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Animated Skyboxes?

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Just found this as I was looking for an asteroid field skybox and this guy made one that moves! For JK2 too wow.


Anybody have any idea how to get these to work in JA?


Also does anyone know where I can find an asteroid field skybox? I'm using it in my remaster of JK3 SP.

mmm for what i see open on NOTEPAD the SHADER file of one of that, the skybox is not formed by six texture like default skyboxesbut by simple 2 texture, the shader file has two shader field (they merge into a unique shader, but they are two different texture separated) in these field, there is the tcmod scroll parm. so basically is pretty simple. D:

all you need is an opaque texture immage for the sky and a raster transparent texture for the first layer (maybe a png raster with alpha channel and asteroids on the rasters). you get a tcmod scroll shader of asteroid and they will move on the starfield.


    qer_editorimage    textures/skies/sky.tga
    surfaceparm    sky
    surfaceparm    noimpact
    surfaceparm    nomarks
    skyParms    textures/skies/bespin 6000 -
        map textures/AnimatedSky/skystars14
            tcMod scroll 0.012 0.015
        map textures/AnimatedSky/skystars8
        blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
            tcMod scroll -0.015 -0.025


WOW! MAGIC!!!! pls someone write a tutorial about that D:


If I had to guess:

 - the static clouds are either flare-like textures, or effects;

 - the moving clouds seem to be cloud textures scrolling (tcMod scroll) on a curved patch;

 - realistically, the sun and the satellites seem to also be made of scrolling textures on patches. If that's not the case, they might be static textures on a func_rotating, perhaps mixed with a misc_skyportal;

 - I can't exactly figure out how, but the sky seems to be a mixture of a static night texture, a dawn / dusk shader which seems to show up twice per "day", and a day sky which covers the night sky, all of them properly timed to show up at specific phases (perhaps with an alphaGen wave w x y z shader?). I can't say if it's an actual skybox or rather patches in combination with a misc_skyportal. If I had to do it I'd probably choose the night sky as the skybox and the day sky as a dome-like patch.


The real problem with such a day-night cycle is that the lighting is completely unaffected. It's less visible in this case because the facility is already artificially well lit, so you'd expect it to still be bright at night time as well. Rend2 would probably eliminate the problem, since it has a console command to activate a dynamic sun light which rotates, effectively creating the day and night lighting needed.

Asgarath83, Noodle and Cerez like this

WOW! MAGIC!!!! pls someone write a tutorial about that D:


That video blew my mind, so I had to do some digging to see if I could find more. Turns out the person who did that map used to post here and had a website where he posted some info about his WIP. 




There he explains how he accomplishes some of the stuff we can see.

Asgarath83, Ramikad and Cerez like this

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