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Everything posted by spior

  1. Caelum confirmed for brony.
  2. So how about that new Tosh.0...yea...

  3. Holy shit Inyri liked MY post. How much more awesome can you get!

  4. Wouldn't this make it kinda irrelevant for mods to have dedicated sites?
  5. Hey look, @>I KDR Exile I< isn't formatting his posts anymore.
  6. You seem to have misspelt kangaroos* there, Astral.
  7. He just needs to hit the gym a bit. And possibly a face transplant
  8. Astral Serpent's signature takes up half my screen.

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM8bTdBs-cw I've been listening to the whole album for days, if anyone has ears to spare that'd be great, mine are wearing out.
  10. spior


    I see you made some friends ...
  11. spior


    Nice to see you too!
  12. spior


    :DDDDDDDDDDDDD Makermod is a place of acceptance and peace!
  13. spior


    Lol. That sounds familiar. Still though, I seem to have you on xfire for some reason. Played makermod? I don't add many people especially on xfire...
  14. spior


    syrenajedi... You sound familiar. Hai there.
  15. I just made SpiBot even more bandwidth friendly than fucking ever. Seriously if it was any more bandwidth friendly it'd have no access to the internet. God damn I need a hobby.

    1. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      Implying being a hobbyist programmer isn't a hobby.

    2. spior


      But that's a shit hobby. brb buying guitar.

  16. Cael is 4 posts away from 1234 posts. That is all.

    1. spior


      Status posts don't count.

  17. Only 1 hour left http://octabooru.net/live

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CaptainChar


      duh I know that, but are we even allowed to post NSFW links is what I asked

    3. spior
    4. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      SpioR, the correct term is 'It is SFW', not 'It is not NSFW'

  18. It has come to my attention that SpiBot can now parse quotes, likes, @mentions and pretty much everything. I should find something else to work on, this is getting weird.

    1. spior


      It won't be that bad, it takes me 10 mins tops to parse any kind of HTML. I'll just have to not be distracted, of course.

    2. CaptainChar


      "we dun serve their kind, your droids will have to wait outside"

  19. spior


    Greetings Bogdan! Sorry to hear that, 14 years in a Romanian jail sounds rough.
  20. I already have the code working in SpiBot. Some of the servers just aren't replying to my getstatus and I have no idea why. Poke me too if any of you two get it working, I've been brainstorming on this for freaking ever.
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