a couple of months break in between which would give Jaden at least 1-2 years experience. It's still stupid that someone with such a lack of experience can become a Jedi Knight (or even a Jedi Master) when you compare it to Episode 1-3 where people got trained for at least 15 years until they would become a Knight.
  6. While this map is not really big it's still quite hard to finish. But it's fun! It took me actually over 20 minutes to finish it due to the fact that you have to start from the beginning everytime you fall down. If you're fast you can probably finish it in 1-2 minutes
  7. This is not planned atm because of the lack of models and animations. If someone would want to help me out though then why not I've also added a timelimit-system to the game that will end the game when you're too slow. Not sure if I will keep it but it's optional anyway. What I really need is some kind of triggered script that will open a menu when you finished the map
  8. I'm working on some jump levels now. This is some really easy first test: This one is without strafe-jumping. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do maps for strafejumping anyway, since I'm not quite a pro in strafing. Something that I plan to implement is some kind of highscore-table. Not sure how I'm going to do this but it's on my list
  9. Thanks! This was actually the info that I needed
  10. I want to create a teleporter but I'm not getting it to work. I've got a trigger with target "teleport" and a target_teleport with targetname "teleport". Is there anything else I have to do? It's GTK Radiant 1.4 and I'm in multiplayer mapping mode. It says "G_picktarget: target teleport not found"
  11. Yea seems like I can't dowload any files at all Edit: Fixed it
  12. I don't know if the animations have to be actually there in order to make the game not crash, I'll do some testing. Thanks!
  13. afi

    FPS Issue

    Do you use QEffects?
  14. Thanks! Not that big actually, the walls are really high though. I think the map is even too easy atm, will have to do some testing Also, I've added map-specific cfgs which means you can create configs (and put them into base/mapcfg), give them the same name as your map and they will automatically be loaded by the game when you start the map. With that pretty much of all of the coding that I had planned is actually finished now. Something that I would like to have are movable objects but I don't even know if that's possible in this engine the way I want it. Btw, the name of the game will probably be "Djosers Puzzle". I wanted to name it after a pharaoh and I really like that name.
  15. Thanks! I've added a speedometer (cg_drawspeed, cg_drawspeedx and cg_drawspeedy) and some new cvars (g_strafejumping and g_forcejumping). I should probably add something for adjusting the size of the speedometer.
  16. afi


    Keeps crashing to me whenever I try to export a .glm
  17. Since I'm using the multiplayer code there is no datapad but I wanted one so I implemented my own one. However, I want to make it as easy as possible to add a mapinfo to the map, so I impelemented a new kind of file. Put a textfile with the exact name of the map into base/mapinfo and the text on the datapad will use the text in the textfiles and will automatically change it depending on which map you're on.
  18. While I agree with this thread...Be glad that these are not the ESL forums, you guys would have lost faith in humanity ages ago. Also, there are two kind of people. People who are dicks and people who are over-sensitive. I think it helps to be aware of what you can do and what you can't do. Personally I know that I'm a bad coder, so if someone would criticize me for that I could live with that. If someone would start calling me a terrible player I'd call him out for a duel though
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