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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. @@GPChannel @@Circa @@Psyk0Sith Lightsaber hilts in JKO expect a tag_flash instead of a tag_blade. So in order to make it work you'll have to rename the tag.
  2. I think @@Daedra recently tried to find this shader, I don't know what it's called but I think this one is hardcoded or something. Do you have Jedi Outcast? The Titlelogo in the main Menu has the type of effect that you want, but it doesn't work on all graphics cards - rend2 may fix that though.
  3. That's because Dropbox doesn't know what to do with pk3 files, you can still download them though.
  4. I took an indepth look at @@Noodle's house model which is a really nice little model But I think it could be improved, let's take a look at the wireframe: There are a lot of vertices that do not contribute to the silhouette of the model at all, look at all those extra divisions in the back of the model or the sides, we don't need them. So we'll remove them. We can also greatly reduce the amount of tris in the Dome at the Top and the bolts. Just by collapsing every other edge in the upper pat of the dome we can save some geometry with only minimal effect on the silhouette. The key when working with lowpoly stuff is to use the least amount of geometry necessary to maintain the silhouette you want, by saving as much as possible on flat spots, you gain an increased budget for the rounded parts. So let's take a look at the model after removing a bunch of triangles: This saved us 372 Tris and also a lot of vertices, but we will use a lot of those saved vertices to improve the shading of the model, here are some side by side comparison shots. Left is the original, right is the retouched version: I have set plenty of edges on the model to be hard, which essentially splits the edge and duplicates the vertices*. I also added a few extra tris to the rounded blocks at the roof Let's take a look at the UV Layout and Texture deformation So what do we have here... 1. Some very, very ugly stretching on those disk shaped bits on the side of the house, also around the edges of the base of the house andmost toher blocks besides the house's main walls 2. Very uneven texel density across different parts of the model - this is not a "bad" thing when done on purpose and systematically to give important detail pieces, or Ponits of interest more texture space. But seeing how random this is, I doubt that it was intentional here. 3. TONS of wasted Texture space - all of that red checkered stuff could be used to add more detail to our textures, or cut away to save on filesize without sacrificing detail. Let's fix those! This sorts out the model, let's transfer the original Texture over to our reworked UV Layout and see what a difference that makes. The Image on the left is noodle's original 2048 x 1024 Texture, the one on the right the same texture transferred to a new 1024 x 1024 Texture time to view it on the model: By doing this we also transferred some of the shortcomings of the original texture, that were caused by the distortion in the original UV Layout over to our new UVs. The only way to fix this is to retexture it from scratch, which I did. I used the same textures from the base game that Noodle used to get my base texture and just added a bit of sand buildup to the upwards facing parts and the corners: A link to the retouched model: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pjo3f6fqx57rj0g/DailyChallengeHouseRework.pk3?dl=0 I hope this was educational to everyone who recently picked up modeling *This splitting usually occurs on export but for the sake of this demonstration I manually split all edges that would be split to get comparable vertex counts between both models.
  5. Soon with roff support!
  6. Slowly sneaking up on a public release... I have been ironing out bugs on top of bugs on top of even more bugs for the past 3 weeks, but today I managed to get some work in on introdcuing a new feature to my ClipGen modifier My Q3ME ClipGen modifier can be used to quickly create bounding geometry for all sorts of objects, previously it was capable of generating a bounding box or a simple convex hull. Now I have added the option to export ANY geometry to a file format that can be loaded by the modifier and allows the modifier to apply user made clip shapes to any object. As demonstrated with the dog statue in the video. EDIT: I messed my OBS Settings up quite badly, so the video quality is shit - gotta record a new and proper tutorial when I'm ready to release the plugin.
  7. @@dark_apprentice Everyone seems to think of me as the stereotypical german ^^U The laws in regards to sharing copyright protected files are less than clear all around the globe from what I know, including germany. The general gist seems to be that the uploader of copyright protected content is the one that makes himself subject to possible legal actions by the copyright owner. I'm not saying that it will happen, just that it would be possible. https://venturebeat.com/2017/05/27/the-emerging-legal-battle-over-video-game-streaming-rights/ This is what I think that EULA section is meant to mean. It permits users to upload/stream game footage or screenshots and make fanart of the characters depicted in the media without having to fear that the developer sues them or issues a DMCA claim against them. I can answer why forums like facepunch are still around after all this time. The site itself is not responsible for what users post and as such it is difficult to make them accountable for that, this would change if the site hosted the copyright protected files themselves, but afaik facepunch do. The copyright owners can take legal action against the one that uploaded the file and the ones that may have shared the link elsewhere, but they can't really do much against the platforms the link was shared on. Which is exactly why we don't accept submissions that contain copyright protected assets in our files section, as we'd then lose the shield that protects JKHub as a site from legal countermeasures. They can force us to remove the posted links, but I don't know whether we have to comply when they request us to hand out the private data from the user that posted the link, which may include things like your e-mail address, IP, date of birth and whatever else that might not already be publicly visible on the users profile page that could be used to identify the user and hold him/her accountable for the committed copyright violation. I also want to let you know that I don't feel about this the same way as I did with that MD2 Flame War, I was just mentioning that this infact very civilised discussion has been kicked off by similiar causes as the aforementioned flame war. On the note of languages, neither of us speaks/writes perfect English (which is not to be expected) and as such, miscommunication like what we experienced here can happen rather quickly. I think we should stick with english for the sake of getting more practice, getting more comfortable with the language and as such improve our communication in this language. All in all I'll gladly answer your virtual hand shake with an equal honoring of your opinion, which isn't too different from mine after all.
  8. Oh boy. Yes, you completely missed my point, thank you for confirming that. Let me show you what I mean: Why do you believe that, when the first sentence in my post that started this debate goes completely against that assumption of yours? I am completely indifferent to whether you port stuff or not, I'm offering feedback on the work people do with it. Feel free to question @@Asgarath83 or @@Tompa9 about it if you feel the need to. My intent is for people to learn a new skill and have fun with that new skill. And in that case it does not matter whether it is rigging, modeling, texturing, painting, rock climbing or anything else I have a decent amount of knowledge about. All I pointed out was that it''s hypocritical to take a model from someone else (like the company that owns the videogame said model is taken from), edit it and then get mad when someone takes your edit, edits it and posts it somewhere else. As that is pretty much what you have done before. I will say that it has gotten better and you people state more clearly where the models you have taken came from. But you still didn't ask for explicit permission to take the model out of its source media and share the files online, have you? That Is everything I meant to say. I don't know if you simply didn't read my post carefully, had trouble understanding what I said (the Language Barrier I was getting at, which you neglected) or just enjoy putting words in my mouth for the sake of having an argument. I really don't know , but this is literally the same as what happened last year back on the MD2 Thread: A single person didn't read my post properly and started an argument over porting that stretched over more than one page - which is unnecessary drama that could easily be prevented by simply reading things more carefully. Thank you.
  9. @@dark_apprentice, got a link to the EULAs for the games yo uare talking about? And can you specify the exact passage you are referring to? EDIT: I assume you are referring to this https://jkhub.org/topic/7857-updated-eula-regarding-porting-content/?do=findComment&comment=109519 more specifically, this section: Which leaves lots of room for interpretation, especially since "user generated content" is clearly defined at all.This doesn't seem like a "take all the things you want" clause but more like a clause that allows people to stream their games, upload "let's plays", screenshots and such things. I'm not sure wether this applies to redistributing the game assets, in fact I highly doubt it. But I'm not a lawyer. I still don't really understand what you mean, it feels like you are missing the point I made, I think we may be hitting a language barrier here.
  10. Unlikely, there is a shader parm that forces q3map2 to apply that effect to all surfaces, but since that is an effect applied by q3map2 it won't work here. Perhaps there is a way to achieve it, but I wouldn't know how off the top of my head right now.
  11. @@dark_apprentice please take notice that I work in Merchandising and also have experience with license contracts and royalties. During my time at this company I have worked with Licensors such as Global Merchandising, Epic Rights/Perryscope, Bravado, Livenation and Warner Music The fact that the games story lines are no longer considered canon does not affect the license, that's completely unrelated. While LucasArts may have been closed as a game Development Studio and Publisher, it is still intact as a Licensor, and as such Disney is still getting revenue from sales of old Star Wars Games that were licensed to LucasArts. And therefore I'd argue that this point is moot. I get what you mean, at least I think I do, that post was rather difficult to go through on my phone. If you feel like someone is flaming you on this forum, make use of the report feature. That's what it is for. But my point that getting upset over someone taking your port and modifying it before reposting is nothing but hypocrisy remains though.
  12. @@Jeff, @@dark_apprentice have you ever heard or read the term fan art? If anyone of us goes ahead and creates a fan made depiction of a character or location in any medium, be it a drawing, sculpture or 3d model. It's something completely different from Ripping and porting a depiction of a character that was made by an artist, who was hired and paid by a Game developer, to be featured in a video game which is the developers property. And in the case of a Star Wars game, that Game was developed under a license with specific terms granted by the owner of Star Wars. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_art, https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Fanart See the difference? One is legally untouchable (as long as you're not making profit off it) and generally seen as a tribute to the original source, while the other is a copyright violation on multiple levels.
  13. Honestly, I don't care if you restrict yourself to porting stuff, it's fine if you want to do that - it's your decision. BUUUUUUT(T)... I don't get how people can feel so entitled over ported models. You may have converted it to another format and you may have rigged it, which was your work, yes - but the original model was still made by someone else and usually taken without asking for permission. Taken from someone who put a lot of time and work into crafting a beautiful model. And you come along feeling like it's okay to be taking their models without asking, yet get annoyed by people who take your rigging work without asking? See the irony here?
  14. Or just naming the model folder of the replacement like the original model folder. If done correctly the new model will just replace the old model ingame
  15. @@Noodle well, just in time to break my edit of your post
  16. @@Langerd @@Droidy365 I think I "fixed" it, try the link.
  17. Open the console and see if there are any error messages in there. What do you mean by it doesn't work? The sounds don't play at all? The sounds are really noisy and messed up? Or are you still hearing the default sounds?
  18. Any more details? "It nO wörrrrk" is not the most descriptive way to make us understand where your problem lies and to figure out what may cause said problem.
  19. In theory there is another method to achieve this that'd actually solve the issues you have with the current version. The problem is that it doesn't work on most graphics cards in the vanilla version of the game. I'm also not 100% sure if you can actually get the same visual result with this alteration. I'll dig into it later.
  20. aaaaah, poop! you might have to compile via a .bat file and force a dump to file
  21. Can you send me a full compiler log up to that point? It should be possible to identify the exact patch/brush that's causing this.
  22. If you happen to run into any freak q3map2 errors, chances are that I've seen and fixed them while developing my mapping plugin for max, so if you encounter anything you don't know hit me up ;D
  23. @@Bad Dancer the first one is definitely possible, not sure about the second one. Here's a possible solution for the first shader: textures/example/texture { { map textures/example/texture2 alphaFunc GE128 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE depthWrite rgbGen identity } { map textures/example/texture1 alphaFunc GE128 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE depthFunc equal tcMod scroll 0.25 0 } } For this to work your texture2 is expected to have all black RGB channels with your black and white alpha in the alpha channel. Texture1 does not need any alpha, it will appear transparent based on brightness. I did not have the time to try that shader yet, but it should work.
  24. so you want to render only the white parts of the first texture with the alpha channel of the second texture?
  25. Here's my entry: An Idea I had for a while, I made a hologram shader that doesn't require any non-base textures as a proof of concept. This entire appeareance is based on a few lines of text in a .skin file and a .shader file, no changes to the model or the textures were made! spawncode: npc spawn kyle_holo playermodel kyle_holo https://www.dropbox.com/s/5nlx4w0qznnmvix/holo_test.pk3?dl=0
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