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Honestly it's horrible. I find better the Indiana Jones-like Republic bounty-hunter.
Because someone needs the time and interest in making it
I don't have a JA+ cfg in my hands at moment but check that 80 hours have passed and that the time you have set up is the one you are into. I guess you already checked that, so try to use seta jp_autoQUIT "80-06:00" and see if it works that way. Also it could be related to use OJKDED instead of regular jampded, but I don't think it should really affect.
g_saberlocking stablishes saber locks, like in the movies g_saberlockfactor stablishes the probability japp_ammapAnyGametype 1 allows you to change to maps that aren't in a certain gametype. For example, it allows you to change using AMMAP FFA MP/CTF1 CTF1 isn't a FFA map, but with this cvar you can play it in FFA or any othergametype japp_allowledgegrab is to allow to grab when you are reaching a roof or something with your hands. It was enabled in regular JA+ back then. cg_fovAspectAdjusts adjusts fov aspect ratio so that the image you see isn't badly stretched.
there are a few Han's out there...
Tried them both and we exceeded memory usage. I'm moving to a CentOS VPS :/
Does anyone have the full version? I lost it and backed up only the lite one. I emailed Moondog but he didn't answer.
I can help you with Linux server-side support as I made the build there. Did you upload the fixes needed for the Linux build?
When is the next episode?
jp_motd "This is line1\nThis is line2\n^5Jkhub.org"
Afaik its jp_motd :/
use JA+, JA++, CM, or code your own MOTD thingy :/
Remove the && at the end though tomorrow i will check that line
Yep, everyone can join though it's sponsored I'm currently behind the server so it will receive the lastest updates.
- It's using OpenRP. It's features will be updated to the lastest release always. The map it's using is Taris_RP which can be found here in JKHUB.
OOC chat shouldn't be spammed(Some people use it as a normal chat and other players get "disturbed" by that. Like a 10 s between each message filter or something, though it can be solved through silence or disabling the channel through admin. It might take me sometime to figure out how UI works in OJK, but I will try to understand the ORP UI I took a few mins to take a look at the em list, if you want you can use this code : void Cmd_eminfo_F(gentity_t *ent) { if (ent->client->sess.loggedIn) { // emote list trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^3EMOTE list :\n\""); trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emaim, ematease, emfloating, embutton, emcommtype, emchoke, emdie, emdie2\n\""); trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emdie3, emdie4, emhello, emhips, eminjuredhand, emintimidate, emknees\n\""); trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emmindcrush, empoint, empush, emsit, emsit2, emsit3, emsit4, emsit5\n\""); trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emsit6, emsit7, emsorrow, emstand, emthrow, emtwitch, emtyping, emtyping\n\""); trap->SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"^5emwait, emhold, emspreadout, emmove, emclear\n\""); return; } }
Version 0.1
//////////////////////////////////////////////// /OpenRP Bit-Value Calculator/ /////////////////////////////////////////////// Description : This is a Bit-Value calculator based on OpenRP's admin bit-value commands. This will let you choose between different admin levels and choose whatever cmds you want. Updates & Support : In case this tool stops working or OpenRP receives updates it will be updated as well. Also, if there's any changes to OpenRp's code it will be added, as well as other bit-values. Distribution: Feel free to redistribute to your friends and all who need it. This file is only uploaded to JKHub. Comments : I started using a new FrameWork and decided to give it a try making this application. Credits : Thanks to Fighter for releasing OpenRP and its documentation THIS FILE OR THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD. ELEMENTS ™ & (©) LUCASARTS, A DIVISION OF LUCASFILM ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LTD. THE AUTHOR OF THIS FILE TAKES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ITS CONTENTS AND ANY FILES THAT ARE DISPUTED WITH SUPPORTING EVIDENCE MAY BE TAKEN DOWN BY THE JKHUB STAFF. IF YOU ARE THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR OF THIS FILE OR HAVE CONTENT THAT BELONGS TO YOU INSIDE THIS FILE YOU MAY CONTACT US TO HAVE IT REMOVED. -
More feedback : /amgivegun isn't working. I tried amgivegun player 2 , amgivegun player e11, amgivegun player e-11, blaster... and nothing. - I think it'd be cool if people could get enough money to buy things instead of having admins to give them money. Unused cmds : amalarm, amgiveskillpoints, amtimer, checkinventory, aminfo, hologram(Dunno what is this supossed to do, perhaps create a jk2 morgan image), /info Account commands seem to work fine Admin cmds : amannounce, amaudio, amban, amcheckstats (this one works fine, it displays the powers you have configured but you didn't even earn them), amcreatefaction works fine, only problem is that it makes you leader automatically and you have to logout to create other factions (Dunno who's the leader when you leave it and can't give leadership to other player)I guess our current workaround at the moment is giving some users an admin account with only that cmd), amdisguise http://puu.sh/b9dOW/5330073423.jpg doesn't work warnings aren't remembered amshakescreen works, amsilence works, amsetfaction works, amtoblack works, but it's not smooth amwarn warns but when you log out you loose it.( in this case, it'd be better to remove aftersome time or through admin) amweather works, but can't notice the effect of amweatherplus setstun is showed in public chat Suggestions : Restrict setstun to certain factions, such as policemen(Would be like the Republic and bounty hunters ) Bounty should be restricted to some factions only, else it could cause a big deathmatch in the server. Lightsabers shouldn't be get directly IMO, through a quest, or something. OOC channel needs to be limited so it's not spammed with other things Limit jumps : People can just jump as much as they want (Bunny hopping). bunny hopping is prohibited in RP servers like SA:MP RP servers. The reason is that people manage to get to wherever they want 5 times faster or even escape walking policemen. Each faction with a leader (If we can choose (admins) who the faction leaders will be that's okay. Else we would use the workaround I mentioned before. /do /try chat A very simple example : We tried to hack the lock of a door, we type /try hack the lock. /do requires the participation of another playing Example : > Then we continue roleplaying Another bug : 1:59:22 - [Console] - faction 4 1:59:22 - You are already in a faction and must leave it using /factionLeave before joining a new one. 1:59:26 - [Console] - factionLeave 1:59:26 - You aren't in a faction. 1:59:29 - [Console] - faction 3 1:59:29 - You are already in a faction and must leave it using /factionLeave before joining a new one.I'm working on a bit-val calc, which I will release tomorrow probably. Also I'll try to modify the menu to make it better / add more functions.
You could allow rage un npc only when they are above certain HP, like if they have 300 only above 200,180
Forgot to add to the linux fix, dedo cmake, then $ make -j4 -lpthread Tomorrow I will answer and give a lot more feedback
I don't have permissions to open a thread.
Hi there guys, I'm currently testing ORP in a Linux host. IP : ( I can't post on RP discuss and feedback so I post here, move it if you want ) my people are testing it, and I will report server-side and client-side feedback from them and the server. /shop cmd says unknown cmd emlist and info missing /setstun stuns with everything, grip, melee, every weapon. - If you choose to be force-sensitive, you can choose whatever forcepowers from the menu instead of getting them into your character. - Non force-sensitive players hold lightsabers and CAN use forcepowers. -(FIXED) how do we set admins? A db editor or something, or is there any server-side cmd? +We will still provide suggestions and feedback as long as I receive them. Last update 21:11 26/08/14 Segmentation fault : Linux build fix : (If you happen to have this problem while running the server : http://pastebin.com/uj42UpWV) Goto: codemp/game Open CMakelists.txt Goto where it says : if(WIN32) set(MPGameLibraries "winmm") endif(WIN32)Add afterwards if(UNIX) set(MPGameLibraries "pthread") endif(UNIX)Clientside : OPEN RP UI Seems like when you fail to login it crashes sometimes(I might be the only one tho) Suggestions : - Server paycheck proffesions, like Imperials (They get paid after sometime) - Something a faction gets rewarded for
Pretty nice, hope to have my server set-up today !