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JKA on Humble Bundle!

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JKA might be a lot more active now with that Humble Bundle!

This bundle is actually pretty good. I haven't bought a bundle in ages. A lot of the latest ones have sucked, quite frankly. I think the last one I actually bought was the one with Batman Arkham Asylum which was like at least 6 months ago.

I also finally own a legal copy of JKA...

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So anyone happen to know the etiquette on mods in the steam version?

I can't seem to install custom mp mods (yes makermod) :( It just doesn't show up in the "Mods" menu


I think you have to run it with custom parameters... Right click > Properties > Set launch options > +set fs_game "nameOfMod"

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So anyone happen to know the etiquette on mods in the steam version?

I can't seem to install custom mp mods (yes makermod) :( It just doesn't show up in the "Mods" menu

I just use openjk and point it to Steam's JKA install assets (fs_cdpath).

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JKG Developer

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There's so many people playing JKA now. I looked at the server list and it said 500 people were playing. Just a couple of weeks ago when the master server was down there were only like 2 or 3 populated servers with like 6 people on each. 

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Our server (EFF) crashed during the day because there were so many people on it :P
It was quite a party though, but we haven't had a full server in months. So we owe humble some lol.

Btw for us modders, there will be a lot more people looking up to us now xD

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People still buy this after 11 years, but LucasArts (Disney) refuses to make a new JK. WHY


I'm fine with that. I can't imagine a new Jedi Knight game in this age to be similar (gameplay wise) to Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy - that is, NO Force Abusing, NO lighting-fast swings, NO cutscene-like duels, NO uninspired characters. Sure, I'd welcome a better engine, but I'm not sure if that's worth the price.

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I'm fine with that. I can't imagine a new Jedi Knight game in this age to be similar (gameplay wise) to Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy - that is, NO Force Abusing, NO lighting-fast swings, NO cutscene-like duels, NO uninspired characters. Sure, I'd welcome a better engine, but I'm not sure if that's worth the price.

You're probably right... I can't really imagine a Jedi Knight without the quake-engine and strafe jumping and all that... A new JK would probably be more like TFU or Battlefront than the old Jedi Knights. I'm 100% sure the saber combat would be horrible. And I'm not even sure if it's still possible to create SW-games that are non-canon (and only the movies are canon now).

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Pretty much what has been said: A new JK game would inevitably be mediocre at best. But on another note, are there any plans to ride the player explosion wave and widely advertise the hub (or ctf, mb2, anything) on steam/ingame?


I'm quite active on the steam forums atm

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