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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. Let me play around with this a little I was thinking about getting back into mapping for a while now and I wanna see how far I can take this.
  2. shit. I just deleted them in my copy of the source files guess i'll just import them back in if my lighting adventure fails.
  3. They are black because they now actually reflect light, and up there they are left in shadows, metals end up extremely shiny in GL2 and I increased the roughness to counteract that a little since that screenshot was taken. The Lights currently only have a basic glow stage in their shader, but I was thinking about looking into making an emissive shader for them. I left all of your pointlights where they were, even the ridiculous source less ones floating in midair. I do plan to revise the lighting after refreshing my Radiant knowledge on that topic. But I did use different build commands, yours left the entire map fullbright and terribly overexposed. https://jkhub.org/images/72464d799141d7accd5ecc1d6e77b278.jpg
  4. Progress. Finally. besides a few minor tweaks only the lift textures are left to redo EDIT: Just noticed that I forgot about the furniture in the room and elevator lid
  5. I really don't care about smart paths actually, I have allways just named my materials properly. And I'd like to keep that workflow as is.
  6. not available sadly, but I do have 1.5 installed still, will give compiling the map a shot with 1.5
  7. 1.5s UI is a complete mess on my system. Windows 10 + my unusual Screen setup is not the best combination.
  8. @@DT85 since I could not add those settings to my Radiant, or am too retarded to find the function for this in radiant 1.6.5, I tried entering those params into Q3map2gui and got several warnings for unknown commands. EDIT: well - that didn't work as planned, the game crashes as soo nas I devmap 07yun_gl2
  9. Got a screenshot? Will be a while till I can take a look at it ingame. Maybe I can figure out whats wrong. EDIT: I see what you mean, looks shiny like a polished turd. Try increasing the roguhness for the metal in general., I did that quickly with a simple levels adjustment in Photoshop and it looked a lot better.
  10. That's looking fairly good! I'll take a closer look at the files later and see If i find anything off
  11. The main cause for adding a mesh here was to adjust the texture coordinates and a make it use a slight variation of the brick texture. Smoothing the corners could be done in a next step.
  12. or put a caulk brush behind whatever I replace Anyway I could use some help with compiling the map - just give em the params you used and i'll give it a go. The ASE is textured and in place
  13. that's good to know. I'll probably dig up Radiant then and give mapping another shot. I may aswell replace some of the wall sections with ASE meshes and reduce the need for parallax mappin that way.
  14. Where do I find the map source files? All I'd need is the actual archway brushwork in ASE.
  15. @@Archangel35757I'm not developing the Brushwork in the map. Nor am I assigning textures. I am just replacing the textures @@DT85 placed around the level with PBR Versions. I'd prefer making that arch an ASE model with its own texture, which would then allow me to do what you are asking for.
  16. It does? My 970 didn't complain so far But I'll keep that in mind for the next materials
  17. Update Time! finished the ceiling textures. I replaced the wood beams in one texture variant with the marble masonry from the ceiling texture with the light in the center, to avoid a harsh texture seam. If you want the wooden framework there add brushwork for it. I also swapped out your stone door material with gold one I made, your material as it is currently sticks out like a sore thumb. If you want to retouch your material, go for it - I jsut want to maintain a consistent look and quality. UPDATE:
  18. @@DT85 - leave my files as .tga .PNG loads slower and when they're packed in a .pk3 they size doesnt differ much.
  19. figured i'd post this here: First version of my PBR Materials for 07Yun https://www.dropbox.com/s/nb0o590exg8wwkh/zz_yungl2_texturetest.pk3?dl=0 @@DT85 @@SomaZ
  20. Update bump: Before: After: not happy with the color of my MArble texture yet, gotta up the saturation and push it slightly more towards orange The floor could use a bit more light, the light from the ceiling doesn't reach all the way to the bottom. UPDATE: Pillar material in place, also finished the marble trims. Also started work at the 07panel1 Texture: this is the first detail piece I had to import a premade PSD for, tracing the shape with shapes in Photoshop was fun UPDATE2: Progress! still have to add a few of the carved shapes to the bricks in there and replace the concrete material with a custom one UPDATE 3: wellp I officially spent the whole day texturing.... anyway - I have to ask you to adjust 2 textures for me @@DT85 number 1 being the large bronze window right over the crosshair here: the Bronze detail plate was slightly off center in the original texture, mine is perfectly centered horizontally and positioned slightly higher, should be fixed in 2 clicks. The Other texture i'd like you to change is the texture used on the side of the Pillars instead of using 07wst4c use 07wst4b, just to avoid that harsh texture seam there- the shiny marble makes it really obvious while moving UPDATE4: Just figured you'll need this to adjust the texture properly
  21. decrease the tiling. Just make the individual tiles larger, But that's something I can and will do in the shader.
  22. Okay, before we do anything else, read this thoroughly: https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/196-3ds-max-glm-tutorial-characters-creatures-vehicles-sabers-and-weapons/ the first part of that tutorial covers adding new geometry to a existing model - which is what you did with those cylinders.
  23. @@DT85 So.... I just downloaded the msot recent files for the Df2 mod and completely replaced my DF2 folder with them. And this is what I got: https://jkhub.org/albums/36BIQ that floor tiling is giving me eyecancer. It works with such a simple, fairly undetailed texture, with a mroe detailed material this will look horrible I also noticed the textures on your door are missing for some reason.
  24. Yeah, sure let me help you with that: https://goo.gl/1qkVgt
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