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STAR WARS: Movie Duels (Remaster of Movie Duels II)

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Well, myself and @@Tompa9 appreciate all the feedback and help, guys. However, Tompa is focusing more-so on the model replacements and such, @@yeyo JK is helping out with skyboxes, whereas myself am working with the music and overall direction of the mod. But we could really do to use a scripter, just to edit some stuff. Not make any big changes, per se.. But all help and work that goes into the mod, by whoever will be featured in the credits and readme file, for the mod. As this project was originally my idea, to have it remastered.. I can't thank those enough (yeyo and Tompa) for stepping in to give a helping hand. Otherwise, this would probably never see the light of day (or would take a VERY long time).

So if any scripters, users and members who have experience with working with .IBI/icarus scripts, could come onboard and help out, it'd be a greatly appreciated.

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i used in past SET_SKIN command on same NPCs modding some spawnscript of t1_sour and i have not trouble with that

otherwise... i remember file *.Icarus can be open with notepad but IBI files... eeeh... Dehaved, yes, i knew that, but is not the best. i never use it, is good just to watch a script structure, but cannot decompile fine.

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I always thought Mace Windu was two-faced, but this is ridiculous.


On a serious note, that happens when there's a missing texture, have you seen if there's anything in the .skin file that can lead you to the problem?

I'll re-direct that towards @@Tompa9. He's the one who's done all the model replacements. But I recently thought it might've been either a missing texture or a shader problem, myself.

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I always thought Mace Windu was two-faced, but this is ridiculous.


On a serious note, that happens when there's a missing texture, have you seen if there's anything in the .skin file that can lead you to the problem?


This model is working fine in singleplayer and MB2. But when I replace Mace from MD2 it does this. So no missing files :D and this model doenst have shader of head too.


EDIT: Solved! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok guys, we have a small problem. Vader´s model by @@dark_apprentice has this problem with shoulders. I´ve added two sided shader to it, but it is still invisible for some reason. Is somebody willing to help us :) ?


cull twosided
map models/players/Rogue_Vader/shoulders.tga
rgbGen lightingDiffuse
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Are the Ezra and Kanan models going to be unique to this mod? Or have I just missed where they were uploaded?

Kanan, Ezra, The Inquisitor aslong all Rogue One characters were ported and rigged by Lt. Claim. It can be found in his thread on MB2 forums :)

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I think you must connect the "extra" cape parts with the main cape, that is on the back. Open up Blender and play around with the "Edit Mode" on "Vertex select" and move it around with the green, red and blue arrows. Otherwise just you the cape of the latest version from my WIP page that comes from Force Arena.


Thank you Dark, i would try to solve it :). Unfortunately I don´t like that ported cape because it doesnť move.

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*Scripter STILL Required*
We could still really do to with someone to step up, to assist with scripting, just to edit some stuff. We don't need any "drastic" changes being made, as such.. But the sooner we can get a scripter in on the project, the sooner we can release V1.0 of the Remaster.
If any scripters, users and members who have experience with working with .IBI/icarus scripts, could come onboard and help out, it'd be a greatly appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Explain what you need scripted. :)

Hey DT  :),

Well, we just need some cut-scenes re-scripted and one or two other things.. Nothing drastic, really. It's also some small character models that need replacing in certain scenes and what not. Music is one of our more *important* ones. As we're adding new and more accurate film versions of the movie's scores.

The original version of the mod was very limited and basic. If we can get a scripter on-board, to help out.. We could very well see a release of v1.0 of this mod, by the Summer.. So people can test it out and see the new changes that've been made.

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**Minor Update**
Just a small update, for tonight.. Been working on the lightsaber blades and their colours.

Original Version

NEW Version

Original Version

NEW Version

Original Version

NEW Version

Original Version

NEW Version


Movie Screenshots (For reference)
You can see a selection of movie screenshots, as used for reference, here: https://jkhub.org/albums/UfiKr

As you can probably see already, the original mod versions of the blades and their colours looks to be somewhat "washed out" and jaded. The size and width of the actual colour glow, around the blade itself still needs addressing, obviously. But just thought I'd show off some more accurate colours and crisper looking blades.

Smoo, Darthmichael18 and yeyo JK like this
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