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Jedi Hunter Droid (sorta...)

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You're probably right about the head color but i'll stick with the concept art. Next up is NPC's and maybe adding a cape version.


It definitely needs the cape. Those hilts you use in the teaser video, are those the hilts from the Republic Heroes game?

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I don't think it definitely needs it, it's a pile of metal :P & nope, basic hilts from JA, robots aren't picky.


Well I have the ripped sounds. There's good news and bad news.


The good news is, I have them. The bad news is, there's only 3 of them since he doesn't talk much at all, plus the quality isn't fantastic since it's directly from the Nintendo DS game.


Either way, here are the .mp3 files, maybe some editing can be done to improve the quality, I don't know.




P.S. I can confirm these are vocies of EG-07, which you can find here:



Notice the quote in that Wiki, they say he says "All that work for nothing, pathetic Jedi. You will not survive this."


You will hear that exact quote in the ripped sounds. :P

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@ I appreciate the effort!


@Archangel35757  I edited pretty much all the sounds events and they play fine in modview. In-game however, the only sounds heard are the default footsteps, (depending on what type of surface the character walks on) i thought they would overlap each other but no dice...

Back to old comment .. maybe make the game use the effect that is using sound/? Maybe it would work . I think there is the way to add the effect.

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Custom sounds work with the NPCs so that's another thing taken care of. I've also modeled the high poly cape and will start the baking process soon.


I hope you can fix up the audio. It sounds like it was recorded in someones bedroom from their television. I still wish there was a better source with the same audio.


I would have ripped the pain sounds too, but they only exist in Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels on Wii, and I cannot get the assets to this game anywhere, or I would get the sounds for you.




If anyone knows if there are any other games which include this droid then I can try to rip the sounds.

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Hipster cape

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Orange paint job



Actual NPC size (yeah they're supposed to be tall)






I keep noticing my updated Vader Chamber map in screenshots.



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