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Everything posted by afi

  1. Gothic II... it's hard to believe that this is the same engine/game (not my picture): http://imageshack.us/i/idw8crgKp

    1. Tempust85


      Really needs a new model format so people can make better models. The current tools are like for 3ds Max 3 lol

    2. Ping


      That's pretty interesting. I agree with DT85 though, holy smokes we need better models.

    3. Sentra


      Yeah, needs some body replacers like in Morrowind, because it should look more fresh.

  2. Nah people would still play it (like they are right now without the server list) but there would be no fresh meat which would make the game die much faster. "Competitive" tdm and ctf players don't really get affected anyway because most people join directly through IP or bookmarked their servers into the favorites. I'm pretty sure the master list would be already down for years if it wasn't for the release on steam
  3. I really hope they give an explanation to that lightsaber. I'm willing to forgive them if they give it a purpose
  4. This is great. I showed this my dad who is a big Titanic (the ship not the movie) fan and he loved it. Keep it up
  5. Not sure if I wanted help from someone who gives away (and most likely uses) cheats and still manages to lose every match in the ESL
  6. I've got my HDD since 2008 and no problems so far but I would never trust something like a HDD so I always make backups ~ once per month
  7. I loved the SJC maps back then even though they are badly optimized. If your problem is the lava shader you could try to write a new one. Porting shaders from one engine to another might be impossible anyway.
  8. Is there a tool that displays the buttons that are currently getting pressed as an overlay on the screen?

  9. I'm not sure what's supposed to happen but when I click on "start game" nothing happens
  10. I have really no clue... I assume that the mod is not running (you didn't really answer that yet though) so it must be something with the dlls... Is the pk3 in your base folder? Did you try and delete the dlls in the base folder? If the mod is actually running... are g_allowweapons and g_instagibmode set to 0?
  11. Is promode running? If yes, it must be the g_allowthesaber command. You can easily check that by trying some of the cmds, also there should be a message if promode is running. If not, it must be a conflicting dll in some of your pk3s.
  12. I'm a bit drunk and it's late but lemme think. Promode is not compatible with other code mods so you should make sure that you only run promode. Are you sure that g_allowthesaber is set to 0? What exactly happens if you run the game?
  13. We might get a small arena shooter revival though Unreal Tournament, Reflex and Toxikk are all games that I'm looking forward to even though they are basically just remakes of Quake and Unreal. And Battlefront 3 might become a cool game as well.
  14. Why would they make a new Jedi Knight after over 10 years when they could milk the TFU and BF series. A new Jedi Knight would be definitely not an arena shooter anymore, it wouldn't have strafe jumping and not a saber system as we have it in JK2 or JKA. Why? Cause it's way too complicated for today's generation. I saw this happening with Chivalry which is the game with the most in depth melee fighting system since Jedi Knight. 90% of the people who bought that game complain about the more complicated game mechanics and call it bug abuse and glitching. A new Jedi Knight would maybe be a decent singleplayer game but overall I think it would be awful considering what kind of games are popular nowadays.
  15. Interesting how Hellraid reminded me of Call of Juarez from the first minute. Now I know that Hellraid uses Chrome Engine 6, CoJ Chrome Engine 3. Still, I'm unsure what exactlly made me think of CoJ

  16. Quake Live is on steam now. One of the first questions on the steam forums: "How can I enable the gamepad?"

  17. The matches are deleted because the ladder doesn't exist anymore. All we are saying is that these players are bad, nothing more. Crimelord is the only one even worth mentioning but then again he's a cheater. Your crying won't change anything about that. Can we finally close this topic now? I mean, in the beginning it was quite funny seeing these guys coming up with random stuff but now it's getting really silly. This kid is probably 12 years old judging from the last posts, so it would be better not to give him anymore room for this nonsense.
  18. This guy is obviously a troll. As Ping pointed out these players mentioned are a joke. If I remember correctly Crimelord was even banned for cheating.
  19. Against really bad players it's still possible to win with 10/0 or 10/1. Did that a couple of times actually. But once they reach a certain skill level it's really hard to do that without getting really passive. But the point is that the score doesn't really matter as long as you win the match, so most players don't give 100% when they know the opponent is inferior (and most players, including myself only played serious in ESL or cup matches anyway). A good player who want's to win and stays concentrated will never lose against a less-skilled/experienced opponent even if the scores are close. That's why you can finish 100 matches against someone like Dureal with a score of 10/6 without ever getting the chance to win. What is pretty much what Ping said.
  20. Is this joke thread still going on? There is a difference between playing and playing competitively. You say that playing MBII takes less skill, yet you've never played MBII or saber only TDM/Duel competitvely. Everyone got his opinion based on this experience in the game and thats okay. The difference though is that I don't claim to be the master at everything. 80% of my time spent in this game in the last 10 years was on base saber only servers, 15% in MBII and maybe 5% on stuff like ctf, instagib, ja+, fullforce etc. Still, in my opinion CTF takes probably the most skill of all gamemodes. I say that, even though I was a really, really good TDM and MBII player and not even average in CTF. I know that I'm not perfect in my opinions and I know that I can be unfair at times (especially when it comes to people who play on JA+ servers) but in the end... that's the difference. I never said that saber only is the gametype that requires the most skill even though I easily could have. I played and tried all gamemodes and gametypes in this game. When I say I didn't play xyz then I mean, that I didn't play it on a serious level. But that you guys don't even take the time to read Ping's post before you're replying shows that you're a dead loss anyway.
  21. I'm not sure if you try to troll us but if you're actually serious, I'm gonna make a last try to open your eyes. You should face the truth that no one knows that your community even exists. It's not relevant for competitive JKA. Do your research (google for example), most people who play competitive in this game play saber only 1on1/TDM and after that probably CTF or MBII. The demo that I watched was random JA+ playing, I doubt that you can call that "competitive". or even skillful. I already regret even trying to argue with someone like you, but I'm out.
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