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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Downloads will be back up tomorrow.

    1. Onysfx


      Most of the jedi have been exterminated. We only have to program the beacon and the downloads will be operational once again.

  2. Alright, I was in the process of finishing this up and take screenshots in-game, but I realized how poorly this model is weighted. And it doesn't have proper caps. There are also no eye-lids. It would be nice if someone could take a look and fix these issues. Not sure if it would be a quick fix or not. I summon @@ChalklYne @@DT85 @@AshuraDX. Although I know you are all busy, this would be nice to have fixed.
  3. They should work. They can't be in their own folder. The directory has to look like this: GameData/base/ext_data/npcsnot GameData/base/customfolder/exta_data/npcs
  4. Would be cool. Probably won't happen as far as this much work goes. Some people have shown interest in adding new saber styles though, like @@katanamaru. But it'll probably be one or two styles at first. Maybe more eventually.
  5. For those of you that didn't see yesterday, we are having issues with downloads. I will post a status when they are working again.

  6. Nice, I'll have to use that next time I play through it.
  7. How are they going to see/hear it if it's not on the server? Did I miss a trick to make things appear to others just by replacing things instead of adding? :blink:
  8. That's the trick isn't it? (Han Solo quote) You could attempt to EQ it I suppose. You could use a noise remover (I think Audacity has one). But it really comes down to the mic. Most microphones are crap at picking up so much ambient room noise. If you have any trouble, you can send your audio to me and I'll see what I can do. I'm an audio engineer major.
  9. Yes, but your Vader skin/model would have to be on the server as well for anyone else to see it. Same goes for any mod.
  10. It's looking good. I don't really have anything to critique yet.
  11. I never could really get this to work properly either. One alternative you could use, which works great, is use the "breathing hilt" technique as seen in this mod: https://jkhub.org/files/file/847-rotj-darth-vader-39breathing39-hilt/
  12. I'm surprised no one has jumped on this. That model is an from another game and if it was ported to JA, it would be illegal. Nobody can stop you from doing it, but it's looked down upon in most communities, including this one. We also will not host it here if you submit it. Sorry.
  13. Nice! Honestly, you sound more like an Asian speaking English than anything.
  14. Here is where we can share good sales or freebies for things we find for other people to take advantage of. I'll start it off. Just saw this great deal. Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout: Tactics are free from GOG.com. They're old games but classics and I've never had the chance to play through them. They offer both Windows and Mac versions.
  15. This isn't a great video link, but more of a disturbing one. http://www.wesh.com/news/central-florida/Corrections-officer-accused-of-hitting-inmate/-/11788162/23423528/-/db9i9uz/-/index.html?utm_source=hootsuite&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=wesh%2B2%2Bnews
  16. The game can always read files in folders. They don't have to be in PK3 files.
  17. Looks like they're working on JA now, according to their YouTube.
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