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Everything posted by MUG

  1. Yup, sounds like your video card/driver doesn't work with q3 for whatever reason.
  2. Run it as administrator and under properties on your shortcut select disable visual themes.
  3. MUG

    Moviebattles II

    Really, we are having files that are just links to other files?
  4. that would be because its in Romanian. >.> (both because. lolromanian, and because I have no idea how to say any of the words correctly)
  5. When you say, "the game crashes", what do you mean? It just closes? freezes? Gives you an error message?
  6. Saw him do this the other day actually...might have been on TO.
  7. Hmm?
  8. http://soundcloud.co...agostea-din-tei I sing in Romanian now. Romanian is cool.
  9. I think there is a notifications options page somewhere. You can set what kinds of notifications you get for what.
  10. Surely you only need to modify the function that is called when the player clicks "get new list" to make it request info from several master servers rather than just one, and then add an if statement to whatever handles adding them to the list which checks if there is already a server listed with that IP?
  11. That should actually be possible.
  12. Most people will either be working from the ja+ default cfg or the one provided by their server host, so I doubt that would help much. It's really a case of spreading the word I think. Although I do wonder how much point there is at this stage in setting up the JKHub masterserver.
  13. Looking awesome sir. Good stuff!
  14. I doubt I would be myself. I think about 2 people would be around for an event on Christmas Day. It would prolly need to take place a week or so before.
  15. http://jkhub.org/links/category/5-server-providers/
  16. Hey, from the research I did recently. lowpingservers looked like one of the better options. Not especially, windows is kinda handy as you can be certain that if something works on your own PC, it will work on the server. Other than that, its not that important.
  17. @@Astral Serpent yeah but expecting me to remember things that I have read is not going to go well.
  18. Well, I didn't break it, but by changing gametype to ffa it goes to some custom map so is now un-joinable. >.>
  19. You would have needed a mod, aye.
  20. Pretty sure it has had it since long before opening. Was set up when the official master-server went down and people (erroneously) said it had been retired. The idea was to release a patch to the community which would let them use the replacement master-server, but the official one went back up and the idea was ditched. I guess they just never took down the JKHub master-server after that. tl;dr; its been there ages, there just hasn't been any way to use it at all, as the game is programmed to look for the raven one specifically.
  21. Awesome. Isn't this pointless in jkg though? as you just use one server? Get Razor to put this in ja++ xD edit: also, would be neat if you could allow the client to add new master server options.
  22. I was thinking of releasing what few textures I have made as a library of textures for mappers to use. Thought it could be awesome if we could gather up as many other textures that mappers are free to use without permissions, in order to give our mappers a bigger arsenal of textures to choose from. So basically, have you made any textures that are free to use? Do you know of/have any other textures that are free use? If so, post em here and I will compile a pack. (Obviously the makers will all be credited)
  23. Well a map is certainly a kind of mod, and there is a ton of mapping related threads under modding already =P but I fear we are going off topic. Are after a list of all the textures too or is it specifically shaders? I could theoretically load up each texture folder in radiant and use the texture browser to do a list with images if you really want..
  24. Modding assistance? =P As for the question. Your best bet is prolly just to open up assets one and work your way through all of the .shader files there. They are roughly separated by level, so that should make them easier to browse.
  25. I'm sure I can set something up on kak with @@Szico VII 's maps perhaps. I'll see about arranging a load of random events some time close to christmas if people are interested.
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