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JAWS Skins & Ish

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I'm going to fix the UV issues as I go as not to make myself have to redo my work over and over again, BUT here's a slight progress update.

why even bother with any texturing before the model is done? I get testbakes - but you are working entirely traditional and just do everything in Photoshop/Gimp, so why? Most of it will have to be redone anyway.


why even bother with any texturing before the model is done? I get testbakes - but your are working entirely traditional and just do everything in Photoshop/Gimp, so why? Most of it will have to be redone anyway.

Meh, fair point. It makes me feel better about working on it though- seeing what it WILL become. Plus I wanted to see how the base texture looked


Now that's sexy! Make sure to check out the weighing by the neck so that there are no gaps, seems to be a common issue with these kind of models. Once that's done, if you know how, add a colored variant like in the movies and then make it rgb friendly. LODs are super important as well. If you have trouble with that I could do the lods for you, though I'm a bit rusty :P


I'll leave the weapon's feedback up to ashura. At first glance (and I'm on mobile rn, it lacks detailed textures. Other than that it seems that you nailed it. Fantastic work

JAWSFreelao likes this

LODs are super important as well. If you have trouble with that I could do the lods for you.

At first glance (and I'm on mobile rn), it lacks detailed textures. Other than that it seems that you nailed it. Fantastic work

Never was taught how to do those, might give it a shot though. To the rest of your criticism, I'm not entirely sure yet. I think I might do more on the magazine and so on so forth, but I don't know. Like you said, I think I will leave that to see what Ashura has to say about it before I proceed tho.

Strongly considering a new commando droid model as well. The old one is okay but we can do better than that.

More stuff!


Just to give a hint. Who doesn't love a V2?




krkarr and Dark_Reaper like this

Very very very early preview. Lots to be done.


Remember that object's pivot should be always set to x 0 y 0 z 0. It should be in the middle of the model_root.

JAWSFreelao likes this

Yeah, first full model. I did do a helmet or two from scratch, but first full body yes


A smart idea to start modelling a droid since they're a bit more blocky than organic beings and thus should result in less of a headache. 

JAWSFreelao likes this

A smart idea to start modelling a droid since they're a bit more blocky than organic beings and thus should result in less of a headache. 

Indeed, their legs are strange but otherwise much much easier. 


Just taking a break from the BX Commando, so I figured I should give you guys a list of my current "to-do"

In the now:

1) Release the commandos. I'm hoping I'll be able to find some sounds but who knows, possibly not.

2) Finish up the DC-15A rifle, prep for release.



In the future:

1) Mando carbine + pistol. Unfortunate that the old versions were lost with the "death" of my old computer, but I shall carry on with my work on these.

2) Nite Owl soldier, and by obvious addition, Bo Katan. These come after the pistol and carbine and I might just release all of these as a pack if that intrigues anyone?

3) Phase 1 TCW style ulta-pack. Hopefully I'll be able to include everyone's favorite clones- Rex, Fox, Keeli, Gree, Cody, so on so forth.

Alvar007 likes this

So this pack includes: Vizsla (phase 1 armor), Bo Katan (helmetless), Death Watch soldiers as seen kicking the shit out of Kenobi in season 2, Kenobi in disguise with Maul Empire armor, and a version of a Maul Empire soldier (the badass one with the claw marks and horns on the helmet). a Nite Owl soldier (the grey one, I assume one of the few female Death Watch members) 

A few things to do before I release: add kneepads, might model the thigh pads on and texture over the old (maybe), and try to figure out at least one more variant of the Maul empire soldier.




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