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OpenJK Changelog


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Posted (edited)

Note: These are strictly changes from the base game. OpenJK does not alter any gameplay-related aspects of the game.



New Features: Multiplayer

  • ^8 (orange) and ^9 (light grey) are added as color codes. These will only show if you are running OpenJK.
  • Console commands no longer require a forward slash ("/") in order to work properly. Chatting requires an explicit "say" command - this prevents things like accidentally giving out passwords.
  • Demos can be recorded from the server for each player. Turn on sv_autoDemo and restart the server. These can optionally be disabled for bots.
  • First person weapon animations are smoother (like in singleplayer)
  • On Windows, the dedicated server console can be scrolled through with the arrow keys and will display color codes correctly.
  • Added new command: addFavorite. Adds the server which you are currently connected to to your favorites list.
  • Increased the maximum number of scheduled effects from 500 to 2048.
  • Configurable console transparency to match singleplayer.
  • svsay command will also print to server console.
  • In-engine ban support from ioq3: Cmds: sv_rehashbans, sv_listbans, sv_banaddr, sv_exceptaddr, sv_bandel, sv_exceptdel, sv_flushbans. CVar: sv_banFile
  • Add QuakeLive style mouse accel option (cl_mouseAccelStyle, cl_mouseAccelOffset)
  • Doppler sound effect, enabled with s_doppler. Currently only affects rocket launcher shots.
  • Included a ja_guid which is uniquely generated for each player. Can be used to track statistics on the server.
  • The chat sound effect can be turned off with cvars: cg_chatBeep and cg_teamChatBeep
  • User-info validation will detect if a client has invalid userinfo. This has the bonus effect of eliminating the q3infoboom exploit.
  • Added support for multiple master servers.

New Features: Singleplayer

  • The game will load mod code (jagamex86) from folders in fs_game. This effectively enables code-based game mods for Singleplayer.
  • Mind Trick Level 4 (cheat code) will now show weapons and firing animations in first person.

New Features: Shared

  • Native Linux client support.
  • On Windows, the game no longer requires being run as Administrator. All game data will be saved in My Documents/My Games/OpenJK.
  • No longer require CD to run the game. Anti-crack code has been removed.
  • The console can be scrolled with the scrollwheel and no longer needs the SHIFT key to open. It can also be opened with SHIFT + ESC or whatever cl_consoleKeys is set to. (This is a new cvar)
  • The ESC key can be used to close the console.
  • Added new console commands: fontlist, stopmusic, which
  • Cvars can now have descriptions. Type the cvar in the console to see what it does.
  • Added new cvar: com_affinity. This will set which CPU cores the game will run on.
  • Added new cvar: r_noBorder. When true, the game will run in a borderless window mode.
  • Added new cvar: r_centerWindow. When true and not fullscreen (r_fullscreen is 0), the window will be automatically centered.
  • Added new cvar: cg_smoothCamera. When disabled, the game will use multiplayer behavior for third person camera smoothing. When enabled, the game will use singleplayer behavior.
  • Added new cvars: cg_fovViewmodel cg_fovViewmodelAdjust cg_fovAspectAdjust. These can be manipulated to fix the first person weapon distortion caused by modifying cg_fov.
  • r_mode now accepts a new value: -2. When using this value, the game will use the native desktop resolution.
  • The viewlog has been removed. Errors are displayed in a dialog box instead.
  • The game now supports piping raw mouse input for all platforms, via a certain value of in_mouse.
  • Some console commands (map, devmap, devmapall, for example) can be auto-completed by pressing TAB.

Bug Fixes: Singleplayer

  • Models that couldn't load in Singleplayer (but could in Multiplayer) due to a MiniHeapSize error will now load correctly.
  • Using "setforceall 3" will no longer break certain aspects of the game (lightsaber style switching, and being locked out of progression)
  • The saberColor command will now work properly with multiple blades.
  • Rosh can no longer die from falling damage on the first mission (yavin1b)
  • Some multiplayer maps which couldn't load correctly (Atlantica, for instance) now do.
  • New cvars: g_allowBunnyHopping (was already present in JK2), cg_scaleVehicleSensitivity
  • Fixed a memory leak that could occur when maps had nameless ref_tags or multiple ref_tags with the same targetname.
  • Num Lock now works correctly with keybinds.
  • Maximum shader files is now in-line with multiplayer.
  • Fixed a nasty memory issue with clipboard pasting
  • Force Absorb will now work correctly when maximum force power is > 100 (currently only through cheats)
  • Fixed a bug where changing player model and then reloading the map would cause the player's textures to be missing.
  • Fixed a bug where AT-ST rockets could be reflected by the player's lightsaber.


Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • Fixed an exploit that allowed for the player to use Force Jump as an activated power.
  • Voting bugs fixed: the percentages work correctly, disconnected clients' votes no longer count, and voting for timelimit in SIege is no longer permitted.
  • Fixed a bug where clients could not reconnect to a server in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug which made this mod not work correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where siege spectators could still be glowing
  • Fixed a bug where bots would avoid their own tripmines or det packs.
  • Players can no longer be fooled into typing "qui gon jinn" or similar things in the console. It doesn't work... :)
  • Fixed a major exploit where players could fake their IP address using cvars.
  • Fixed a major exploit where players could pretend to be other clients by faking connection packets.
  • Fixed a crash which occurred with the Ragnos NPC.
  • Fixed a bug where players whose names started with * would get their messages shown at the top of the screen.
  • Fixed a bug where players with two consecutive @@s at the beginning of their name would cause weird glitches when chatting.
  • Added some NPC_spawner entities which were missing in multiplayer (such as human_merc)
  • fx_wind and fx_rain now works correctly
  • Fixed color code stacking in names where colors were supposed to be stripped. (This relates to engine and gamecode for full effect)
  • Fixed a crash regarding saber locks. This crash is responsible for saber locks being disabled on ~99% of all servers.
  • Fixed a crash which could occur on startup if r_dynamicGlow is 2
  • Fixed a bug where the Boba Fett NPC would not turn his jetpack off after he died.
  • r_znear, r_dynamicGlow, r_we is no longer classified as a cheat code.
  • Fixed buffer overflow in client side rcon command.
  • Fixed numerous bugs related to duel queue.
  • Fixed issues where spectators had trouble flying through doors close together
  • Fixed a Mac-only bug where the game would crash if a client connecting to a server did not have all of the same PK3s that the server did.
  • Fixed a huge bug regarding weapon logging and NPCs.
  • Fixed fast team switch and scoreboard team exploit
  • Fixed potential exploits involving autodownload commands.
  • Fixed an issue with some looping sound effects being played louder than they should (e.g. mp/ffa3)
  • Fix 2d screen tints with some effects being too dark (protect/abosrb/rage/ysalamiri/inlava/inwater/inslime)
  • Team Overlay in Siege now correctly shows when you are dead in all circumstances.
  • Default/missing model+saber is now "kyle". This was done because the default saber is shorter than most actual sabers.
  • Fixed a glitch where NPCs would jump at stupidly high heights at high sv_fps values.
  • Fixed a crash resulting from killing a very particular NPC on t1_fatal


Bug Fixes: Shared

  • Lots of unused code stripped from the game.
  • Fixed lots of issues with older C++ stuff that is no longer supported.
  • Fixed most, if not all of driver-related crashes.
  • Fixed some bugs with the font rendering
  • Alt-tab works correctly.
  • Pasting into the console will now use the correct character encoding.
  • Various cvars have changed defaults to match each other (r_flares is defaulted to 0 in SP, but 1 in MP. This is corrected.)
  • Stencil shadows will work correctly for objects with > 512 vertices.
  • Fixed a bug where text dropshadows wouldn't fade correctly
  • MAX_PATCH_PLANES does not occur on some maps anymore with OpenJK (this isn't related because OpenJK specifically changed something to cause the error, but because of newer compilers affecting optimizations on decimal numbers)
  • r_we command no longer shows "windzone" (an invalid option), but it does show "die"
  • Fixed a few issues regarding multi-monitor support
  • Warns it finds a shader with ###s included. These worked in base JKA, but only due to a bug with the shader parser.
  • Windows now uses correct memory status code for > 2gb when checking if low on physical memory.
  • Tweaks to the cvar code to make it more strict in terms of read only/cheats/init. Fixes a lot of broken rules with cvars.
  • Fixed an issue where cvars with value "!" would not read the rest of the string. ie, cl_motd "! This is my server !" would not work correctly.
  • FX flashes will now scale correctly to the screen.
  • Improved command line parsing based off of ioquake3 patches.
  • Fixed a hang with some weird music sample rates
  • Clamp scr_conspeed to be in the range 1-100
  • Fixed overstrike mode when using any UI edit box
  • Fix crash when standing on an NPC who has been knocked down
  • r_mapOverBrightBits 1 now works correctly.


  • Maps can have a .ent file supplied with them. The .ent file will replace entities on the map
  • weapons.dat has new fields: damage, altDamage. No longer need to recompile singleplayer to change weapon damages.
  • Modular renderer system: there is support for new renderers, such as rend2 and OpenGL-ES. This is controlled via a cl_renderer cvar.
  • Allowed for more .veh, .sab and .vwp files to load. This may fix a "Vehicle extensions (.veh) are too large" error. The loading is also more efficient.
  • BSPs now support external lightmaps.
  • As mentioned above, singleplayer can load jagamex86 / jk2gamex86 dependent on fs_game. It does not however unpack them from PK3s.

If others have more that I forgot (@@ensiform, @@Raz0r, @@Xycaleth, @@Didz) let me know so I can include them.

Edited by eezstreet
copied stuff from closed issues and from changelog.md
Silverfang, Exmirai, SomaZ and 4 others like this


  • Modular renderer system: there is support for new renderers, such as rend2 and OpenGL-ES.


As a small notation, as of today (April 22nd, 2016) Rend2 does not support single player, but OpenJK is futureproofed for when it does.


Detpacks do not blink.  This was reverted when optimized shader parser was removed.


Saves in Documents\My Games\OpenJK


Chat from console now requires you to type say first to avoid sending passwords due to incorrect spelling. And slash is purely optional now entirely.


Windows dedicated server has a proper input line and cursor plus color code rendering.


Better font rendering. Doesn't stretch as much in widescreen resolutions -> Not sure if this is totally accurate.  We didn't add aspect adjusting like in jaMME etc.  Didz just fixed some boogz and I think Raz0r added an extra system for better floating point scale options.


I can remember the small stuff I pushed:

  • Raw mouse input support (maybe SDL handles this now, I'm not sure)
  • Game window without border
  • Game window centering
  • Improved some multi-monitor issues on Windows (where vid_restart would cause the game to jump to another screen)
  • MP configurable console transparency to match SP
  • Console version number now 8 pixels to the left  :winkthumb:

Detpacks do not blink.  This was reverted when optimized shader parser was removed.


Saves in Documents\My Games\OpenJK


Chat from console now requires you to type say first to avoid sending passwords due to incorrect spelling. And slash is purely optional now entirely.


Windows dedicated server has a proper input line and cursor plus color code rendering.


Better font rendering. Doesn't stretch as much in widescreen resolutions -> Not sure if this is totally accurate.  We didn't add aspect adjusting like in jaMME etc.  Didz just fixed some boogz and I think Raz0r added an extra system for better floating point scale options.

Thanks, I've fixed the OP.



I can remember the small stuff I pushed:

  • Raw mouse input support (maybe SDL handles this now, I'm not sure)
  • Game window without border
  • Game window centering
  • Improved some multi-monitor issues on Windows (where vid_restart would cause the game to jump to another screen)
  • MP configurable console transparency to match SP
  • Console version number now 8 pixels to the left  :winkthumb:


Added all except the last one, as it seems really really minor :P unless it's getting cut off in jamp?


See if you guys can find more, I want to keep this list up to date so people know what OpenJK does.


What about the fixes for proper Mac builds too?  Instead of the Aspyr hacks and not allowing downloads etc or pure server badness.


I propose splitting the Multiplayer changes off from Engine and Mod too IMO.  I don't yet know how to word this correctly for players to understand though.


Lots of common exploits and fixes migrated from newer versions of idTech3 (Mainly the newest Q3A, and ioquake3 project)


SP supports loading mods in respective folders now (fs_game)  Though tbh we need to really investigate how modifiable SP really is right now as I think there's a good chance lots of stuff breaks.


-- I Had a bunch more but the page derped and lost my edits so I'll readd them later.


What about the fixes for proper Mac builds too?  Instead of the Aspyr hacks.


I propose splitting the Multiplayer changes off from Engine and Mod too IMO.  I don't yet know how to word this correctly for players to understand though.


Lots of common exploits and fixes migrated from newer versions of idTech3 (Mainly the newest Q3A, and ioquake3 project)


SP supports loading mods in respective folders now (fs_game)  Though tbh we need to really investigate how modifiable SP really is right now as I think there's a good chance lots of stuff breaks.

SP always supported fs_game, the difference is that it now loads jagamex86 / jk2gamex86 from there too.


Can you find a list of the common exploits so I can include them?


I didn't include fixes for proper Mac builds because I don't know what the difference is between that and what Aspyr does. Does someone know how to articulate this?


@@redsaurus can explain what crap Aspyr did I think.  Something along the lines of not having a pk3 the server has causes a Com_Error instead of just a print even if its just like a skin or a saber.


@@redsaurus can explain what crap Aspyr did I think.  Something along the lines of not having a pk3 the server has causes a Com_Error instead of just a print even if its just like a skin or a saber.

Note: These are strictly changes from the base game. OpenJK does not alter any gameplay-related aspects of the game.



New Features: Multiplayer

  • ^8 (orange) and ^9 (light grey) are added as color codes. These will only show if you are running OpenJK.
  • Console commands no longer require a forward slash ("/") in order to work properly. Chatting requires an explicit "say" command - this prevents things like accidentally giving out passwords.
  • Demos can be recorded from the server for each player. Turn on sv_autoDemo and restart the server. These can optionally be disabled for bots.
  • First person weapon animations are smoother (like in singleplayer)
  • On Windows, the dedicated server console can be scrolled through with the arrow keys and will display color codes correctly.
  • Added new command: addFavorite. Adds the server which you are currently connected to to your favorites list.
  • Increased the maximum number of scheduled effects from 500 to 2048.
  • Configurable console transparency to match singleplayer.

New Features: Singleplayer

  • The game will load mod code (jagamex86) from folders in fs_game. This effectively enables code-based game mods for Singleplayer.
  • Mind Trick Level 4 (cheat code) will now show weapons and firing animations in first person.

New Features: Shared

  • Native Linux client support.
  • On Windows, the game no longer requires being run as Administrator. All game data will be saved in My Documents/My Games/OpenJK.
  • No longer require CD to run the game.
  • The console can be scrolled with the scrollwheel and no longer needs the SHIFT key to open. It can also be opened with SHIFT + ESC or whatever cl_consoleKeys is set to. (This is a new cvar)
  • Added new console commands: fontlist, stopmusic, which
  • Cvars can now have descriptions. Type the cvar in the console to see what it does.
  • Added new cvar: com_affinity. This will set which CPU cores the game will run on.
  • Added new cvar: r_noBorder. When true, the game will run in a borderless window mode.
  • Added new cvar: r_centerWindow. When true and not fullscreen (r_fullscreen is 0), the window will be automatically centered.
  • Added new cvar: cg_smoothCamera. When disabled, the game will use multiplayer behavior for third person camera smoothing. When enabled, the game will use singleplayer behavior.
  • Added new cvars: cg_fovViewmodel cg_fovViewmodelAdjust cg_fovAspectAdjust. These can be manipulated to fix the first person weapon distortion caused by modifying cg_fov.
  • r_mode now accepts a new value: -2. When using this value, the game will use the native desktop resolution.
  • The viewlog has been removed. Errors are displayed in a dialog box instead.

Bug Fixes: Singleplayer

  • Models that couldn't load in Singleplayer (but could in Multiplayer) due to a MiniHeapSize error will now load correctly.
  • Using "setforceall 3" will no longer break certain aspects of the game (lightsaber style switching, and being locked out of progression)
  • The saberColor command will now work properly with multiple blades.
  • New cvars: g_allowBunnyHopping (was already present in JK2), cg_scaleVehicleSensitivity
  • Fixed a memory leak that could occur when maps had nameless ref_tags or multiple ref_tags with the same targetname.
  • Num Lock now works correctly with keybinds.
  • Maximum shader files is now in-line with multiplayer.


Bug Fixes: Multiplayer

  • donedl exploit corrected.
  • Voting for timelimit in Siege is no longer allowed.
  • Fixed a bug where clients could not reconnect to a server in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug which made this mod not work correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where siege spectators could still be glowing
  • Fixed a bug where bots would avoid their own tripmines or det packs.
  • Added some NPC_spawner entities which were missing in multiplayer (such as human_merc)
  • fx_wind now works correctly
  • Fixed a crash which could occur on startup if r_dynamicGlow is 2
  • Fixed a bug where the Boba Fett NPC would not turn his jetpack off after he died.
  • r_znear is no longer classified as a cheat code.
  • Fixed a Mac-only bug where the game would crash if a client connecting to a server did not have all of the same PK3s that the server did.


Bug Fixes: Shared

  • Lots of unused code stripped from the game.
  • Fixed lots of issues with older C++ stuff that is no longer supported.
  • Fixed most, if not all of driver-related crashes.
  • Fixed some bugs with the font rendering
  • Pasting into the console will now use the correct character encoding.
  • Various cvars have changed defaults to match each other (r_flares is defaulted to 0 in SP, but 1 in MP. This is corrected.)
  • Stencil shadows will work correctly for objects with > 512 vertices.
  • Fixed a bug where text dropshadows wouldn't fade correctly
  • r_we command no longer shows "windzone" (an invalid option), but it does show "die"
  • Fixed a few issues regarding multi-monitor support


  • Maps can have a .ent file supplied with them. The .ent file will replace entities on the map
  • weapons.dat has new fields: damage, altDamage. No longer need to recompile singleplayer to change weapon damages.
  • Modular renderer system: there is support for new renderers, such as rend2 and OpenGL-ES. This is controlled via a cl_renderer cvar.
  • Allowed for more .veh, .sab and .vwp files to load. This may fix a "Vehicle extensions (.veh) are too large" error.
  • BSPs now support external lightmaps.
  • As mentioned above, singleplayer can load jagamex86 / jk2gamex86 dependent on fs_game. It does not however unpack them from PK3s.

If others have more that I forgot (@@ensiform, @@Raz0r, @@Xycaleth, @@Didz) let me know so I can include them.

This will be interesting for @@redsaurus to see, all the updated features of the newer version of OpenJK, to use for updating JK: Enhanced.


I'm pretty sure it already supports everything OJK unless its not kept up to date.

Are you referring to JK Enhanced? I'm talking about redsaurus updating his version of OpenJK to the current version, when he gets 'round to updating JK Enhanced.


Bullet points are broken on mobile site :)

Well that's news to me. :P I can't believe I never noticed, since I'm on here from mobile 80% of the time.
  • 1 year later...

Hi, I was just wondering if there are any plans to implement support for bump/normal/specular maps?

Maybe backported from the ioquake project, they have this implemented already.


I am planning on creating higher resolution textures for my maps and being able to use normal maps would definitively help create more detail. I think that the Quake3 engine is still capable of supporting great games/mods, but in some respects it is a bit old.


Making higher poly and higher rez artwork than two decades ago certainly helps, but if those textures look flat it still looks bad.


So hopefully there is still being worked on this great project and someone will implement normal/specular map support :)


Hi, I was just wondering if there are any plans to implement support for bump/normal/specular maps?

Maybe backported from the ioquake project, they have this implemented already.


I am planning on creating higher resolution textures for my maps and being able to use normal maps would definitively help create more detail. I think that the Quake3 engine is still capable of supporting great games/mods, but in some respects it is a bit old.


Making higher poly and higher rez artwork than two decades ago certainly helps, but if those textures look flat it still looks bad.


So hopefully there is still being worked on this great project and someone will implement normal/specular map support :)

Check this: https://jkhub.org/topic/7468-rend2-a-modern-renderer/

They are updating it for df2mod mostly with plans to be merged back at some point.


Presently the existing rend 2 doesn't work with the current builds of OpenJK though.

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