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Everything posted by afi

  1. Hi, I was just wondering if someone is working on recreating assets for standalone mods/games based on Jedi Academy. I was quite inactive in 2013 so I might have missed something but personally I think it would be awesome to have some kind of public resource of assets that everyone can use for their projects. Like... animations, effects, menus, models, maps, even if they are just placeholders.
  2. Jedi Knight Collection for -60% on steam. In case you don't know these you should check them out.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JamyzGenius


      Hey afiNity, i think i know you mate, i saw you in Traders Guild some time ago... hmhmmm

    3. minilogoguy18


      I already own the collection in their original CD form. ;)

    4. therfiles


      Awesome! Just snagged it. Thanks for sharing, Afi!


  3. afi

    Hey there

    Are you the liam from Quake 3? Aka the one with the fragmovies and frags in Get Quaked?
  4. If ported/stolen sounds/music/gfx are not allowed you have to delete 90% of the mods on this page.
  5. At least you didn't mention JKHub But what do you expect? Big companies don't give a fuck about mods and modders. They care about cash though.
  6. Iconically. @@SiLink: I really don't know, we want to add these demo-replays to the competitive play - wiki. I'm not sure if people would actually visit JKHub for them though. I think it would need several aspects to get those players to the JKHub. Which are files (demos, configs, movies), maybe interviews + newsletter (in case there's actually still something interesting to report ) and events. And a server would help as well obviously. I really don't know if it's not a bit too late now considering the overall population of ESL, MBII, CTF etc. I mean, if you would get all the (active/semi-active) ESL players to the JKHub this place would be full with players... You would really need to get a reason for them to stay though... The reason why I signed up to the JKHub were 1. Trying to get more comp players to the Hub 2. Cause I'm also a modder. Most comp players are no modders and don't give a shit about anything else than the ESL. Also, everything I'm suggesting here are suggestions based on my experience as an ESL and MBII player/admin. I don't really have a clue about the CTF - and the JA+ - community/clanscene.
  7. Well, you don't have tanks (maybe swoops or AT-STs) but you have weapons and force and strafe-jumping etc. So it depends on what you mean with easy to "learn". Like... when did you "learn" a game. If you're able to handle all force-powers and weapons? Or if you know how to move and to point a blaster pistol at your enemy. I think a game like CS or Battlefield is easier to learn tbh. And you actually have several hitzones in Jedi Academy. But I don't want to argue, I know what you mean.
  8. Well, games like Quake, Tribes or Jedi Knight only seem to be simple while they are actually really complex or at least take a long time to master. I mean, you can play Jedi Knight for 10 years and you will still learn something new or at least improve your skill. And I've played Quake Live for 4 years or so and still got owned 30 : -2 by players who played Quake for 6 years or longer. I think Quake 3 is hundred times more complex than new games like BF3 or CoD.
  9. Actually I did bother with it But you're right, it was a pain in the ass...
  10. I offered my help more than once when JKHub came out but the interest was obviously not really high. And it's the opposite way. The competitive players won't come to the JKHub if they don't see any reason for it. You have to give them a reason to stay. I wish JKHub was more like jediknight3.de back then...
  11. This sounds great. Is there some kind of readme/documentation?
  12. I would actually contribute as long as I have time.
  13. No, nothing is free to use as long as it's not explicit specified that you are allowed to use it. This should be common sense.
  14. Well, one reason for people to hang out here are the file uploads. Competitive players care about demos and configs. The reason why JKHub has almost none of these files are 1. You're only allowed to upload your own files and let's face it. Most oldschool players won't start uploading their demos so other people can download them. Configs and demos was always something that people traded among each other. 2. It takes a lot of time to upload several files with the upload-system we have on JKHub. I've got 2000 configs and hundreds of demos that are worth to be uploaded. It would take months or even years to do so. No judging, that's just a fact. And that's why people load their demos to places like http://www.mediafire.com/?brv1mutd43scl
  15. I can't speak for all players, but all the base players I know don't give a f*ck about mods and modders. The only mods most people I know have played on are servers with crash-protection even though those are not very popular cause they are known for having differences in saber-blocking (even though people are arguing whether that's true or not). What I want to say is: You modding-people (and yes, I created mods as well in the past) seem to live in your own world. This is a modding community? For who? Not for those people I've played with in the last 10 years. In my opinion JKHub missed the chance to gather all players of this game and instead you catered to the modding-community cause this page was obviously created by people from the modding-community. When JKHub was created it was advertised to be a central place for all players and I offered my help several times to help to include the competetive community in JkHub (and even advertised on the ESL page for JkHub when I was still ESL-admin). But in the end it didn't work out cause JKHub has nothing what competitive/clan-players want. ESL players stay on the ESL-forums, MBII-players stay on the MBII-forums and modding people stay on JKHub. Your (most JkHub users) arguments are always the arguments of modding-people who don't know much about the actual players and their needs. Do you guys actually realise that there is a world outside of modding and that this game is actually being played? A huge amount of Jedi Knight - players were never a part of any kind of modding community and don't want to have anything to do with it. Hell, where I come from (competitive base-JA) "Modder" is meant as an insult for people who can't play the base game.
  16. You guys are missing the point. It's not about the reaction of Raven/Disney/Activision or anyone else. It's a question of principle. And personally I would care a lot if someone would steal my work.
  17. Where did he say that modding is illegal?
  18. This poll show's one of the problems of JKHub. It's made for modders and made by modders and that's why you only see polls about modding and that's why you see no people in JKHub that are no modders.
  19. Do you really think that no one owns any rights of the Battlefront series anymore?
  20. In the end it would be even plagiarism when you don't use any original assets. The layout of a level, the shape of a character or the story/plot are copyrighted too. And don't ever think of putting a glowing lightstick in your game by calling it "lightsaber". You're not allowed to use any kind of names, including Jedi, Wookie, Mace Windu, or anything else. And not making money out of it is no argument, it's still forbidden and you can get sued for it. It's just that Disney probably won't care if you don't make money out of it, as long as your game/movie/whatever is not getting too popular. If it does and they see your "product" as a rival they might sue you anyway (for example releasing a free, fanmade SW-MMORPG when an official SW-MMORPG get's released). You always have to remember that big companys have shittons of lawyers whose job it is to sue all day long everyone who broke copyright-laws. Saying this, I don't think it's likely that these people will get problems with Disney. But some of you people here seem a bit naive :unsure:
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