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Makermod 1.3b Download

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Can't go higher than 40-45, so I just keep it locked at 30. Would rather have a steady 30 fps than have it fluctuate around.

lol sounds like my laptop, glad i recently built a desktop tho. im in love with it :P

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  • 1 month later...

WOW !!!



Please someone, a living god, please make a new mod: a mix between Makermod and OJP Enhanced.


It would be the BEST RP mod ever:


- All the creating, texturing, placing functions of makermod.

- All the stances, RP, moves, force and class system of OJP Enhanced (with rgb saber and the 7 stances).


It would be the best mod ever made in JKA.

Keyten likes this
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  • 2 months later...

This is something I made a few years ago to quickly create scripts without having to fuss about lag or adding ontimers properly.

Extract the contents of the zip file below into either your base folder or your makermod folder (or another if you use scripts for another mod and use makermodule for it.)

1) Automatic Delay
When you run the batch file, it'll ask you for a number. This should be an integer not a string (in short, it should be made up of numbers ranging from 0 to 9 not made up of a-z or anything else.)
Entering an automatic delay of 20 would convert the following script:

mplace factory/catw2_b;
mplace factory/catw2_b;
mmove 12 0 0

into the following:

ontimer 0 "mmarkfoot";
ontimer 20 "mplace factory/catw2_b";
ontimer 40 "mplace factory/catw2_b";
ontimer 60 "mmove 12 0 0"

This number will represent how many milliseconds (not centiseconds aka 100ths of a second) you want to wait between each command. It accepts 0 as a number in case you wait to rely on your own timings with waits.

2) Per-Command Delays
As well as the per-command delays, you can also use wait commands in the script itself. The ontimer will take this into consideration when it's working out the time to execute the next command.
If you specified 30 to be your automatic delay, the following script would convert from:

mplacefx env/fire 250;
wait 100;
mmove 100

to the following:

ontimer 0 "mmarkfoot";
ontimer 30 "mplacefx env/fire 250";
ontimer 130 "mmove 100"

3) Subtractive Waits
Subtractive waits are also compatible with the ontimer. Rather than getting you infinitely stuck like you normally would with a negative wait, it will take away the specified amount from the next automatic delay.
As an example, if you have an automatic delay of 20ms and you use the following in a script:

wait -2;
mplace factory/catw2_b

The converter will output:

ontimer 0 "mmarkfoot";
ontimer 0 "mplace factory/catw2_b"

4) Usage
Before you run the batch file, you'll need to put any files which need converting into the "src" folder.
Once they are all set to go, simply run the batch file and proceed to read step 1 to 3 if you're not sure of how the converting process works.
The converted script will be spit out into the provided "bin" folder (you'll be prompted to create one if you forgot to extract it.)
Once you're happy with the script and don't want to make any more changes to it, or want to pause the script development and want to use a different timing for a different script, move it out of the "bin" folder.
I've provided a folder called "archive" if you can't think of a name for a folder to put them in.
Don't forget to include the folder names if you're going to execute the scripts directly from them.

5) Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ikohg5w12ue1m69/Ontimer%20Converter.zip?dl=0

mairontai, Smoo and Keyten like this
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello to all MakerMod players. I hope, that i am writing this on the right place. So here is what's on my mind and for what i will need help.

I really loved the few screen-shots and threads about Makermod, so i decided to give it a try for a little bit of a close (family) server.

First of all – I have downloaded this file here and I am not really sure how to run it in JKA MP, do I have to install something else in order to have working Makermod or what? Sorry for this question, but I haven't played MakerMod and don't know how to, also wasn't able to find more info on this.

Second of all – I do know, that this mod is for MP gaming of JKA and you can join servers etc. etc. BUT in particular i want to know: is it possible to create my own server for MakerMod. How to do this, what does it require and what do I need to know in order to create a closed server, since I want to play just with my wife, because she just got my attention for JKA MakerMod. I do not want for now to join other people's servers, because we have to learn the first steps and also i am willing to create some stuff, that are only for us. 

In other words: i want to be able to crate personal JKA MakerMod server to play on with my wife, create stuff in JKA and the whole Star Wars universe, just for our own use, until we have enough experience to join into a larger server with many other players. Create and make changes on basic JKA maps.

Thank you in advance.

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Well first of all you will need JKA to be able to play makermod, I assume you have that in order though.


I suggest checking out the readme files included in the download. The "Old Makermod Readme.txt" has some installation and getting started instructions.


Some googling also gives me two (kinda dated) guides:




They all talk about a .bat file that is not included in the download you have though, but you can make it yourself:

.\jampded.exe +set dedicated 1 +set fs_game makermod +exec makermod.cfg +set sv_pure 0 +set net_port 29070

Copy paste this into a txt file, and rename it to "Makermod Dedicated Server.bat" (make sure you have hide extensions for known filetypes disabled).

Put this file in your GameData folder and double click it. If you have extracted all of the makermod files correctly, it should start your makermod server.

You'll see a window pop up. Type "status" and press enter. If it tells you the server is not running, type "map t2_trip" and enter again.


You should now be able to join your server by starting a jamp client, and then use the server browser to list LAN/Local servers. Or you can type /connect localhost:29070 in your console.

People playing on a different machine than the server, like your wife, needs to connect to your server with the server browser or your local network IP, for example: /connect Replace with your PC's local IP.

eezstreet, Smoo, Onysfx and 1 other like this
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@@Scooper Thank you for the kind answer! Yes i do have JKA installed with the 1.01 Patch and all the MakerMod stuff. I have extracted the files in my GameData folder, even made the .bat file you've told me about above, did everything step by step as it is, but after I have opened up the "Makermod Dedicated Server.bat" file it loaded some stuff, after that i just entered "status" and pressed enter, waited a while and nothing happened. In the mean time it didn't said anywhere something like "server not running" or similar to this. Than i decided to type in "map t2_trip" and hit enter - waited a few seconds to see what will happen and still nothing. :o

Than i started my JKA MP game, went to "Mods" selected MakerMod and nothing have happened. Also the JAMP Client seems to be just a .pk3 file in my case inside the Makermod's folder.

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Not sure why you said "nothing happened" when it prints:

map: t2_trip
num score ping name [...]

That is the current status of your server, it's running map t2_trip, and since there are no players on it it can't show any stats about them, and only prints the column names.


Your server is running correctly, you should be able to connect to it. Go to the server browser in the jamp client (you don't have to load makermod in jamp) and connect to your local server.

You have to change the filter options in the top right portion of the server browser until it shows LAN (or Local not sure exactly what it says). And your server should show up.
Or you can connect with the "/connect localhost:29070" console command like I mentioned before.

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Not sure why you said "nothing happened" when it prints:

map: t2_trip
num score ping name [...]

That is the current status of your server, it's running map t2_trip, and since there are no players on it it can't show any stats about them, and only prints the column names.


Your server is running correctly, you should be able to connect to it. Go to the server browser in the jamp client (you don't have to load makermod in jamp) and connect to your local server.

You have to change the filter options in the top right portion of the server browser until it shows LAN (or Local not sure exactly what it says). And your server should show up.

Or you can connect with the "/connect localhost:29070" console command like I mentioned before.

Ok i think, that i might just got it and connected into the server as you mentioned above. Now the question is how my wife could join in. She also have JKA installed with the patch and so on. Does she have to install Makermod on her PC in oder to join or just by the LAN server in the browser, or it is just by my IP address? Since we tested and it just brings her the loading screen and is waiting to connect, but nothing happens (i mean she does not join in). 

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Makermod can be played without any client side plugins, but there is one you can use. So your wife should probably also install it.


Your wife can join by finding your server in the server browser, she should not run the .bat to start a server. Or she can connect to your server by doing "/connect <your_server_local_ip>:29070" where you replace <your_server_local_ip> with the ip.

You can find your local IP by doing the following steps:

1) write "cmd" (without quotes) in the start menu, and press enter.
2) A black terminal window should pop up, write "ipconfig" and press enter.
3) What you see here depends a bit on your PC's setup and what devices it has. But it will list all of your IP configurations. Look for the line(s) that says "IPv4 Address. . . . . : <IP>" 
4) Have your wife write "/connect <IP>:29070" in her console, when your server is running.

A local IP is usually something like or

Step 1 to 3 are on the PC running the server, step 4 is for the PC that is not.
If you find multiple results on line 3, just try all of them separately.
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