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Posts posted by Xycaleth

  1. I don't recall the in-game water having any kind of "fog"? As far as I remember, the blue tint you get from going into water is literally a blue transparent square drawn on top of the screen by the cgame mod.


    For a small progress update, I'm currently looking at optimizing what gets drawn. By default, everything that resides within active vis nodes (i.e. areas which the player can see from the node they are currently in) is drawn. However, this means that some objects are drawn unnecessarily even if they cannot see them from their current location and the direction they are facing. To improve this, I can determine which objects are actually visible on the player's screen and then just not draw them. Only drawing things which the player can see should give a nice performance boost on large and detailed maps :)

    Boothand, Exmirai and Tempust85 like this
  2. @@Veosar take a look at the end of scope, and the 2 scope mounts for example



    you will notice that some triangles don't show the reflection at all


    @@Xycaleth would you be interested in that Nvidia Card for debugging ? If you pay the shipping costs I'll gladly send it over

    Thanks @@AshuraDX. I'll try debugging through @@DT85 first, and if that doesn't go well then I'll consider it :)

  3. Can you please test out rend2 and check to see if you have random black triangles on player models?


    If you don't get them, then it is an NVidia issue. Is there a way I can help you debug @@Xycaleth?

    If we're online at the same time, I can walk you through  some changes to the shader to get a better of what's happening. What time are you generally online?

  4. I'm thinking the issue people are having with random black triangles is only reproducible with Nvidia cards. I've not heard anyone report this when they are using an AMD card :( unfortunately this makes it very difficult for me to debug the issue...

  5. it's beautiful, click the image for more



    has some odd triangles here and there, but that might be my fault - normal maps don't like it if the triangulation changes

    Can you post the shader you're using please? :)

  6. something I noticed : are damage marks on glm meshes broken ? I shot it and then it had random white rectangles drawn all over it, not even in the location the shot hit it

    Yeah, I haven't gotten around to adding that yet :( It's on my todo list.

  7. The DLL44 looks quite shiny. I expect it's not meant to be that shiny :P









    But soon after I toned the values down a bit (probably not correct to do this, but as a quick hack). I expect it's because Surface Designer (I think that's what @@AshuraDX used for the textures?) uses a different lighting model from rend2...







    So there are some extra changes I can make so it looks more correct, but it would make existing JKA assets look wrong. I need a way to make both work...

    Boothand, Smoo, Langerd and 1 other like this
  8. Here's an example of a shader which uses diffuse, normal, specular and gloss:

        stage diffuseMap
        map textures/rend2/example_d
        stage normalMap
        map textures/rend2/example_n
        stage specularMap
        map textures/rend2/example_s // This actually holds both specular and gloss (in the alpha channel)

    I can upload example textures as well when I get home.


    I really want to condense this down to something more concise though. Something like this perhaps:


    textures/rend2/example {
      diffuseMap textures/rend2/example_d
      normalMap textures/rend2/example_n
      specularMap textures/rend2/example_s
    Scerendo likes this
  9. At the moment I'm just going around and fixing minor things up. It's kind of disappointing that nobody (at least not that I've seen) has created any content for ioq3's rend2 so I'll take the leap of faith and say it's "usable" and that you can start producing rend2 content.


    I'm still not sure how backwards compatibility will work but we'll see :P

    Archangel35757 and Tempust85 like this
  10. Is that new shadow?

    The lighting will look better in rend2 because it's calculated on a per pixel basis instead of a per vertex basis as in the default renderer. The point of the screenshot was to show I had fixed a bug where some triangles on Luke's face weren't drawn properly!


    @@AshuraDX if you could do that I'd very much appreciate it! Thanks :)

  11. So this is what I can manage to do for Kyle's saber with my poor programmer art. Left is my re-shadered version and retextured version, right is vanilla shader.



    If you're interested in trying it out, here's the latest rend2 DLL:



    Make sure to grab latest OpenJK version as well:



    And also here's the test map I'm using (minus the sabers):


    Boothand and Exmirai like this
  12. It could also be something I've changed in the specular code. I've removed the different specular algorithms and am settling on only one. I think r_specularMapping 3 in ioq3 corresponds to the specular mapping used in our rend2.


    Btw, here's the test map that I used in the screenshot:



    I intend to update this test map and make new test maps as a learning resource.

    Archangel35757 likes this
  13. Found the problem with cubemaps, so I can show what the map should look like :)


    This shows what kind of effect you get with differing specularity and glossiness.





    And then a close up from max gloss/reflectance, with glossiness decreasing as you go from left to right.





    There's a lot to be said about this which I'll try and post later, but for now here's some pretty pictures :P


    BONUS SCREENSHOT! So the only thing I've changed in this screenshot is the sky shader. I've not recompiled the map





    And for those curious, all the spheres have shaders that look like this:


        map $whiteimage
        rgbGen lightingDiffuse
        specularReflectance 1.0
        gloss 1.0
  14. Messing around with varying the specular and gloss values! The black spheres have maximum gloss and specular - they should be full mirrors but they're not for some reason so I'm debugging that. Going left, the specular is decreasing so you see the specular lobe expand out until it's no longer visible. Going away from the camera, the gloss is increasing, so reflections should become clearer (but cubemaps aren't working :()


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