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Development screenshots: cool things that are being worked on

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This is a small thing, but something noteworthy nonetheless. As any of you have played the version after migrating to OpenJK, the ammo indicators didn't work correctly. Well, now they do.



The tech behind this can also be used for other things, such as timers on maps. Anyone who watched the older videos might be aware of the Arena map which had a working timer for matches - this can be used for that as well.

Setlec, Futuza and Smoo like this

Oh fabulous eezstreet, I didn't know you were still working on stuff.  Actually I'm pretty free for the next two weeks since school is out, want help with anything specifically?

Smoo likes this

JKG Developer


Oh fabulous eezstreet, I didn't know you were still working on stuff.  Actually I'm pretty free for the next two weeks since school is out, want help with anything specifically?

I will PM you some details.

Stoiss and Futuza like this

Just a quick question, you still got the old screenies from the ol forums? I miss reading the dev diaries lol


Just a quick question, you still got the old screenies from the ol forums? I miss reading the dev diaries lol

I have the entire old site backed up, but I'm probably too lazy to go reinstall it on a server just to extract some screenshots.  :(  Sorry.  ModDB has a lot of stuff though, have you checked there for what you're looking for?

Smoo likes this

JKG Developer


This is a small thing, but something noteworthy nonetheless. As any of you have played the version after migrating to OpenJK, the ammo indicators didn't work correctly. Well, now they do.



Question what happened to the console menu's background?  Are you missing an asset?



JKG Developer


Yes. See the Assets 1.01 thread where I mentioned this.

Oh right, I guess you just forgot to include it then?  (If you need the asset I've got the file right now).

JKG Developer


Assets 1.01 aren't released yet. That's why they are titled as "Upcomung"

I misread the question. Yes, the offending files (shaders mostly) are there, but they were organized according to the way they were in the Google Drive, and not by the correct way. So some shaders were getting overwritten by their base equivalent.

Futuza likes this
  • 4 weeks later...



I know it looks ugly, but look the xRBG colors are right now!  I think eezstreet is going to be fixing the profile page soon sometime, so when he does the names will render correctly.


Smoo and Onysfx like this

JKG Developer







Basically the most interesting visible changes.  You can now use ^xRBG color codes pretty much anywhere and it won't break with ugly rbg strings.  Yay.  And that's the end of that issue, next!



Smoo, Stoiss, Onysfx and 3 others like this

JKG Developer






Wasn't sure how unwrapping this was going to go so I ended up unwrapping each piece individually, this is why the checkerbox texture is varying sizes on each piece (I'll pack it later so it's all even), just need to do that one tiny little piece and I think I'm going to redo the muzzle.

Onysfx, therfiles, Futuza and 1 other like this

Working on restoring some maps once thought lost:




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Need this map :o;)
Smoo, Onysfx and Darth Sion like this

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