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JK3Files Shuts Down


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just found out about this. This is a gut punch; Jedi Academy was the first game that I recall pumping mod after mod into, until any given bot match was an utter frankenstein of a crossover brawl. Sites like JK3Files and PCGameMods enabled this, and I always loved using them. I even submitted a few files back when I went under the name Cuckoo Man, and made more that I've never submitted anywhere. I'd come back to JK3Files every so often, whether for more mods when I became inclined to play a bit more or just to revisit it. While I knew the site could go under easily, and was always surprised to see it still up, eventually it felt like it'd never actually happen. Now that it's gone, I feel like I've lost a part of my childhood. Though Gamefront still seems to host at least most of the old files, I have no idea how long they'll be up, and the lack of images or proper descriptions on certain files makes it hard to really judge something before using it. I'll never be able to look back on pics of the day or any of the other community content, and that just sucks (even if I know full well I never would've thought about doing such a thing had it survived). Rest in peace, you lovable cobbled together mess; I'll always remember your selection of terrible Reborn, Cultist and Jawa reskins and copyrighted duel music. Thanks for all the years of fun.


If it hasn't already been implemented, that Orphaned Files suggestion sounds great; should it happen (or have happened), I might have some files to contribute, possibly a couple stragglers from PCGameMods (though I'm still kicking myself for somehow losing one or two files, such as a Squidward player model that managed to disappear at some point while the accompanying Spongebob model survived).

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I can't imagine someone in a thousand years suing JKHub to take a mod down, that's kind of ridiculous. All they need to do is ask nicely to have it removed and you can do so. It doesn't need to be sponsored by JKHub or anything, just a link to the mirror on the top bar would suffice. You could say something like "this mirror is not supported or sponsored by JKHub" on it. The mirror already exists. All you are doing is making it slightly easier for people to find.


Also, creating mods for a Star Wars game is already a legal gray area. Disney owns the rights for hundreds of characters, worlds and stories that other people have built off of, it's not like JKHub has to ask Disney for permission to have the site called Jedi Knight Hub.

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I've had my mirror operating for over a year and a half and I only got 1 request to take something down which I did. I don't think that's going to be much of an issue. If they don't want the mod in the mirror, they can request it to be taken down. It's that simple.

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I've had my mirror operating for over a year and a half and I only got 1 request to take something down which I did. I don't think that's going to be much of an issue. If they don't want the mod in the mirror, they can request it to be taken down. It's that simple.

It's more of a risk from GameFront. When there was talk of a mirror on the announcement thread on GameFront, a bunch of ex-staff got mad that we would host it without asking them first. But since the reviews are the only thing they have the rights to, they can't really get that mad about it, in my opinion. Its about preserving the content, not taking credit for their stuff.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Is there NO WAY at all to save those files, all that hard work, from being totally destroyed??



Read below.


Not sure if you noticed, but I've got a mirror of the files (with a dozen or so exceptions).

Nothing against you, we've just been giving this link over and over.


I went ahead and added the link to the original post, but since I'm not staff, it didn't edit the article. I think it may be time to advertise @@mrwonko's mirror a little more obviously. i.e. in the JKH bar.

TheWhitePhoenix and Scorpion like this
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Read below.



Nothing against you, we've just been giving this link over and over.


I went ahead and added the link to the original post, but since I'm not staff, it didn't edit the article. I think it may be time to advertise @@mrwonko's mirror a little more obviously. i.e. in the JKH bar.&&0


Apologies! I read the article and responded quickly without checking the comments or forums. Thanks for the link!

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