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Everything posted by spior

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PI_K-buvU8 Forgot if I posted this here. Oh well.
  2. I do know of them but never really used them. I now have about 2/3 months free so I'll pick this up again yay.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jango40


      Bad info if it's spibot

    3. CaptainChar


      Counter Strike server?

    4. spior


      How can a server live :|? No but I guess I can make one, I've hosted CS before, was no big deal.

      Anyway, I made my console jka client be able to move and attack and whatnot.

  4. It didn't work because dropbox thought it'd be terribly clever to have a shiny page for each picture. Draw each picture in a new tab and copy the URL in an tag. Like so EDIT: Ah fuck I guess it really doesn't work. Oh well.
  5. Ooooh, that last one looks interesting. This is definitely not Ragnos' color though
  6. spior


    Ha, ingame! Good one. Welcome
  7. There's always that feeling of satisfaction when you get called a hacker on CS. Even though you barely killed the guy and were left with like 2hp

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CaptainChar


      yeah, I used to do that a lot, then again, who didn't do that with the sprays? lol

    3. minilogoguy18


      Oh man, we might have to play CSS, I have got a porn spray that has gotten me banned many times but it is so hilarious, everyone who sees it just falls apart laughing.

    4. spior


      I just got CSS from a friend so that can be arranged :P

  8. Welcome, anime person!
  9. spior


    see also HI
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOXLc3rmK10
  11. I doubt I'll get any serious work done until the end of the month, we have like, 3 exams a day right now. Last thing I wanna do after school is code.
  12. Fuck...zero I never wanted it to end like this, makermod, I am so sorry. YOU WERE JUST SO INACTIVE D;
  13. @@BobaFett @@BobaFett @@BobaFett pls oh...last online Nov 2012
  14. ultra-utility.com is up
  15. it's not crashing because of that I bet. My guess is they have some character that windows forbids to use in filenames and I have no sanity checks for my files because who has time for sanity checks I'm kinda busy right now though
  16. Get fucked, I have to change pretty much every str* function because of that. Do not want. Bleh, don't really have a choice...
  17. Ugh, I never really added sanity checks for filenames. I assumed Nozy already handled that stuff Alright-y then It'd probably be a good idea to make a 2nd arg for a start file so you don't have to wait for it to reach 4k files again.
  18. https://bitbucket.org/spior/jk3files/src/b0bc8389a05daa211a045e14e2f5490d6b3fcc08/jk3files/j3f_func.cpp?at=master#cl-67 Here's the code that handles that error (assuming it's still the 10054 thing). If anyone finds something wrong then feel free to share. I am guessing that if(res) should be if(&res) but eh @@Didz @@Scooper @@eezstreet pls
  19. It does do that. I added some sanity check because why the fuck not, it might fix it. Re-download.
  20. That error happens when your internet kinda...fucks up. It /should/ have just went passed it but idunno. Trying to replicate it now.
  21. Accidentally memory leak. Re-download...
  22. It would be helpful if you told me where it crashes this time. Also, all you have to do is put the files you already have in the sorted folders in the same dir as the exe. It detects already downloaded files.
  23. With the newest one...? Okay I officially give up.
  24. I have fucking HAD IT with this site. Can't even back it up properly. Fuck. Here you go. Use "JK2" (case sensitive) to download jk2files.
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