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Makermod 1.3b Download

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It built just fine here.  Failing during compile or failing with the error in the OT?


If the former try turn off building of botlib in all configurations as its unnecessary for mods always has been.


Problem with mm is that it has a bunch of patches built in which won't work unless you're using jampded and nothing else for engine.

Building isn't the problem, it's an error when you try start a server, you didn't get an error?

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  • 8 months later...

So, my name is {LR}Benji, some of you might know me, some of you probably don't..


I'm posting this to see if there are any players who used to play Makermod around or if there any any new players who might be interested in a building / creativity / sand box mod for JKA.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...



so yeah I'm the (kind of) famous DarkQuake who gave you all Element Script Version 1 and 2. I never did get around to finishing the third version.. couldn't be bothered tbh as the playerbase was dying down and I had Uni commitments and now other games to play haha! Do with it what you will, and make me proud. May the coding be with you :) and the force.


Just drag the Scripts folder into your makermod folder, leave the two files in the Scripts folder as it's what the main script calls off, and it's good practice anyway to have your scripts there aside from your pk3 files etc.




Website is still darkquake.com, and my server is up AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE ;) (type /connect svr.darkquake.com:29070)


-Daniel Carnovale

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello folks,


I wanna create server for all of you old and maybe new players, because there I see only 2 MakerMod servers, one is passworded lulz..



So If I there find some good individuals who want to be admin, seasonal builder etd. I am able to pay for server and enjoy old times.. Of course we can update open source Makermod, add new addons etc. Its rly up to you.. 


If you are interested in this. Write bellow your email or another conctact and I will answer you...

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Yeah, lets not be posting our emails on a public forum. That’s exactly how the spam demons find you.


Just use the PM system.


Sorry for going off-topic, but does it really make a difference, in this day and age? I mean, it's seems perfectly wise not to post your email in public forums, but if I go check my spam folder, I get like 5 spam emails per day, and it's rare for one to get past Google's filter. Aren't all our email addresses already on every single list of addresses to spam?

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Sorry for going off-topic, but does it really make a difference, in this day and age? I mean, it's seems perfectly wise not to post your email in public forums, but if I go check my spam folder, I get like 5 spam emails per day, and it's rare for one to get past Google's filter. Aren't all our email addresses already on every single list of addresses to spam?

Even so, a random new user account posting on the forum asking people to pubically post their email addresses is sketchy af. And some people still aren't aware that it is bad practice to do so.


And saying you already get spam anyway is not really helping your argument here.


Spam is one thing, people retrieving emails for malicious intentions is another. Trust me, you don't want your email used for malicious intent. Either they could sign you up for a thousand mailing lists, or other ridiculous things.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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