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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Whoa nice. What is "kitbash"? My main critique here is that the face skin color is too saturated. Makes him look pale.
  2. There aren't any others, unfortunately. All of the modelers will tell you to go learn basic modeling in the program of your choice first, and then use the tutorials on how to rig them for JKA.
  3. It wasn't intended to be just about OpenJK, but I guess that's what the majority of the questions are for. If that's what the people want, then I can change it to that. Doesn't matter to me.
  4. Mostly just put on hold until further progress is made.
  5. We can't "change our minds" on something like that. Ported content is illegal. We have stated multiple times that if the author of the Maul model can prove that it is not ported, it can be approved. But that hasn't happened. If this thread is going to be about begging for the allowance for ported content, then it will be closed. Frankly I'm kind of sick of it.
  6. I cannot. I am not a modeler. Sorry.
  7. Taken from another game. I'm fairly certain the models you are referring to are from the Clone Wars: Republic Heroes game. I can't tell you not to do it, but just letting you know we can't host them here.
  8. Those are most likely ported models, and won't be hosted on this site. Just an FYI for you. Carry on.
  9. Found the issue. Rename model_default_rex.glm to just model.glm.
  10. Wouldn't make sense to include them. The two are completely unrelated.
  11. Upload it and one of us could investigate further if you'd like.
  12. The interest in donating seems to be scarce at the moment, looking at the poll results. We'll wait a little longer and maybe try out a donation period to see what happens.
  13. You'll need to provide a little more info than that. They don't show up after you edit them, or when you load them initially? Make sure the paths are correct. They must be in a base folder like so: base/models/players/luke/ Also, if you changed the name of the folder of the model you are editing, you must change the paths in the .skin files as well.
  14. True. Then they recruited from the Imperial Academy from then on.
  15. It looks really cool. I look forward to it's completion!
  16. We have an "original assets" category for files if you'd like to upload it there as well. Cool stuff!
  17. Our first order of business from the news post is a new interview. I wanted to use that post for you guys to submit questions but maybe this will work better. The first one up is going to be a coder interview. Since the source code released, these guys have been hard at work on OpenJK, improving on the original code released by Raven. It's really some fascinating stuff and we'd love to know more about it. Especially now that rend2 is picking up speed these last couple months. So here's how it will work. We want you guys to submit any questions you have for the coders behind OpenJK. These should be on topic for the most part. We will sift through the questions and pick the best ones, if not all, depending on the amount we receive. The coders that have been contacted can submit questions as well, since it's a group. If you are a coder that we have not contacted, feel free to PM me. This is mostly geared towards the "JACoders" working on OpenJK but that is by no means a requirement to be a part of this. Go ahead and give us some questions to ask them!
  18. It makes me want to CTRL + A and delete.
  19. This will be off topic but I'm curious why you say this. It's silly to be organiz(s)ed?
  20. Are...are you serious? I use it as a workspace, but when I'm done, I move the files to the proper folders. Can't stand when people keep all their files on the desktop. That's what the hard drive folders are for.
  21. Might as well. Wishing in spring. Getting tired of the winter weather. Like I said. I keep mine spotless when possible.
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