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A relatively simple request, if I may...

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Ok, so what I would like to request is - can anyone add a shoulderpad to this Zabrak torso? I was thinking either Kyle's, or the Twi'lek's golden/ black shoulderpad, whichever you consider looks better. Thanks in advance!



Im sure one of the Dr. Frankensteins we have would do this for ya, as they most likely have all the base xsi stuff ready to rock.


Im sure one of the Dr. Frankensteins we have would do this for ya, as they most likely have all the base xsi stuff ready to rock.

what? :huh:

A year old, but still firm:

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cool! where can I get that skin??!


what? :huh:


Well... we have people here who take pieces of models and stick them together... we refer to that as frankensteining. Which requires you to have to base xsi files, or do some crazy hex editor stuff... either way, those are the people youd need to ask, and the WIP thread is loaded with them.


Well... we have people here who take pieces of models and stick them together... we refer to that as frankensteining. Which requires you to have to base xsi files, or do some crazy hex editor stuff... either way, those are the people youd need to ask, and the WIP thread is loaded with them.

well yeah, I know about frankensteining, just didn't get the Dr. bit :D

ChalklYne likes this

I would suggest not being as shrewd about it next time. But. Maybe I'll get around to this today. If not tomorrow.

hey, so how's progress?

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