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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. I have no idea, easiest way ro figure that one out would be to try loading a 2048^2 texture as the levelshot. Worst case scenario is that it crashes the game, but I doubt that there's any difference in handling these in comparison to other textures.
  2. Iirc, no you can not.
  3. yep. exactly. And if you have 2 portals that see each other your game will crash.
  4. it's a bit of both. http://www.1upclan.info/hosted/bubba-map-tuts/mirror1.html EDIT: for JKA you want to use textures/system/mirror1 textures/system/mirror1 { qer_editorimage textures/system/qer_mirror.tga portal q3map_nolightmap } The portal flag is responsible for the way it works.
  5. There should be a shader stage for this, you should look for that in the q3a shader manual.
  6. I've been a bit short on freetime recently @@Pickles256, so I'm afraid there isn't anything to show.
  7. .rar and .7z offer better compression rates than .zip, this means smaller filesizes.
  8. For .rar files and other compressed formats.
  9. Because it is natively supported on all Operating Systems.
  10. That's easy enough to do with my highly flexible PBR to JKA smart material.
  11. It does not radiate heat, but the blades core is supposed to be incredibly hot.Just remember Qui Gon melting his way through the blast doors in EP1.
  12. There is no need to bump a thread that is still on the first page of the requests sub forum, please try to refrain from that in the future. Thank you.
  13. That is a common thing with console ports. And The Ultimate Sith Edition ran just fine on my old pc from 2007. Which wasn't even built for gaming. So it really wasn't that bad, nowadays I am mostly bothered by the fact, that it's locked to 30 FPS.
  14. This depends largely on the shader and the source texture. textures/bespin/water3 { qer_editorimage textures/bespin/water1 surfaceparm nonsolid surfaceparm nonopaque surfaceparm water surfaceparm fog surfaceparm trans q3map_material Water q3map_nolightmap q3map_onlyvertexlighting fogparms ( 0.113725 0.137255 0.380392 ) 1024.0 { map textures/bespin/water1 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen exactVertex alphaGen const 1 tcMod scroll 0.005 0.01 tcMod turb 1 0.03 0 0.3 } { map textures/bespin/water1 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen exactVertex alphaGen const 0.5 tcMod scroll -0.005 -0.01 tcMod turb 0 -0.03 0.5 -0.3 } } This should work for you, put this in a shader file and you will find a new water3 shader under bespin.
  15. @@RecklessJames would you mind posting your tga textures?
  16. I ran 2015 on Windows 10 without any problems. Doing the same with 2016 at the moment.
  17. oh, I see - I thought you meant those - nvm then!
  18. The original source meshes will most likely allready be a single mesh object
  19. @ Feel free to work from my Neo Crusader model as a base.
  20. You are probably better off with porting the original source meshes @@Jeff used for his derivative works. That should save you a lot of stitching bodyparts back together.
  21. Huh? You can not edit the .bsp at all. You just import the map geometry into 3ds max and that's it. No Bugs I know of.
  22. Should be useful for old maps, you can import compiled map .bsp files into 3ds max, either via noesis or the bsp importer a friend of mine has been developing.
  23. No. There are no "errors" with the shader. The images @@RecklessJames uses simply lack alpha channels, which my shader suggestion depends on. The fact that these glows render behind other semi-transparent surfaces could be a depth issue, which a depthFunc may solve.
  24. Huh, I could have sworn that the base game did not offer the suggestion list for partially entered commands.
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