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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. still have to export it as an ASE for him @ I could also create a few textures for you if you need any I could porbably create a larger version of the wood texture used for the grindstone which you could then use in your map
  2. @@Boothand better ? about 50% strength for the snow bump
  3. @@Boothand thanks to substance designer that's easily changeable just have to drag a slider around
  4. I think those steps need more "weight", let his "hips" come down a bit more with the steps and probably let his knees bend slightly further I think it looks incredibly static atm as the hips stay at the same height all the time
  5. Just spent allmost 45 minutes writing a breakdown for Boothand XD

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tempust85


      I must be the only modder here who knows absolutely nothing about music. :P

    3. Circa
    4. Boothand


      No, actually it went exactly like this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58757568/Shoe Retrieval.mid

  6. Normal mapping off : Normal mapping on : @@Boothand let me explain my process, I've linked images to illustrate the process : After redoing the UVs, I took one of the wood textures I've linked here yesterday and a random stone texture I had on my hard drive and layed those out in Substance Designer, in Substance I tiled, scaled and rotated the textures until I achieved the look I was going for and then masked textures to the appropiate UV chunks and added a few nails. This map would later become my premade diffuse map for dDo I then used "bitmap2material light"(the full app is like Crazy Bump, but on Steroids) inside of Substance to create a normal map & specular map from those textures which I later overlayed ontop of my baked normal map from 3ds max I used the generated premade spec map and the combined normal map later in dDo using the generated normal map I let Substance create a curvature map, then used a levels adjustments to isolate the (black) cavitys in the wood. I did this to create a neat overlay for my baked Ambient Occlusion map from max After blurring the baked normal map and multiplieing my overlay on top I ended up with this AO map for dDo Using the material masks I created earlier, and some Photoshop work I created this material map for dDo (Beige=Wood, brown=Stone, brown/redish-grey=iron) by then I had everything I needed to get started in dDo. I won't explainwhat I did in dDo so here are the finished textures, notice that I scrapped the stone texture I used and replaced it with a texture generated by dDo here's the end Product : Diffuse Specular Normal Gloss then I took those back into substance to add snow, using various tools and quite a bit of painting in Substance to get a decent snow mask, here is the snowy version : Diffuse Specular Normal Gloss Any comments/wishes @zeƒilus ? I can easily tweak the snow and everything you want to have tweaked
  7. Painting a realistic wood texture is hard, very hard stylised wood textures are kinda easy though anyway here's what I could do to the Grindstone, I remade the UV's to get a more even texture resolution over the model 3D preview (link to sketchfab) @zeƒilus if you want snow on this let me know and I'll make a snowy version
  8. woah, that needs to be cleaned up the handle is a complete mess right now You have quite a few random vertices you really don't need (atleast from what I can tell) in there
  9. @@Mandalorian Sorry again, Wireframe overlay would be better than a pure wireframe pic I need to express myself more clear the next time
  10. @@Boothand send me the model and i'll retexture it if I find the time to do so cgtextures offers free textures anyone may use so there'S no problem with that
  11. give it a run, if it's not too much work probably the code willl have to be tweaked though
  12. wireframes please ! keep it in mind for your WIP models as wireframes make it easier for us more experienced modelers to help you improve your models
  13. @@Boothand 2 options : a. sketchfab is acting up on me b. the textures are blurry as fuck and quite low res O.o if it's the latter get a neat high res wood texture and a sharper stone texture for the stone, it should have a really rough surface try these for the wood : http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=36869&PHPSESSID=j2h23k0udd9atu526b480ctc13 http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=39500&PHPSESSID=j2h23k0udd9atu526b480ctc13 I'll keep looking for something fit for that stone
  14. @@Barricade24 sure, just let me find and upload it you mgiht want to reskin it though as I did a pretty quick& sloppy job while texturing that skull Edit : found it https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35503378/Skull.rar
  15. I don't know how the texure is set up but this could probably work : models/players/Gregor/visor models/players/Gregor/visor { { map models/players/Gregor/visor blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen identity } { map models/players/Gregor/visor-spec blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow } }try with and without the "rgbGen identity" line this line will prevent it from recieving shadows, see wether you like that or not
  16. Put another few hours into this - still have to finish the black piece, currently it relies on smoothing groups for those hard edges which is something I will have to change later
  17. @@Barricade24 better, yes now show me that shader and give me your helmet texture I'll take a look at it
  18. and keeping their chances to learn something new that low keeps more from starting as they give up before they even got started
  19. Stevenus ! Welcome to the Hub, Long time no see buddy
  20. I just remembered that I still have this guy somewhere
  21. @@minilogoguy18 if you get it a decent UV map I'll texture 88 for ya, you guys can also count on me for a few of the guns @@DT85 we should probably start splitting up the list of guns
  22. I'd darken the specular map a bit for most of the armor as it shines pretty bright atm which doesn't match the greyshade camo paint on his armor
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