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Lego Star Wars: TFA

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Well they announced a new Lego Star Wars game for The Force Awakens! 



It looks really good. I just hope they don't have dialogue. All the recent Lego games have dialogue, but the original Lego Star Wars had none. 

therfiles, Smoo, z3filus and 1 other like this

I'll probably buy this - I allways loved the lego games (and still do)

I'm interested in seeing how this turns out though - Lego the hobbit was released shortly after Desolation of smaug and was supposed to get a Battle of the five armies extension after the movies release but that Extension was canceled, so

I wonder wether they'll release 3 sepperate, longer games for each new episode or release the first levels concluding TFA and then add the other episodes via DLC later.


I tried many Lego games, not just Star Wars, though it was the first one and actually a very good fun. I also enjoy Indiana Jones a lot – this was one of a few games, which bring the atmosphere of the archeologist's adventures like it was in the movies. Lego Indiana Jones 2 was a bit different, the gameplay changed. I also tried Harry Potter game and Lord of the Rings, which brings many dialogues from the film into the game. Still a nice addition.


I thought Lego The Force Awakens would be released later, perhaps even when the whole trilogy would be complete.

Jolly likes this

I plan on buying a PS4 JUST for this game and Bloodborne. I already got a beast of a pc but some games just feel right on a console :)  

Circa likes this

I'll admit I was sort of hoping they'd wait until 2019 or whenever so they could do a trilogy game, to better mesh with LSW and LSW2, but... realistically I'm sure that was never going to happen :P TFA just crossed 2 billion, after all.


Still, this looks hilarious and I'm sure I'll play it. I played the original two to death, and I've dabbled here and there in the post-Indy Lego games.


Here's hoping they recreate the next two trailers in Lego format in the lead-up to the June release :D

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