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Star Wars Episode VII Discussion

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These rumors of Luke being the villian is plausible... remember the book where the emperor had created a clone from Luke's severed hand from the cloud city duel? And Mara Jade killed him? Just sahib's it could be a twist like that.


There is an untirely new portion of rumours or even true news... =)


Character from the Original Trilogy. I might remind, that a few months ago I published a list of possible recurring characters from OT and the Prequels, who survived the Galactic Civil War and has all the right to appear in the new film. So now they say, that some will do return.


One of the returning characters is Nien Numb, a Sullustan pilot in the Rebel Alliance. You might remember him, he was the one, who piloted the Millenium Falcon together with Lando Calryssian in Episode VI.


The other one is the surviving member of Jabba the Hutt's Palace band - Hermi Odle. He is almost not seen in the film, and only a few fans would remember him. I do know this character, because I bought an action figure of him, and I must say, that he fits perfectly into the term of "Scum and villainy", and Episode VII seems to be just the western most fans expect.



Daisy Ridley character and one from OT (possible plot spoiler)


The source at starwars7news.com says, that there is a scene at a cantina (not Tatooine most likely), showing the character of D.Ridley approaching an alien. There is some sort of conflict and she points a blaster on him. In turn he threatens her as well, and this is where Chewie intervenes - he rips the arm of this creature (blood?). 

You can read more here



I guess it's a very good sign, that a lot of things in Episode VII draw either influence or inspiration from the original artworks by Ralph McQuarrie.

  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my god in underpants what did I just read:

Is it possible that Mace Windu survived his encounter with Sidious?


During their fight, it looked like Mace's arm was cut off and he was hit by the force lightning and thrown out the window. But, we never actually see his body.

Seems to be a recurring theme that if you don't actually see a body in a movie, the person might still be alive. Multiple people have had limbs cut off and survived.

Luke Skywalker survived a rather intense session of force lightening with the Emperor. And ofcourse the Jedi are telekinetic:

I'd assume they could stop themselves from falling, or at least slow themselves down enough to land gently. Given that info, it seems possible to me that Mace could have survived.

Samuel L. Jackson's reaction to SW7

“I’m not surprised but totally geeked by the idea of there being more Star Wars. It’s like, okay, Obi-Wan was dead when episode four started,

so maybe everyone thinks I’m dead and we’ll find out what happened to Mace Windu. I can come back as one-armed or a one-handed Jedi that’s still around that didn’t actually die.”

Would he return if asked? Jackson replied:


“Hell yeah!… I could do that or be a ghost hologram. I don’t care. I just want to stay associated with the franchise. Not that I won’t because I’ve been in three of them.”

But then again, who wouldn’t want to return to one of the biggest pop culture franchises of all-time?


However - I would ejoy seeing Quin-Gon return as a ghost because he was the one who started ..everything!!
HE was the one who found Anakin, HE brought him to Jedi Council and was determined to train him to become a Jedi.

Qui-Gon Jinn is probably the most important character in Star Wars saga and he should be brought back as a ghost.



Tempust85 likes this

Liam Neeson has previously stated he would return as Qui-gon if asked, so it's upto Disney. I for one hope they incorporate him, he's one of my favourite characters.



It would actually make sense if he did return as a ghost from the past since at the end of episode 3, Yoda told Kenobi about Qui-Gon "returning from the dead"

which makes me wonder if Qui-Gon was the first Jedi to do so and whether Yoda learned this from Qui-Gon or if he was already aware of such an ability.

In episode 5 Master Kenobi appeared as a ghost most likely because he learned it from his Master via meditation. Obi-Wan helped Luke in his struggle.
Why not do that again with Qui-Gon helping out e.g. Luke or someone else who has chosen the path of the Jedi. That would make a nice add to the film.


I don't like the idea of Mace Windu added to Episode VII as a surviving Jedi. this would definitely minimize the role of other characters in OT - like Yoda and Obi Wan. For me the phrase of the old master, that Luke would be the last of the Jedi after Yoda is gone, meant, that the Empire did indeed destroy all the Jedi. Surely Dark Forces II shows Rahn survived, and TFU and other stories say otherwise...


But Mace Windu as a hologram is totally okey. I doubt we will see the Jedi Academy like it was in the books, but perhaps the main characters would revisit some old abandoned place from the pre-Clone Wars era.


As for Qui Gon Jinn - it was a suprize for me back in 1999 that it was a different character other than Yoda and Obi Wan, who discovered Anakin. But while I am not sure he would return in Episode VII, he might be seen in a different film - including the recently announced Obi Wan Kenobi standalone films. 


he might be seen in a different film - including the recently announced Obi Wan Kenobi standalone films. 

say what? Obi standalones? what?


A recent image shows what could be a village for Tusken raiders - in that case it may be possible

that Episode 7 will be revisiting Anakin’s painful past, or something Luke experienced as a child.

Then again this may not be a Tusken village but some other location on Tatooine. What do you think?








Former James Bond actor, Roger Moore, was seen visiting Episode VII's movie set.  Moore confirmed this in an interview with BBC Radio.

When asked by the host which scene was being filmed during his visit, Moore answered:


"They were filming something with a lot of mountains and snow,"




So it's possible to see some of the characters also visit the planet of Hoth in Star Wars 7.  For what reason?
In Episode 5 the Rebels had to flee and abandon their new base at Hoth, when the imperials assaulted with the AT-AT walkers.

After the destruction of the DeathStar, the rebels should have no reason to go back to Hoth as it was a hiding place to begin with.

Tempust85 likes this

A recent image shows what could be a village for Tusken raiders - in that case it may be possible

that Episode 7 will be revisiting Anakin’s painful past, or something Luke experienced as a child.

Then again this may not be a Tusken village but some other location on Tatooine. What do you think?








Former James Bond actor, Roger Moore, was seen visiting Episode VII's movie set.  Moore confirmed this in an interview with BBC Radio.

When asked by the host which scene was being filmed during his visit, Moore answered:


"They were filming something with a lot of mountains and snow,"




So it's possible to see some of the characters also visit the planet of Hoth in Star Wars 7.  For what reason?

In Episode 5 the Rebels had to flee and abandon their new base at Hoth, when the imperials assaulted with the AT-AT walkers.

After the destruction of the DeathStar, the rebels should have no reason to go back to Hoth as it was a hiding place to begin with.


The Star Wars universe is fairly large so there are bound to be more desert or icy planets out there. Personally, I doubt they'll be revisiting those exact places.


Just recently they've released tons of concept art for Episode VII. You can see all the pictures here:



I must say, that they do prove a lot of latest rumours. Including:


Yavin IV is clearly seen there, but instead of a hangar, the ships are stationed nearby. The news ships were also revealed, like the so-called U-wing fighter. We can also see the Imperial forces and a TIE fighter. One such vessel is seen lying in the desert. One of the cities from early photos (which reminded Tatooine) are also spotted here.


You can also notice such concepts as human female (protagonist), a Gossam with a prosthetic arm (actually a knife instead of it), a strange alien with hair (which makes him look more like Yoda) and a new astromech droid nearby. There is also an alien, which looks like Selkath in the background.


A hangar, where Falcon is stationed, has oriental design - look at the colomns with blue stripes. I like it.



Having seen all of these I feel very positive about Episode VII. There are other news as well. =)


@Circa named this;  Star Wars Episode VII Discussion  so Im not gonna argue, I hid the images for those who are here only to discuss the upcoming movies.

I just thought this topic has had so many images and other spoilers about the upcoming film, that a couple new ones shouldn't bother anyone at this point.



We've always made spoiler sections, and it's relevant now, because we are getting closer to film release. So we have to hide such things. =)


Four more pictures, which were dropped out in the link prior (characters).






And this one look interesting. Clearly this was already shot in Ireland. It was said, that there is a dark tower, which is the main base for the villain. This picture revels more - Millenium Falcon comes to the location, so perhaps the main heros are after the bda guy here...epviiartleak20.jpg


Posted (edited)

:winkthumb:  man oh man im looking foreward to seeing this in theater!!

I'm starting to get the feeling that this badguy in the hood, may be a clone wars veteran, or otherwise battle wounded,
looks like half-machine-half-humanoid who hasn't got the latest gear on, who definetly looks like a creepy grudge holder.

So far I haven't linked this character to any already existing character in the Star Wars universe, do we even know for sure he is a sith??
Following the story 30 years after the destruction of Death Star, and the death of Darth Sidious & Darth Vader = there should be no sith.


What is our badguy trying to achieve?


  • a personal vendetta?
  • to divide and conquer?
  • Maybe he.. is a she ? An Imperial woman Officer who was on the Deathstar as it blew up?



These are 3 images from 1 location, atleast in my head - what do you guys think?mJBibf.jpg




Edited by zeƒilus


Actually the Sith and the mechanical guy - are two separate characters. The Sith (of more likely an Inquisitor, who survived the Galactic Civil War) has his plans. The guy with mecho-eye and arm, as well as legs - is indeed a veteran, as you say.



Earlier it was said, that he is the one, who survived both Clone Wars and Civil War and is the only one (besides R2), who remembers those events. He is the one, who tells the two next generations of those times... He is not a bad guy. And is most likely he is played by Von Sydow.



There are two more evil characters (and perhaps even more). The one is a female elite stormtrooper, as we said before. I think, she will change sides in Episode VII (some things say in favour of this theory). The other one is an Imperial aristocrat.



This noble man is related somehow to count Dooku, but in any case he is looking for an artifact.



I have a feeling that:


Luke Skywalker is not seen for 10 years or so, but some say he is actually the evil guy. I think it's a plot in the film to disguise the main villain and make a trap for other characters.


I also feel, that the second villain will be hiding among the good guys, but in the end would reveal himself (one photo from past months suggest this).



Here's a theory: 


Luke is cloned, most likely from his hand that was cut off. Clone Luke is the leader of Vader Cultists, who idolise the fallen sith lord and want to wreak havoc across the galaxy in his name.


Luke is being blamed for things that clone Luke has done. Luke confronts & battles clone Luke, but is defeated and loses his lightsaber. Due to everyone thinking he did all the terrible things clone Luke has done, Luke has goes into exile. 10 years pass. Daisy Ridley & John Boyega's characters find Luke's lost lightsaber by chance whil scavenging and seek out an old man (a tech dealer) who recognises that it's a working lightsaber (and no one has ever brought him an intact lightsaber before) then sends them to Chewie. Chewie takes them to Han & Leia, who recognise that it's Luke's lightsaber and they decide they must find Luke and finally put an end to clone Luke and his following of Vader Cultists.



I'm by no means a writer, but I like this story hehe. :P

z3filus, Bek, NumberWan and 1 other like this

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