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Everything posted by MUG

  1. It's Disney's Star Wars, not Tim Burton's.
  2. Oh you poor C users who are too FEAR to upgrade to C++, how you amuse me.
  3. And it includes empty servers (see: most servers)
  4. So you manage to start a game? If so, have you tried turning all the graphics settings down (mainly render distance)? MC has a habit of crashing on high graphics. Also, try installing optifine: http://www.minecraft...-and-much-more/ it will make MC run better, so less crashing and less lag. Also gives you way more graphics options to tweak.
  5. Does it crash on start up? or what?
  6. The button was just a trap. There is a far more significant thing spoilered in that image. Also yeah...lack of updates. We are totally still working on this map <.<. I'll see about getting it finished in the next couple of weeks and we can do some more Hydroball.
  7. Thing is, disney presumeably now own lucas arts, so it will be them making the games still.
  8. Guys, no one wants to make a new JK game. They can earn much more money making other SW games. This has been long established.
  9. I'm just gunna shamelessly plug this http://jkhub.org/files/file/1255-base-customisation-complete/ <.<
  10. They are presumably thinking they can earn over $4bn off it.
  11. Guess it has to be discussed. (edit: got ninja'd by http://jkhub.org/top...ilm-bought-out/)
  12. It's cause we largely ignore all italic purple text automatically =P
  13. Aye, sounds like you are using a custom res. Try either hosting a dedicated local server and joining, or using one of the default resolutions. If you do the local dedi server, you will need to put the bsp into a pk3.
  14. Throw it into base/maps and devmap it on. https://www.dropbox.com/s/t6k7tjx912ymick/clear.bsp It's untested, so let me know if its broke.
  15. So you just want a big ass space? I can do that.
  16. That may be so, but that doesn't stop you from putting a review in it. I think it is pretty awkward having all that clutter up in the file description. I really quite liked the short and to the point file descriptions on this site. So much better than having reams of text like on jk2files.
  17. Yeah, but that's what this handy area marked "Submit Review" is for. Not what the file description is for.
  18. really? They are variables that can be set via the console, such as cg_dismember or g_speed etc. I think it is short for Client Variable. I could be wrong, someone correct me if i got the name wrong xD
  19. basically, with difficulty and lots of time and learning how to do Icarus scripting.
  20. They be Russians.
  21. Why doesn't he actually reach into the bag. This bugs me greatly.
  22. What's with this JKHub review crap?
  23. Your maths is impressive.
  24. Had em in the cosmos clan map too =P Was good fun. Mini-tie last man standing was awesome. xD
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