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So I've been requested to do a version of Gunslinger Academy's TrueView. By setting cg_trueguns to 2, you will have Mirror's Edge / ARMA style of viewing your body, but still show the same first person weapon as if the feature was disabled.

Or a more visual representation:

cg_trueguns 2: (TrueView 2.0)






cg_trueguns 1: (TrueView 1.0)






cg_trueguns 0: (no TrueView)






Maksman, Circa, Smoo and 9 others like this
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Redemption

Alright pal, I've noticed that in the list of things to implement that you have true guns completed but, I've encountered a few issues with it :-(

Truespin, spins the opposite way from where you actually swing the saber.

Trueguns 1&2, I see the back of Kyle's head/eyes/mouth and the 2 weapon models. Can see the light saver fine in 1 but no handle or blade with 2.

Since I'm here, ignition flare is also playing up :-(

Guest Redemption

Hi, yes you are correct, it isn't available yet but it has been labeled as complete so I thought to mention it before he releases it. I compiled his code because I was wanting to start modding it and add force fall :-)

  • 3 months later...

You can now unfreeze/freeze NPCs using the workshop_freeze command. The command works in conjunction with ICARUS and debug_npcfreeze commands.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for this! At least I can look into the code and try to understand what I need to learn to get some things fixed :-)

  • 2 weeks later...

My original link is still accurate, because as far as I know, the code hasn't been merged into the JKEnhanced repository yet.


The JKE/Jedi Academy branch on your original link is much more out of date than what Circa posted which is a repo just for JKE/Jedi Academy.

  • 4 weeks later...

The source code for all of the JK:Enhanced is now on one codebase. The OP has been updated with this information.


Are you going to bring rend2-GL2 code from DF2 into this repo? Or a branch or fork?


About time lol.

I did the initial port of rend2 MP to SP, while SomaZ and uniqueone helped out with a few issues I had. SomaZ is now adding & tweaking things, so it's now his baby. :P

So I've changed all entities to be black when there's no lighting unlike vanilla, which has a minimum light. Other than that, I don't think I've made any other DF2-specific changes to the GL2 renderer. I pretty much leave renderer stuff to SomaZ now, so he has everything how he wants it without interference.

About that error. It could be an unsupported shader blend?

SomaZ and Stoiss like this
Guest Redemption

@@eezstreet Source all in one... What, does that mean I could use saber staff in outcast now?

Guest Redemption

@@eezstreet Are you feckin kidding me?!?! Seriously?!? Wat da fu... What thedestroyer in SP?


@ If I'm not mistaken /thedestroy is just an added effect stuck in the game by the devs. It adds a second blade on the bottom of your hilt, no actual no animations or anything though. 

Guest Redemption

@ If I'm not mistaken /thedestroy is just an added effect stuck in the game by the devs. It adds a second blade on the bottom of your hilt, no actual no animations or anything though. 

Yeah, yea, ye, y... I know that. My question seems to be answered by the silence. 


@@eezstreet Are you feckin kidding me?!?! Seriously?!? Wat da fu... What thedestroyer in SP?

I assumed that Eezstreet had merged JK2 Enhanced with JA Enhanced; meaning that the features included in Academy i.e' saber_dual, saber_staff, force powers, could NOW be used in Outcast. Like I said, I don't understand what, "source all-in-one codebase" means. If not by what I thought it meant anyway... thats all.

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