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dark soul

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Status Replies posted by dark soul

  1. How play multiplayer? I want slap some face with my lightsaber

  2. Warzone badly needs modellers and mappers. We also could use help with just about everything else (coding, sound, radio ads, ui, textures, whatever), if anyone here things they can help out, pm me or stoiss. Be a part of the next generation Jedi Knight game.

    1. dark soul

      dark soul

      I can only help with code tho, currently maintaining clanmod

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Anyone want a Steam key for Dark Forces II? I have an extra since I already owned that game on Steam.

  4. I've decided to take a break from MBII. After playing 3 hours straight today, and getting sabered by jedi over and over, I think it's time I took one.

  5. Bad trend: most new games are unmoddable. Are there any mods for TFU? No. For Deus Ex HR? No. Mass Effect 3? No... New Battlefront? ...

  6. Revan is alive!!

    1. dark soul

      dark soul

      Is there any more new appearances in SWTOR after that?

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  7. Why do some people hate autotune yet don't have a problem with manual pitch correction? I don't know anything about these really, but both can be used to make your voice better than it really is.

    1. dark soul

      dark soul

      I dun't hate autotune, I just don't give value to people basing his voice on it.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Not enough characters in jedi robes.

  9. Just a quick question do all mods and stuff work on the Steam version of Jedi Academy?

  10. You can get red orchestra for free on steam today.

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