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Everything posted by spior

  1. I'M ON IT! Just as soon as you go into more detail
  2. Just here to remind everybody that you can use C++ for Android apps. And probably Windows RT too, I haven't checked.
  3. Whenever I get bored of the rest of the sites I browse. So every 5 minutes.
  4. What's your point? I just googled laughingwhores.jpg
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. spior


      Oh joy, I can't wait for Princess Twili-- OH WAIT <_<'

      Can't get any worse anyways.

    3. Ping


      wow, this took a serious turn for the much much worse. God help us all.

    4. spior


      It was a nice ride while it lasted... ;_;7

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViM34tafM44 This is probably the longest lasting thread on JKHub
    1. Mog


      I've heard of this...fills your hard drive with pictures of cats...it's not a virus, but a dude just pointing out a bug in HTML5

    2. CaptainChar


      nothing new there, sounds almost like those old fashioned worm types though

  6. Wow I am a fucking moron, aren't I? People are trying to push developers into making their programs multithreaded and here I am, making my dual-threaded SpiBot singlethreaded. There goes 2-3 months. Time to revert this, I guess.

    1. Didz


      Sounds like you're not using version control :P

    2. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      At least you can do it again and fix any problems you may have had before.


  7. Things will kinda suck without Cael. It's like he was the Dumbledore of JKHub. Keeping everything together, hiring a new DATDA teacher every year, responding to pretty much every thread ever, etc.

  8. You may be onto something. @@Scooper "); SayOutLoud("I LIKE CHICKEN"); } @@Milamber Did Scooper just yell out loud "I LIKE CHICKEN" ?
  9. Still waiting for it to be added to makermod. I have a quote that says you'll do it
  10. http://www.theverge.com/2013/2/21/4013500/no-women-onstage-at-Sony-PS4-event-game-industry-feminism It really makes me sad that this is news. OH NO, HOW WILL SONY EVER SURVIVE WITHOUT WOMYNS ;_;
    1. Mog


      People just need to get mad about things.

    2. CaptainChar


      sony exists still?


    1. CrimsonStrife


      And now, we shall have peace.

    2. spior


      Fuck no m8, season 4 is confirmed. Hopefully it will fix the evil that happened today.

    3. CaptainChar


      Unicron ate another hasbro world? he ate the go-bots world, and likelt pony ville

  12. Happy Valentines day...?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent


    3. Mog


      Happy "excuse to have sex" day.

    4. CrimsonStrife


      ^Since when does one need an "excuse"

  13. That's what I meant. If I don't see it, it's not there I just seem to recall @@Caelum mentioning you still have to use it even if you have one of dem programs.
  14. A large majority of people only need a computer for Facebook and windows 8 is pretty comfortable for that so no, I don't think it will go away any time soon. They MIGHT just MIGHT add an option to use start menu though. Even if they don't, start8 and ClassicShell exist for a reason. I hear it is pretty fast though. And I'm a sucker for solid colors. I just hope start8/ClassicShell remove all traces of metro.
  15. I may be going completely insane, but I might be installing Windows 8 soon. Help.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      Sir, Piracy talk isn't allowed here.

    3. spior


      It isn't? Since when?

    4. CaptainChar


      do you have fine grade crack...oh digital, dam nerds :P

  16. Not unless eye cancer and taking up huge amounts of space are an advantage. They're apparently more lasting, but not worth it imo.
  17. "You currently have 19.38 GB of Dropbox space." I seriously couldn't have milked dropbox more.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CaptainChar


      isnt milking the system the reason most people have to pay for said system?

    3. spior


      Who cares, I get a free 20GB, woo!

    4. spior


      Wait! I can apparently get 2.5GB more with Camera uploads. Time to take a billion pictures!

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