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Back for a bit...Gonna make some awesome models for you


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Rip in pepperonis Inyri Forge.


If I'm understanding the point of this correctly @@CrimsonStrife will be making both Revan and Kylo, but the poll determines who is made first. I was just suggesting that it would be fair for Kylo Ren to be first because there's no models of him like Revan.


@@Inyri is fine, I keep in touch with her, albeit she goes by something else now.  She just has a lot of life stuff going on. I don't think she intends to return to modding however.


And yes, both will be made. Eventually.

TheWhitePhoenix likes this
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So how many Kylo's will this make? :P

Probably about 4 or 5 (with each version varying in its appearance i.e maskless) But, we could do with a "movie accurate" version, that's high-poly and the same standard of quality, like your Stormtrooper and Luke and Kualan and Barricade's Captain Phasma. Whilst it's always nice to see new models released, it's even better when they're high-quality textures. etc.

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I don't understand. Almightygir's Revan model looks great, it is higher quality then most models currently around. I guess it all comes down to opinion, but the fact being we have a good Revan model, not just a bunch of Kitbashes. I don't want to go on a rant and insult anyone but I am finding this community to be getting sorta greedy with requests and what they want and show little if not no appreciation of what they have. JKhub is lucky to have those people out there saying "You want this? Ok I will make it" and then they go out of their and spend a extensive amount of their own time making, and people eventually still don't appreciate what they got. Again I do not mean to offend anyone. 

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I don't understand. Almightygir's Revan model looks great, it is higher quality then most models currently around. I guess it all comes down to opinion, but the fact being we have a good Revan model, not just a bunch of Kitbashes. I don't want to go on a rant and insult anyone but I am finding this community to be getting sorta greedy with requests and what they want and show little if not no appreciation of what they have. JKhub is lucky to have those people out there saying "You want this? Ok I will make it" and then they go out of their and spend a extensive amount of their own time making, and people eventually still don't appreciate what they got. Again I do not mean to offend anyone. 

To be honest, I don't think it's a case of being greedy or unappreciative of other people's work. I think it's more a case of constructive criticism, to help out people who have already done models or are in the process of making them. This is a friendly and "co-operative" community, where people try to help out each other and help them improve their skills and their work at the same time, as taking requests. I agree with you that people who take requests and such, are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts.. But again, it's not a case of being greedy or unhappy with other people's work. But you've also got to consider that if a person is going to design and put their time into creating a model, then they'd want to make sure it's as accurate to its source material, as possible. Unless of course, they openly state that they'll be adding their own twist and personal changes to the model.

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Agreed ^ 


Modeling is an art-form. Art is subjective. Everyone will have their opinions. But in the case of a video game, its important to get the models as close to the source as possible, even in an old game like JKA. We've seen it done many times, so when a model isn't quite up to par with those, it's hard to just accept a subpar model.


I think the Revan model we have is good as well. I think the issue people have is, the cape makes it look odd because JKA doesn't have cloth dynamics and the cape may be slightly too wide compared to the KOTOR model. The other issue is, people want a 1:1 remake of the KOTOR model so they can use it legally. But if you care that much, just use the port.

Darth Sion likes this
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Agreed ^ 


Modeling is an art-form. Art is subjective. Everyone will have their opinions. But in the case of a video game, its important to get the models as close to the source as possible, even in an old game like JKA. We've seen it done many times, so when a model isn't quite up to par with those, it's hard to just accept a subpar model.


I think the Revan model we have is good as well. I think the issue people have is, the cape makes it look odd because JKA doesn't have cloth dynamics and the cape may be slightly too wide compared to the KOTOR model. The other issue is, people want a 1:1 remake of the KOTOR model so they can use it legally. But if you care that much, just use the port.

Wait,there is a Revan port? Where can I get it? 

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Kylo will be as 1:1 as possible, but revan will be a more hybrid of the KotOR and SWTOR versions, as that is where is face will be referenced from.  I also feel the smaller build of revan in SWTOR may fit the skeleton better. We shall see.


I'm looking at giving Revan some variants to choose from.

Dude, you are LEGENDARY for doing this. You really are. Just take your time, as since Revan and Kylo are both fan favorites, they should be as perfect as they can be. :)

Darth Sion likes this
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@@Inyri is fine, I keep in touch with her, albeit she goes by something else now.  She just has a lot of life stuff going on. I don't think she intends to return to modding however.


And yes, both will be made. Eventually.

That's good, I was more referring to her absence from the community but that makes sense. JKHub is just a distraction/hobby after all, good if you want to practise certain computer skills but its certainly not going to get you a paying job.

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Ok, so this is now gonna be the required standard to meet  :P 


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Awesome work, @@Plasma!!

Actually i think this is from @@lervish according to the next image just of his head...

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