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Posts posted by Jrue

  1. The short answer is it wouldn't - even if you could break the models down into enough surfaces to run in-game, you would most likely run into severe difficulties getting a fully-ported modern BF model to run in JKA.


    I speak from experience in just using parts of those models, let alone the whole thing.

    How difficult would it be for me to weigh just the torso, specifically the chest?

  2. I summon @@Kualan and @@Jeff for aid in finding some possible parts.


    These kneepads (mainly just the front part)



    And these elbow pads:



    Or if anyone else knows of a model that resembles these parts, please let me know.

    I can get them, actually off of a model port of Sabine from a rebels game. If you are okay with that I can weigh them to a model of you want?

  3. I'm gonna go ahead and shamelessly ask XD, would it be possible for me to take a look at that ported Mando armor from SWTOR? I can use it as reference for an actual legal model. I can see there is quite a few things in here that have yet to be released but yet still look beautiful... (Trust me, I have the same problem. I've done hundreds of skins for thestarwarsrp.com and plan on releasing them sometime in the future... maybe...) If you've lost interest or rather don't have the time to finish them I can always see what I can do.


    Check this link, it is a rp'ing site for the old republic it has a model pack with the ported Mando, might help you!



    Torki and AuriusPheonix like this
  4. This is one long requested, this isn't exact but it is the same species, I still have to fix the arms but the head is near done


    Besalisk (Pong Krell & Dexter)






    I bolted the arms to the pelvis so they are attached to the model they just don't have any rigging, I am planning on modelling them so they fold around the chest, that may look more natural.  I also updated the head, this head is for my own custom stories but I can always reskin for a pong krell




    Noodle and Śăļvõö like this
  5. More stuff.



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    What weapon are the storm troopers using in the fight with Ren 

  6. They look good, but be careful with some of them - you might want to consider a private release instead of the Hub as some come from live, still active properties as opposed to what is effectively abandonware (like SWG is).

    Yeah, similarly to your thread I was going to keep the ones with Active game assets private :)

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