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Posts posted by hleV

  1. Well, Wookieepedia says that Jaden carried a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol along with his lightsaber, and would occasionally use other kinds of weaponry (likely picked up during missions).

    Not sure about Kyle, though. Did he still carry his Bryar pistol during the events of JO (once he re-obtained his lightsaber) and JA?

    IMO the amount of guns the player can carry should be limited, and visible on the body at all times (as opposed to being hidden in "inventory"). Some guns (like FC-1 flechette launcher) should only be available to be carried in hands and dropped on the ground upon weapon change.


    I would actually love to see a "canon" edition (perhaps something controlled via CVAR?) of JA, with correct Jaden's appearance, saber hilts/colors, etc.

  2. You'll have a hard time recording with any software if you have a shitty PC. For comparison, I have a Radeon HD 6870 OC (Intel i5-2500 CPU) with a shitty 5400 RPM HDD and I don't even consider recording any game.

    • If you have a non-outdated NVIDIA card, you can try Shadowplay.
    • AMD seems to be offering Gaming Evolved.
    • Dxtory if you have a fast HDD (7200RPM).
    • MSI Afterburner is decent, but produces really large files (can't see it being a problem unless you're short in disk space).
    • 9000+ others.
  3. At this point I'm not even sure what merging means. JK: Enhanced supposedly enhances the already existing JK games, but DF2 Mod is a remake, not an enhancement of an already existing game. But again, I don't know how things work here. I wouldn't mind DF2 Mod (which I really want) to be based on JKE and have its features, but I don't think it should be included as part of JKE... "series", if that's what you had in mind (there seems to be a verb missing in the first sentence of the OP). But JKE having enhanced versions of JO and JA while DF2 Mod being something like JKE: DF2 could work, I suppose.

  4. For me, it takes the indescribable feeling and mystery of the movies away



    TCW doesn't have the same SW atmosphere. It introduces things that make the events in the movies not seem all that special anymore, but do it in a bad and uninteresting way (Anakin vs Light vs Dark vs their father being a good example). A show being boring and uninteresting is one thing. Screwing around with the information (or lack thereof) we had from the movies and liked a lot is another. Making it canon? Yeah, fuck you TCW.


    I like Ashoka. Probably the coolest character in TCW. The show is still shit.

    eezstreet, Grab and Sithani like this
  5. I guess it depends on what you consider to be Star Wars.

    Star Wars has to be good (OT) or at least mediocre (PT). TCW doesn't fall in those categories.


    You may not feel good about the fact that the show you happened to like actually sucks balls (compared to good or mediocre stuff, if you're not following yet), but that's something you'll have to deal with.

    The fact that in the first post you only pointed out the good aspects (according to you, I could easily argue that your points don't prove the show is good) of TCW to proclaim the show as "good" implies that you're actually blinded by your love for SW and can't see how bad it actually is.

  6. Did my post just get deleted?



    Yeh but it's either you do something about it or stop complaining, either way they're richer than the complainer lol.

    I'm not complaining, I'm pointing out that it sucks. I don't have to do better for my point about TCW being bad to be valid, all it takes is to compare it to something that is widely accepted as good (hell, even mediocre) and any sane person that isn't blinded by their love for Star Wars will see that TCW is fucking stupid. Your logic is as flawed as it gets.

  7. I hated that TCW introduced things that the movies didn't even hint at existing:

    • some spiritual world Yoda has to go to, while nobody else needed to do such a thing to become a Force Ghost? WELL YEAH WE NEEDED TO MAKE THE SHOW "INTERESTING", WHO CARES IF IT MAKES NO SENSE, IT'S FOR CHILDREN!
    • a random world where a light side and a dark side users exist and are 5432645756743654 times stronger than any other Jedi/Sith, have a sad father, and can only be stopped by the Chosen One, which just happens to be "teleported" there? I'M OUT OF FUCKING COMMENTS!

    TCW is fucking garbage and anyone who things otherwise is either a child (in heart, anyway) or a fucking idiot.

    Sithani likes this
  8. I've (more or less) retired from making JKA mods entirely (and I retired from JKG even longer than that), so I'm not really in charge of anything. I do give advice to the team when it's asked for though (like if they ask me for help, etc)

    Get JK2 to properly support widescreen cutscenes on Windows before you completely retire!

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