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So I've been requested to do a version of Gunslinger Academy's TrueView. By setting cg_trueguns to 2, you will have Mirror's Edge / ARMA style of viewing your body, but still show the same first person weapon as if the feature was disabled.

Or a more visual representation:

cg_trueguns 2: (TrueView 2.0)






cg_trueguns 1: (TrueView 1.0)






cg_trueguns 0: (no TrueView)






Bek, Stoiss, Circa and 9 others like this
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Redemption

Alright pal, I've noticed that in the list of things to implement that you have true guns completed but, I've encountered a few issues with it :-(

Truespin, spins the opposite way from where you actually swing the saber.

Trueguns 1&2, I see the back of Kyle's head/eyes/mouth and the 2 weapon models. Can see the light saver fine in 1 but no handle or blade with 2.

Since I'm here, ignition flare is also playing up :-(

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Guest Redemption

Hi, yes you are correct, it isn't available yet but it has been labeled as complete so I thought to mention it before he releases it. I compiled his code because I was wanting to start modding it and add force fall :-)

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  • 10 months later...

Yea that 1.0 looks really nice, the only problem (for me at least) is that the arm+animations, or lack of proper animations, makes it look like you have a prosthetic arm. TrueView requires new, realistic animations, for starters, make the hand look like it actually holds the gun in a tight grip, lol.  But that's just me being nitpicky. This is really nice ^^

Archangel35757 likes this
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Yea that 1.0 looks really nice, the only problem (for me at least) is that the arm+animations, or lack of proper animations, makes it look like you have a prosthetic arm. TrueView requires new, realistic animations, for starters, make the hand look like it actually holds the gun in a tight grip, lol.  But that's just me being nitpicky. This is really nice ^^

Lel yeah, a prosthetic arm was exactly what I was thinking of when I saw it. Doesn't look quite like that when your using a weapon that's held by two hands- certain ones like the repeater, rocket launcher, flechette etc.

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Lel yeah, a prosthetic arm was exactly what I was thinking of when I saw it. Doesn't look quite like that when your using a weapon that's held by two hands- certain ones like the repeater, rocket launcher, flechette etc.

The effect can probably be made to look better with a lower FOV.

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