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Everything posted by Supralord

  1. Supralord

    Atlas's Skin

    Great ! I like the blue guy
  2. The file is probably unfinished, i'll improve it but actually you can only use it in multiplayer.
  3. Supralord


    "Why yu don't bielive me, i'm balthier !!" (3 years i did this !@#$%^&* omg)
  4. Supralord


    J'ai fait la 1ère version de ce truc :') (I did the first version of this)
  5. can make a frankenstein with that? http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1230221 (between the body already released and the 3D model of the helmet in this link)
  6. hey brainy ! The red visor is already in this pack, but for the armor i just can tell you this skin use very strong shaders that i didn't make. So i think you have to replace the picture ".spec" in the "models/players/deviantmando" folder of the pk3 file by another, and change values of the shader. I'm not a shader creator, so i can't give you more details, sorry :/
  7. 5/5 better than others kylo ren's models, excellent with shaders on the helmet, it will be perfect
  8. did you download the alien model? because my mod is just composed of npc files, just the programmation, you need the model. here the link : http://jkhub.org/fil...ile/1226-alien/ now, put this with my file in your "base" folder and i think it will works
  9. excellent 10/10 i'm a big fan of kotor, thanks a lot
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