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Full List of Implemented Features

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Code Changes


  • SFX Sabers and Ignition Flares, just like in the JKA version of the mod.
  • Trip Mines can now be disarmed with the USE key. This includes both your own and enemies'
  • Your trip mines will no longer blow up if you walk through them, and you can place an infinite number of them.
  • The AT-ST has a forward-mounted minigun that both shoots really fast and requires time to charge up. This replaces the primary fire of the Main Cannon.


  • Includes the new AI Workshop, to debug (and screw around with) NPCs.
  • New navigation tools in the 'nav' command like putting waypoints into maps, changing links, etc
  • Enemies will now attempt to grab weapons which are better than their own. Beware of flechette-toting Imperials!
  • You can now disable your Portable Assault Sentries with the USE key in order for them to preserve ammo.
  • Floating droids (with the exception of the Seeker drone) now no longer disappear when you kill them - they give a small little explosion and then fall to the ground. The falling damage might make them go boom though. Also note that some weapons (explosives, DEMP2, sniper rifles) will always make them explode. Interrogator droids also have a random chance (~30%) of exploding instead of falling, that's just because they are so small.

Force Powers

  • You can now mind trick AT-STs.
  • Lightning drains less force power and does more damage at all levels. At level 2, Lightning is much easier to hit targets with. At level 3, you can kill a standard Reborn with one full force bar of Lightning and a Reborn Boss with two and a half full force bars.
  • While Force Speed is active, snipers will always miss you.


New Cvars

  • These new cvars were designed for use in Custom Games, which allow you to change up the gameplay for increased replayability.
  • g_pullitems: Toggle pulling of items
  • g_pushitems: Toggle pushing of items
  • g_gripitems: Toggle gripping of items and placed trip mines/det packs. Note: may cause items to fall through the floor!
  • g_sentryinfiniteammo: When enabled, the Portable Assault Sentry has infinite ammo.
  • g_sentryexplode: When enabled, the Portable Assault Sentry will explode when it runs out of ammo (like in MP)
  • g_sentrycheat: When this cvar is 1, the player can push over Portable Assault Sentries like NPCs can. When this cvar is 2, NPCs can't push over Portable Assault Sentries (but neither can you)
  • g_npcsentryrate: How fast NPC Portable Assault Sentries should fire
  • g_sentryrate: How fast your Portable Assault Sentries should fire
  • g_maxsentries: How many Portable Assault Sentries you should be allowed to carry.
  • g_maxseekers: How many Seeker Drones you should be allowed to carry.
  • g_medpacheal: How much health Instant Medpacks should heal
  • g_medpacgrunt: If 1, medpacks will play the Bacta Grunt sound effect
  • g_medpacmpsound: If 1, medpacks will play their MP sound effect
  • g_medpacdoomsound: If 1, medpacks will play a custom sound effect (the one from Doom is included by default)
  • g_armormpsound: If 1, all shield items will play the MP sound effect when picked up
  • g_armorlgoverflow: If > 0, Large shield items will allow you to go over 100, like they do in MP. The amount that they let you go over is controlled by the cvar.
  • g_armoroverflowdown: Controls how fast the overflow counts down
  • g_armorsmamount: How much small shield items should give you
  • g_armorlgamount: How much large shield items should give you
  • g_ammompsound: If 1, ammo items will play the sound effect from MP
  • g_bactaheal: How much Bacta items should heal you for
  • g_bactagrunt: If 1 (it is by default), bactas will play the grunt sound effect
  • g_bactampsound: If 1, bactas will play the MP sound effect
  • g_bactadoomsound: If 1, bactas willl play a custom sound effect (the one from Doom is included by default)
  • g_maxbactas: How many bactas you should be allowed to carry
  • g_maxkeys: How many Supply Keys you should be allowed to carry
  • g_keysused: How many Supply Keys are used up on a Supply Crate (default: 1)
  • g_binocgivebatteries: When this cvar is 1, you are allowed to pick up Electrobinoculars item in the world, and it will give you batteries when doing so.
  • g_binocrestrict: When this cvar is 1, you can't pick up Electrobinoculars in the world (unless doing so would give you batteries)
  • g_binocdrainrate: Controls how fast the Electrobinoculars drains the battery
  • g_binocrandomrate: Percent chance that battery items are automatically converted into Electrobinoculars items.
  • g_lagivebatteries: When this cvar is 1, the LA Goggles will give you batteries when picked up.
  • g_larestrict: When this cvar is 1, the LA Goggles can't be picked up unless you don't already have a pair, or when doing so would give you batteries.
  • g_ladrainrate: Dictates how fast the LA goggles drain the battery
  • g_larandomrate: Percent chance (from 0 to 100) that battery items are automatically converted into LA Goggles items. Setting both this and g_binocrandomrate to 100 will lead to some side effects.
  • bg_repeaterrate: Dictates how fast the Heavy Repeater should fire
  • g_repeaterspread: When 1, the repeater will use its ordinary spread. When 0, repeater won't spread
  • g_weaponFile: Says which external JSON file to use instead of weapons.dat
  • g_maxAmmo_Force: How much force you can have (at maximum)
  • g_maxAmmo_Blaster: How much blaster pack ammo you can have
  • g_maxAmmo_Powercell: How much power cell ammo you can have
  • g_maxAmmo_MetalBolts: How much metallic bolt ammo you can have
  • g_maxAmmo_Rockets: How much rocket ammo you can have
  • g_maxAmmo_Thermal: How much thermal detonator ammo you can have
  • g_maxAmmo_TripMines: How much trip mine ammo you can have
  • g_maxAmmo_DetPack: How much det pack ammo you can have
  • g_maxAmmo_Emplaced: Does nothing


Asset Changes

  • New skyboxes for all missions except the ones in space (and Nar Shaddaa)
  • AT-STs now have footstep and head-turning sound effects.
  • Includes the lovely new Imperial Pistol by @@Silverfang
  • Includes the lovely E-11b Blaster Rifle from JKG


  • Fixed lots (more than 50) missing subtitles and typos.
  • 50% chance to use 03jao012 (unused sound effect) instead of 03jao013 ("...make sure you search any officers for keycards")
  • 50% chance for Kyle to respond to 03jao012/03jao013 using a normally unused audio tidbit ("Thanks for the reminder.")
  • 50% chance to use 02kyk001 ("Looks like there's another level here, Jan. I'm going to check it out.") instead of 01kyk029
  • 25% chance for Jan (after 02kyk001/01kyk029) to ask Kyle if he needs help, 25% chance for her to tell him not to take all day, 25% chance for her to tell him to meet him at the ship, 25% chance for her to tell him to be careful.
  • After asking Kyle if he needs help, there is a 25% chance that Jan doesn't reply, a 25% chance that Jan tells him to be careful, 25% chance for her to tell him not to take all day, 25% chance that she tells him to meet her at the ship.
  • 50% chance to play 05kyk020 ("Find Desann. But not before I meet a man about a weapon.") instead of 05kyk019 ("Find Desann. But first I need to get something that I left behind.")
  • All of Luke's dialogue at the Academy (except for his third line) has a chance to play an alternate take.
  • Almost all of Lando's dialogue on ns_starpad has a 50% chance of playing another variant.
  • 50% chance to play 12kyk028 ("I'm sensing something like a disturbance in the force but...it's so...different.") instead of 12kyk030 ("I sense a disturbance in the force but...there's something...strange...about it.")
  • 50% chance to play 12kyk031 ("A Jedi? No...he seemed...different, somehow.") instead of 12kyk029 ("He looked like a Jedi and fought like a Jedi, but his power felt so...warped.")
  • The first reborn that you meet (in bespin_undercity) no longer responds with "You will die!" - it felt tacky to me


I'll add more as I remember them.

Edited by eezstreet
force powers section

nice work! But what's the point of having trip mines (or detpacks) if everybody can easily disarm everybody else's mines by simply pressing "USE" key? Where's the challenge?


Also, imo players should only be able to carry a limited number of them.


This is single player only you know.  And only rough support for the feature.  Eventually you'd want to have it disarm not so easily map placed ones of course.  Detpacks in the map will not be removable as those are scripted events anyway.  Why should there really be a challenge, just because splinter cell had a challenge especially for your own personal placed explosives.


They are only able to carry a limited number of them at a time.  But you can place infinite numbers of them in the world now instead of just 10.

eezstreet likes this

maybe to make it tougher-- you guys could hide the blue trip mine laser and make it only visible when wearing IR goggles... just a thought. That way mines might be a little harder to detect if concealed well.


Added a section detailing the randomized dialogue system.


maybe to make it tougher-- you guys could hide the blue trip mine laser and make it only visible when wearing IR goggles... just a thought. That way mines might be a little harder to detect if concealed well.

This is a cool idea, but I wouldn't support it being in the lower difficulty settings.


I have a new feature to showcase.


Have you ever found it unrealistic how some droids just explode?

Fret no longer. Probes, Interrogators and Sentry Droids will no longer explode when they die (although interrogators may still do so, randomly). They will instead fall to the ground, unless killed by a sniper or rocket launcher, of course. If they hit the ground hard enough, they may satisfyingly explode.

afi, Bek, Lancelot and 2 others like this

Just a thought, but is anyone else interested in more Jaden voice variants? I know people did some modulations of the default male voice for a Rodian and Kel-dor soundset, but the game does not support them. I had thought about plugging that out into a select case to have more variants of g_sex that could double as voiceover sections. I'd be happy to write the code, but I didn't know if anyone else was interested.


Here's the offending code from Q3_interface.cpp. You can see it's an if statement for the "f" g_sex variable, but this could easily be turned into a select case with multiple other letters for alien species.


Take any string, look for "jaden_male/" replace with "jaden_fmle/" based on "sex"
And: Take any string, look for "/mr_" replace with "/ms_" based on "sex"
returns qtrue if changed to ms
static qboolean G_AddSexToPlayerString ( char *string, qboolean qDoBoth )
	char *start;

	if VALIDSTRING( string ) {
		if ( g_sex->string[0] == 'f' ) {
			start = strstr( string, "jaden_male/" );
			if ( start != NULL ) {
				strncpy( start, "jaden_fmle", 10 );
				return qtrue;
			} else {
				start = strrchr( string, '/' );		//get the last slash before the wav
				if (start != NULL) {
					if (!strncmp( start, "/mr_", 4) ) {
						if (qDoBoth) {	//we want to change mr to ms
							start[2] = 's';	//change mr to ms
							return qtrue;
						} else {	//IF qDoBoth
							return qfalse;	//don't want this one
				}	//IF found slash
		}	//IF Female
		else {	//i'm male
			start = strrchr( string, '/' );		//get the last slash before the wav
			if (start != NULL) {
				if (!strncmp( start, "/ms_", 4) ) {
					return qfalse;	//don't want this one
			}	//IF found slash
	return qtrue;

(Sorry to hijack the thread, JK:E seemed like the best candidate for a feature like this.)


Also, would it be possible to have a toggle for Saber Throw that allows a player to choose whether it's bound as a force power or to secondary saber fire?


i have an idea for the jk2 enhanced mod: what about the ability to have a model other than kyle, like take the ja feature and put it in the mod?


maybe to make it tougher-- you guys could hide the blue trip mine laser and make it only visible when wearing IR goggles... just a thought. That way mines might be a little harder to detect if concealed well.

Would provide another use for force sense too.
Archangel35757 likes this

JKG Developer


Alright, for everyone who mistakes this for the jedi academy mod, this is not the case. Remember this topic is about JEDI OUTCAST, not Jedi Academy.


Oh well that's a shame, why not?

because all the new ja force powers are from the jo multiplayer, due to how at the time jk2 was new with its q3 engine, and the developers made mp after doing sp


because all the new ja force powers are from the jo multiplayer, due to how at the time jk2 was new with its q3 engine, and the developers made mp after doing sp

Well I mean more of, why not include it for JKEnhanced and steal it from JA?

swegmaster likes this

JKG Developer


Well I mean more of, why not include it for JKEnhanced and steal it from JA?

well now i see what you mean, but here's a new idea: how about all the jkgalaxies weapons get used in both jkehhanced versions :o


well now i see what you mean, but here's a new idea: how about all the jkgalaxies weapons get used in both jkehhanced versions :o

Sure if you want to convert them, the models are available on our google drive.  The trouble is they probably won't work with base jk2.

JKG Developer


Sure if you want to convert them, the models are available on our google drive.  The trouble is they probably won't work with base jk2.

where is your google drive?


Well I mean more of, why not include it for JKEnhanced and steal it from JA?


I won't be including any powers from JA/JK2 MP, and here is my reasoning:

  • Sight (Sense): Not very useful. Would require map source code to make it really useful. Only useful to see mines (not seen on half of the maps), enemies behind walls (already buggy in JA SP), enemy health (not useful enough). No puzzles in JK2 would make use of this power, which really kills its usefulness.
  • Absorb: Situational, and the fights where it would be useful, it would be extremely overpowered. Desann is hilariously easy if you can shrug off his Push/Pull spam, and Tavion as well if you can negate her lightning entirely.
  • Protect: Overpowered. Would only be not overpowered if it reduced falling damage only at level 1, and don't get Level 2 upgrade until bespin_streets. It'd be stupid to just be able to tank all sniper shots.
  • Drain: Kyle doesn't have it in JA. Also, it'd be way too strong, especially late in the game.
  • Dark Rage: Stupidly overpowered and can break puzzles since you are immune to most damage.
Futuza and Maksman like this

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