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Sabers HD

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Progress on @@Rooxon's and My new HD Saber Pack


Base Hilts :


Single 8 : Defender


-model needs to be converted for JKA

-Textures have to be adapted for JKA's shaders

-need extra files (shaders, .sab file)



Additional Hilts :


Single 10 : Veteran


-currently looks like a toy

-needs textures

-has to be converted for JKA

-needs extra files

-final tweaking

GPChannel, Circa, Onysfx and 4 others like this
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The most probable thing to happen will be I'll stop updating my old packs, since the goal of this saberHD pack is exactly the same as was mine. Base hilts recreated + additional saber hilts, up to 15 per hilt type (single/staff). So my weaponsHD will become a pack only made out of recreated vanilla gun/blaster weapons. I'd be very gratefull if others that have been working on guns post there and we bundle our work together (namely in my WeaponsHD topic, availible through my signature). I think it's pointless to do things that others have already been started.

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@@AshuraDX Can you keep those PBR materials around on your pc for a while? I might have some use for them in the future ;)

I keep mine from these new models, too. You don't mean to say that various maps would be usable in JKA, or do you? :o Or a converter? That'd be stunning!

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@@AshuraDX Can you keep those PBR materials around on your pc for a while? I might have some use for them in the future ;)

of course - if you got in mind what I think you have in mind : you are insane - but I love you :D



Or a converter? That'd be stunning!




ofc not perfect - but it's what I made to get those pbr materials adapted to JKA



also, the hilt came out very nice imo :D


Rooxon, Bek, GPChannel and 1 other like this
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Looks great guys. :) Feel free to make a new thread for each hilt if you'd like.

One thread is enough, I think. :) 


Anyway, here's the first of the new sabers in the makings, single_10, the Veteran: (will be updated, right now it's just modeled from the concept, I need to make it realistic.)


EDIT: Ashura and I decided, that this hilt needs a redesign. It looks too much of a toy from the Power Rangers franchise, when taking a look at the sheer model and doesn't fit with the rest of the hilts in any way, sadly. Might release this particular one as a standalone hilt, though.


Arbiter WIP (a couple of hours of fixing to go and that's it for the high poly)

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haha well guys okay, I'll fix that. You don't mind such a change from the vanilla, then? It's really a slight matter of vertices movement, nothing special. Anyway, about 50% of the model will be redone on the arbiter, so it's far from perfect. I'm still learning along the way, so..

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haha well guys okay, I'll fix that. You don't mind such a change from the vanilla, then? It's really a slight matter of vertices movement, nothing special. Anyway, about 50% of the model will be redone on the arbiter, so it's far from perfect. I'm still learning along the way, so..

I wouldn't even worry about it @@Rooxon, it's such a small detail, I doubt anyone would care about it, during gameplay.

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How about cutting off the top ?



Actually, I'll try to explain my exact thoughts. The overall look of the hilt isn't too bad at all, it's just that when I actually made it, viewed from all angles, it looks more like a toy than it does as a deadly weapon. I'll try to make various parts realistic and meddle with this very same design some more, try to make it look good. But me and AshuraDX together decided, that we won't use this very same design in the sabersHD pack, that's all. So if it's ever going to be released, it'll be from me and a standalone hilt.

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Amazing work@@Rooxon, I know the texture work for the saber isn't complete, but its looking awesome already. The only thing I can think of doing would be to discolor the bottom hilt part and give the hilt more ware in general. Also I think that the shiny shader should be toned down a bit for various parts of the hilt. For the exposed metal interior, at the top, I wouldn't have any shader on it whatsoever, actually I think it'll might be best to make that specific part of the metal to be a more cheaper, processed metal.  


Almost like this, just not as dirty:


*You almost have the texture looking like this already actually. 

Also I feel the ingame model should be a little bit more longer. 

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