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  1. Circa liked a post in a topic by Catatonix in ''Couldn't load default.cfg '' error.   
    Well i didnt know about that if problem is Windows folder. Oh now it worked. I really appreciate for this. Again thanks for your guideance.
  2. Circa liked a post in a topic by NumberWan in Dantooine   
    Updated Dantooine. The farmland and spaceport areas are expanded a bit, but are a lot more detailed as well. The gameplay is also slightly changed so that the mission is nothing like 'a very long corridor, you run through'. While on a mission with Luke Skywalker, Kyle encounters a few enemies near the landing area and has to deal with them.

  3. Smoo liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Mod Contest '22   
    The results are in! You all voted and the winner is...
    For the Nightsister Assets mod. I hope to see these assets used in a full map someday! Nice work.

  4. Circa liked a post in a topic by Linken in Progress Report: October 2022   
    Hope you all had a great October! Let's get started!
    This month, all efforts were focused on the Character and NPC menus, and aside from some bugs needing fixing, the menus are very close to completion! Taking inspiration from the Galaxy of Heroes mobile game, we were able to code the menu to better display the character, and for Jedi and Sith alike, coded them to hold their respective sabers. Another cool thing is that now the Character and NPC menu will now share the same menu! Thus saving space!
    Additionally, thanks to the wonderful people at JK:Enhanced, we have also implemented the ability to manually spin around your respective character from any horizontal angle! We also coded a new feeder system so we no longer have to take up precious Menu memory space on manually inserting every single character skin, and they'll now be automatically added. Anyone wishing to modify the menu for themselves will also receive this benefit!
    Furthermore, we streamlined the UI and code a bit more to make accessing customization options and using them much more user friendly and engine friendly. Maybe prior CVARs coded for the NPC Free Choice System back at the mod's launch back in 2020 have seen to a major redesign. Though you, the player, may not notice anything, those of you in our community that have peeked at our source code may notice a few changes!
    Finally, we're introducing Lightsaber customization to the character menu! A heavily requested feature, taken from the NPC Free Choice System, you will now be able to modify your character's lightsaber to your liking, with a live display of the elegant weapon being held by your favorite character!
    Please note that these screenshots are from a current dev build so many things are in the works to be changed.

    Another element we're introducing to the Character and NPC menu is better Faction Organization. Many characters were introduced to certain factions and could make it fairly difficult to find your a character you were looking for. To better organize everything (and to allow for the potential for new factions in the future!), the faction selection section of the menu has been expanded to include many other factions in the Star Wars universe!
    New Factions being recognized are the following:
    Darth Revan's Sith Empire Brotherhood of the Sith Ancient Sith Empire Rule of Two Sith New Republic Galactic Alliance Imperial Remnant Fel's Empire Darth Krayt's Empire Sith Eternal Hutt Cartel Black Sun Crimson Dawn/Shadow Collective Independent Criminals (Renamed from Criminals) Yuuzhan Vong Death Watch Clan Skirata Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders Nightsisters Revanites Eternal Alliance Eternal Empire Jedi Order Sith Order Creatures I understand that this may lead to some concern regarding the potential of even more files to download, and that installation will be an even bigger hassle with more files to keep track of. We have thought about this and have taken steps to make this impact as small as possible, deciding to treat the main pk3s as an overall generalization for characters. The following is a list of changes that will be made:
    Two new Faction pk3s will be introduced, JEDI_SITH; for Jedi and Sith Order characters (including the custom Jedi and Sith), and OTHER (for all other factions). The FORCE_USERS faction will be removed, and publicly released as an empty pk3 file. All factions previously in Furthermore, there are other changes that will be made regarding character re-assignments. Though some changes may be obvious, I will also list some characters that will be given new factions in the next update:
    Darth Maul's Sith variation has been moved from Separatist Alliance to Rule of Two Sith Maul's criminal/Rebels variations have been moved from Separatist Alliance to Crimson Dawn Savage Opress has been moved from Separatist Alliance to Crimson Dawn/Shadow Collective Talon Karrde has been moved from Criminals to New Republic (currently not pictured in the below screenshots) Ren has been moved from First Order to Crimson Dawn Gault Rennow, HK-55, and Nico Okarr have been moved from Criminals/Civilians to Eternal Alliance And more! (Full list coming later) Here are some screenshots! Again, please note that these screenshots are from a current dev build so many things are in the works to be changed (such as "Choose your Side" likely being removed)

    It's been a busy month, and the work isn't quite finished yet, but we are close! We're still looking at other possible features we would like to include (controller support????), but for now we're making some steady progress.
    After this is completed, production on the Father vs. Son remake will continue (FOR REAL THIS TIME!).
    THank you for following the development of Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, and may the Force be with you.
  5. NumberWan liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Contest 22 Poll   
    I'm a little surprised by the lack of submissions in this one, despite the late start. Oh well, I'm glad we got a couple! Vote for the one you think is best!
    Nameless Ghost by Ramikad
    Nightsister Assets by Noodle
    Vote by the 31st!

  6. NumberWan liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Mod Contest '22   
    The results are in! You all voted and the winner is...
    For the Nightsister Assets mod. I hope to see these assets used in a full map someday! Nice work.

  7. bigphil2695 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Contest 22 Poll   
    I'm a little surprised by the lack of submissions in this one, despite the late start. Oh well, I'm glad we got a couple! Vote for the one you think is best!
    Nameless Ghost by Ramikad
    Nightsister Assets by Noodle
    Vote by the 31st!

  8. BlindDaThief liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Contest 22 Poll   
    I'm a little surprised by the lack of submissions in this one, despite the late start. Oh well, I'm glad we got a couple! Vote for the one you think is best!
    Nameless Ghost by Ramikad
    Nightsister Assets by Noodle
    Vote by the 31st!

  9. BlindDaThief liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Mod Contest '22   
    Every time 😛
  10. Kessno liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Contest 22 Poll   
    I'm a little surprised by the lack of submissions in this one, despite the late start. Oh well, I'm glad we got a couple! Vote for the one you think is best!
    Nameless Ghost by Ramikad
    Nightsister Assets by Noodle
    Vote by the 31st!

  11. ZelZel liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Contest 22 Poll   
    I'm a little surprised by the lack of submissions in this one, despite the late start. Oh well, I'm glad we got a couple! Vote for the one you think is best!
    Nameless Ghost by Ramikad
    Nightsister Assets by Noodle
    Vote by the 31st!

  12. OCD2 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Contest 22 Poll   
    I'm a little surprised by the lack of submissions in this one, despite the late start. Oh well, I'm glad we got a couple! Vote for the one you think is best!
    Nameless Ghost by Ramikad
    Nightsister Assets by Noodle
    Vote by the 31st!

  13. DarthValeria liked a post in a topic by Circa in Banner Artwork Contest   
    The winners have been chosen! I said I may end up choosing more than one if we got some good ones I really liked, and that definitely happened. Thank you to all of the artists that submitted. Even if you didn't technically win, I may still use your work for other things, so you may win in some small way anyway.
    Keep in mind the banner art will be changed periodically so if you don't see yours in there now, your art will have its turn. 🙂
    The two main winners are @ZelZel and @BenSlzak for the below two entries!
    Kyle vs Desann/Tavion                                                                                  Temple's Dawn

    Here are the rest of the submissions if you'd like to see the others, links in the spoiler tag. They are all really great and I'm excited to have some good material for banners, social posts, etc. going forward!

    Hopefully this was a nice little break from the usual mod contests and allowed for the resident artists to flex a little. We will definitely have more of these types of contests! More art makes the world beautiful. 🖌️
  14. Circa liked a post in a topic by Mizopolak in Help solve the problem with vertex normals   
    I found a way to fix this problem. of course it's a chore, but it's better than nothing.

    you need to copy the data of the normal of one vector

    and then insert the data into another vector after which the jackdaw disappears from the normals

    here we see one normal ray instead of two
    I'll finish it and show the result in the game

    here without a fix

    after the fix
  15. Circa liked a post in a topic by Minoda in Mino's Mediocre Maps   
    Hey, been wanting to start a thread for a while for all my mapping happenings. Decided to kick it off with one of the buildings from Star Wars: Visions, the Ninth Jedi.

    Put this together within a few hours so it's a first pass.

    Hope you all like it and would love to hear your thoughts!
    - Mino
  16. Circa liked a post in a topic by Tompa9 in Tompa's WIP thread   
    Ben Swolo edit for Movie Duels (re-textured Unguided's body texture to fit Force Arena's head). I might release it there later.

  17. Circa liked a post in a topic by ZelZel in ZelZel's Archive   
    Vader's Fist

  18. NumberWan liked a post in a topic by Circa in Andor - a Star Wars series on Disney+   
    This is what I've been saying about it as well. Feels like we finally have a show that doesn't hold your hand or made for children. It has a big story to tell about lots of characters and it jumps right in. The "slow burn" style of story telling is so much more intriguing than the traditional "adventure of the week" style of episodes we've gotten in the other series.
    This is definitely going to be my favorite Star Wars series so far, I could tell after the first couple of episodes. I love the other series too, but this feels so fresh and interesting.
  19. Circa liked a post in a topic by NumberWan in Andor - a Star Wars series on Disney+   
    I must say, that after seeing Mandalorian, I didn't hope to see anything really good (as I dislike Mandalorian). The Book of Boba Fett didn't deliver anything either, while Kenobi held me by the screen for a number of reasons. Yet it also had a few doubtful things, which I don't like at all.
    So I read a bit about Andor, whether it would follow the path of its predecessors and I must say – I'm glad it's nothing like what we've seen before. I watched 5 episodes, which I could rate in different way. Yet for now I would say that Andor is probably the best we get since the end of The Clone Wars Season 6.
    What I like here:
    So far we get 5 episodes, quite different in pace. Overall the show is enjoyable at least for me:
  20. mrwonko liked a post in a topic by Circa in Halloween Mod Contest '22   
    I know, I know. It's a little late. But I think everyone can agree that this is a fun holiday to celebrate, we get really creative submissions, and everyone that would normally participate is probably already working on something with or without the contest, so let's do this.
    Halloween contests are all about making spooky mods for Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy. Think about monsters, goblins, & ghouls. Vampires, zombies, & ghosts. Having a Star Wars twist is always a bonus, in my opinion. You can make maps, playermodels, skins, cosmetic mods, etc. If it goes in a PK3, it's fair game.
    All submissions must be Halloween-themed (so scary, spooky, frightening, etc. 👻) You can only enter your own creations. You may enter more than one file. Already existing files cannot be submitted. The goal is to encourage new creations! Any mod content is welcome, including skins, models, maps, weapons, menu mods, etc. Just make sure it abides by the rules. Files can be for Jedi Academy and/or Jedi Outcast. We will assume files are for JKA unless specified otherwise. The deadline for submitting content is October 27, 2022, after which a poll will be opened. The poll will be closed by the morning of October 31, 2022. Need inspiration?
    You can view the previous Halloween contests we've held at the links below. Lots of cool stuff in each of them! All are listed on the Contests page.
    How do I submit my mod?
    Our goal is to make it as simple as possible for everyone involved. The way you submit your file for this contest is to upload them as normal files in our file section, but using the category called Contest Entries.

    Click the button below, and submit your mod as you normally would. The category should be set to Contest Entries already. If you don't enter it there, your file won't be entered until you do. If you realize that you didn't do that, PM a staff member and we can change it for you. Good luck and happy sp00ky season! 🎃
    Submit to Halloween Contest '22

    View full article
  21. OCD2 liked a post in a topic by Circa in Banner Artwork Contest   
    The winners have been chosen! I said I may end up choosing more than one if we got some good ones I really liked, and that definitely happened. Thank you to all of the artists that submitted. Even if you didn't technically win, I may still use your work for other things, so you may win in some small way anyway.
    Keep in mind the banner art will be changed periodically so if you don't see yours in there now, your art will have its turn. 🙂
    The two main winners are @ZelZel and @BenSlzak for the below two entries!
    Kyle vs Desann/Tavion                                                                                  Temple's Dawn

    Here are the rest of the submissions if you'd like to see the others, links in the spoiler tag. They are all really great and I'm excited to have some good material for banners, social posts, etc. going forward!

    Hopefully this was a nice little break from the usual mod contests and allowed for the resident artists to flex a little. We will definitely have more of these types of contests! More art makes the world beautiful. 🖌️
  22. Circa liked a post in a topic by PreFXDesigns in Banner Artwork Contest   
    Good job everyone! Nice submissions 🙂 
  23. Circa liked a post in a topic by SWPlex in Banner Artwork Contest   
    Wow fantastic job on all the submissions! Blown away by the talent and potential of everyone. Would love to see more of these Contests in the future! I've had a blast!
  24. Circa liked a post in a topic by MagSul in Banner Artwork Contest   
    Some fantastic submissions!
  25. Circa liked a post in a topic by BenSlzak in Banner Artwork Contest   
    I just love how different these submissions are. Great job everyone!
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