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FEATURE: OpenGL 3 Renderer

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Well I managed to fix the texture issue at least....


Normal maps work on ghoul2 models. As you can see, Tavion has the auto generated normal maps from the diffuse textures. :P

Next big issue is ghoul2 bone shit crashing once ingame after a cutscene. That and luke crying for some reason. @@Xycaleth?


EDIT: Can't seem to get to the bone crashing stuff in-game atm, could have been something I was messing with. :P


It's giving an error when loading yavin1b about the scepter weapon's so called item not being in items.dat. I managed to comment out the error to get past it but it's not the solution. How to fix without altering assets?

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Yeah and it only seems to happen on Luke for some reason. Maybe it's to do with skin weights not being within a certain range?


I can't figure why I'm getting crashing when loading textures for models. Debugger goes to here in R_FindShader:

	hash = generateHashValue(name);

	// see if the image is already loaded
	for (image = hashTable[hash]; image; image = image->next) {
		if (!strcmp(name, image->imgName)) { //CRASH HERE
			// the white image can be used with any set of parms, but other mismatches are errors
			if (strcmp(name, "*white")) {
				if (image->flags != flags) {
					ri.Printf(PRINT_DEVELOPER, "WARNING: reused image %s with mixed flags (%i vs %i)\n", name, image->flags, flags);
			return image;

It happens on any map that has item/weapon spawns. Any ideas?

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I can't figure why I'm getting crashing when loading textures for models. Debugger goes to here in R_FindShader:


It happens on any map that has item/weapon spawns. Any ideas?

I think this was either because the hashTable is getting uninitialized when you load a map, or because it's in the server-side code and the hashTable hasn't even been initialized.

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...Normal maps work on ghoul2 models. As you can see, Tavion has the auto generated normal maps from the diffuse textures. :P


It looks like there will need to be some tweaking on how to properly handle the auto-generated normal maps-- because if you look closely... Tavion's tattoo's appear to be cut into her flesh... whereas the tattoo should just be on the top of her flesh with no "+/- thickness".


Great work Jon!  Keep it up!!!

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I guess I didn't make my point clear in my previous post. It's fine that it's trying to load the MD3 model using the Ghoul2 function. What's not fine, is the line I mentioned. What should happen is that ghlInfo->currentModel->data.glm is NULL, so it doesn't go into the block that you posted with the screenshot, and nothing happens.


Also, you shouldn't ever need to check if data.glm->header is NULL - if data.glm is not NULL, then data.glm->header will always be valid. If data.glm isn't NULL, then it sounds like it's not being initialized correctly.

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It's just base assets. I did a test and misc_model_static works fine on my test map. It seems to be not getting stuck on the ghoul2 API now, so here's where it breaks in q_shared:

const char *SkipWhitespace( const char *data, qboolean *hasNewLines ) 
	int c;

	if(parseDataCount < 0)
		Com_Error(ERR_FATAL, "SkipWhitespace: parseDataCount < 0");

	while( (c = *(const unsigned char* /*eurofix*/)data) <= ' ') 

I managed to trace it back to 3 things during MD3 model loading that are giving me "unable to read memory":


- st which points to mdvSt_t

- verts which points to mdvVertex_t

- indexes which points to glIndex_t


Then I also see that vboSurfaces also has "unable to read memory" which is probably because of those 3 above. So freaking weird seeing as misc_model_statics & viewmodel weapons load fine.

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I dare say the shader stuff is still very much FUBAR, as I get shader-related crashes with ghoul2 on certain levels.


I did however notice something else. Rend2 looks to be trying to partially do generated normal maps even though the cvar isn't set to 1, I found this out through one of the numerous shader crashes where it was trying to add "_n" onto the end of a texture name and the game was having a shitfit.

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  • 1 year later...

Yeah and it only seems to happen on Luke for some reason. Maybe it's to do with skin weights not being within a certain range?


I can't figure why I'm getting crashing when loading textures for models. Debugger goes to here in R_FindShader:

	hash = generateHashValue(name);

	// see if the image is already loaded
	for (image = hashTable[hash]; image; image = image->next) {
		if (!strcmp(name, image->imgName)) { //CRASH HERE
			// the white image can be used with any set of parms, but other mismatches are errors
			if (strcmp(name, "*white")) {
				if (image->flags != flags) {
					ri.Printf(PRINT_DEVELOPER, "WARNING: reused image %s with mixed flags (%i vs %i)\n", name, image->flags, flags);
			return image;

It happens on any map that has item/weapon spawns. Any ideas?


Ok so I've done a fresh rend2 port to SP (this time without butchering things like tr_ghoul2) and I'm still getting this crash. Would appreciate some help on this guys, if you can. @@ensiform @@eezstreet @@Xycaleth








P.S there is no datapad_n texture and r_gennormalmaps is 0. :P

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Is there a shader called datapad_n? I think rend2 tries to automatically look for a texture which has the _n suffix to treat it as a normal map. Not sure why it would be crashing though - you might get a better idea if you build with debug configuration.

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Ok so I get an error that appears only when compiling in debug



COM_BeginParseSession: cannot nest more than %d parsing sessions


So after commenting out that error just to get past it for now, I get a different crash:








Had a look through the call stack and here's where it looks to first come up:








Character & weapon select screens, ghoul2 models load fine - except for the uber brightness of the model textures. A player model will load when compiled with release with debug info and no item/weapon spawns or bolt-ons in the map. So this crash is different.



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