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Everything posted by CaptainCrazy

  1. I always try to leave reviews on content that i download from her. Yes i know sometimes my reviews can be what the author doesn't want to hear but truth makes talent stronger.
  2. I, somehow, mis-read that as "Yes my dad forgot the word for it..." Was thinking "Why did he need to ask his dad??" Oh well a darker song but i think this is actually the song from the Geonosis arena but, in the movie, it's also used when Anakin marches on the Jedi temple. However, on the movie OST there seems to be a version made just for that scene. Like you'll notice that this one has a longer intro but the actual "Temple March" doesn't (as you can hear in the second version 0:23)
  3. Well if you want me to make the spikes for you then message me, maybe send a few reference images and I'll make them xD
  4. To be honest the horns don't even look that hard to model but i can understand that you want to get the placement right as well
  5. Hmm tough one really.... I loved EP4 onwards because them movies had this feel where you really wanted to be part of the Star Wars universe, it was more gritty and "rustic." I'd much rather be part of this era than the prequel era for this reason However i like the prequels because they introduced us to a younger Obi-Wan and really helped us to understand this character a lot more. For me i only really cared about the character arc of Obi-Wan and Palpatine in the prequels, was never really a fan of Anakin but i did like his dueling skills. I'm going to go neutral and say Attack of the Clones because it also spawned The Clone Wars which i also enjoy and sometimes think that it is better than the prequels because they have more time to show how the characters develop.
  6. Hey that's a pretty awesome likeness!!
  7. Was going to say, i see a lot of "his" on the forum and i thought "Why do they assume everybody here is male?" lol
  8. I was actually making fun of myself and not being sarcastic or "obtuse...
  9. Kinda making a bit more sense now xD I was looking for maybe a lightsabre tutorial that demonstrated it (i do want to make lightsabres at some point) to get my head around it better. The way you guys talk about it, it's almost like a whole new language to me lol.
  10. Or maybe i should just try to phrase things properly, you didn't even make a sound so how could i say "it sounds like?"
  11. I tried to do a search but it's all titled and you have to click on the title to even open the page: http://toolz.nexuizninjaz.com/shader/shader/index.html As you can see it merely lists the topics, it doesn't really let you search for words unless you're talking about a different manual :unsure: As i said before, i did try to look at various textures from the game and then look for the shaders that accompanied them but i couldn't find any or they were in some large text file. When you say stages it sounds more like an animation than a visual effect lol.
  12. Yes i know about the shader manual but i don't want to have to read through the entire 20+ page thing just to find one particular shader. Like i want to, for example, know how to make my own glass shader(s) or env (if possible) shaders. My problem is that i don't like to use pre-made textures and such, i prefer to make my own content even if it means having to learn a load of stuff in order to do it. I have tried looking at the shaders of the game for reference but i can't seem to cross reference textures to matching shaders in order to see how they work.
  13. I'm actually trying to work out how to make spheres with brushes myself, could be tricky xD
  14. Well I've only seen upper torso pictures, can't really get very far with that lol.
  15. I'm actually working on some TCW clones myself, always liked that show
  16. Isn't skinning more of a texturing thing? Now if you had the actual model then it'd need to be skinned to a skeleton for rigging and animation. I'm assuming that you need somebody to model this character, texture it and rig it though
  17. Wouldn't it be easier to just work out the maths, scale a character to that size and save it as a reference file rather than scale everything each time you want to make a model? xD
  18. Well what'd be the difference between making it using brushes and making it using models then? At least, on most engines, when you make the mode you can make collision to go with it and then not have to manually make brushes to encompass it in the engine. I guess it is better, just need to mess around with it and I'm getting frustrated because the models aren't even showing up properly in the game
  19. Well now i have a really strange problem (I'll deal with the collision later i guess...) Whenever i view my model in-game it looks like this It's kinda annoying because In GTKRadiant it looks normal but in the game it looks like crap.
  20. Wouldn't making Caulk brushes just be the same as making actual brushes though? Kinda defeats the purpose really lol.
  21. Well, in Source, unless you manually make the collision hull you can't even shoot through holes and such let-alone walk through a doorway. So if i made a wall with a doorway, using a model, I'd be able to walk through the doorway with no problem? When you say manual clipping doesn't that mean making your own collision?
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