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Lord Spook

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Status Replies posted by Lord Spook

  1. Im gonna start streaming now, (mapping some new stuff) http://www.twitch.tv/wounder_ql

  2. Im gonna start streaming now, (mapping some new stuff) http://www.twitch.tv/wounder_ql

  3. Im gonna start streaming now, (mapping some new stuff) http://www.twitch.tv/wounder_ql

    1. Lord Spook

      Lord Spook

      I am mapping a council map for my clan... Its barely half done... Im going to stream today around 8pm, stay around :-)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Playing Coop of Dark Forces II with some friends. Jesus, Yun was hard.

    1. Lord Spook

      Lord Spook

      @NumberWan: Man thanks, im gonna download it now, join my nostalgia train *chu chu*.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. Playing Coop of Dark Forces II with some friends. Jesus, Yun was hard.

    1. Lord Spook

      Lord Spook

      @NumberWan: Man thanks, im gonna download it now, join my nostalgia train *chu chu*.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  6. Playing Coop of Dark Forces II with some friends. Jesus, Yun was hard.

  7. My MBII Client keeps crushing when I join on the server. Why :(? I have all patches and other stuff installed.

  8. My MBII Client keeps crushing when I join on the server. Why :(? I have all patches and other stuff installed.

  9. My MBII Client keeps crushing when I join on the server. Why :(? I have all patches and other stuff installed.

  10. My MBII Client keeps crushing when I join on the server. Why :(? I have all patches and other stuff installed.

  11. My MBII Client keeps crushing when I join on the server. Why :(? I have all patches and other stuff installed.

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