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All JKG-related files publicly available

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This isn't actually new, they've been online for ages, but I've gone through and cleaned up a bit + actually sharing the link properly, and not privately.:




Highlights include:

Coruscant and Tatooine map assets

Various .blend, .max, and some lightwave files which contain either existing sources or WIP projects that could be used as bases for finished work. LOTS of weapons (check out Misc. Unused -> Unfinished Weapons)

All the different player model related work done throughout the years. 

Tons of reference images

Various tools 


Not JKG but included:

FFA2 Korriban remake, Dotf remake, and Bespin FFA remake map assets


And probably lots of little tidbits I'm forgetting about.


There is certainly lots here to be used if desired. Please just blanket reference 'JKG Team' if you are unsure who made the original files, as a lot of that is unknown now for the older files. You can also shoot me a PM if you have any questions.


I don't have time anymore to work on the things that are so close to releasing.


I have some personal 'I would like to see' requests:

T21, EE3, and Jawa gun. These are .blend files in the _GET INGAME folder. The last two are modeled by Psycho. All are textured optomized and unwrapped by myself.

The cute little DRK droid. :) Its also my avatar

Coruscant and Tatooine. These are gigantic projects with lots of content but sadly suffered from layout issues that resulted in me rebuilding the maps tons of times. There's tons of assets here that I suggest are ripped apart for the creation of smaller, more thoughout map designs. Or you can finish them as is. I don't really care to see them out in my own 'ideal', I just would like to see the models, textures, and complex brush/patch work reused if possible in other peoples projects. That would make me happy. 

DOTF. That thing is like 95% complete. It is my most beautiful and efficient map. Do what you like with it, maybe someone can get it finished for MB2 (its intended home).


Final note: This thread is to discuss the content and ask questions, if any. Not to discuss the legacy, history, or contentions of JKG. There is another thread for that.

Onysfx, therfiles, Raz0r and 11 others like this
Posted (edited)

is there a way to download it all at once in one zip file (like dropbox can)?


EDIT: Nvm, worked out how. I need to sign in and save it to my drive, then open it in drive and clikc on the folder's tav next to my drive, and download as zip from the dropdown menu

Edited by Omicron

Please have the courtesy to credit where credit is due, it would be a great disservice to try and pass off Pande's maps as your own somewhere (or something equally ridiculous).  Merry Christmas!

Omicron and Barricade24 like this

JKG Developer


Darth Reborn et al: Make sure you are using Gtk Radiant 1.5


These maps will not load in 1.4 or 1.6 (Zero Radiant, Dark Radiant)


And yep PM me for crediting issues if needed.


I do, hereby, grant you all permissions to use my content however you wish, I appreciate credit. I do not want to see blatant 'passing it off as yours' of course but even if the majority of your map is constructed in my assets but in a different layout, I don't care. Tbh, the one thing I've learned from mapping (or not learned, hehe) is that layout is 80% of the map and the subsequent skill of the creator. If the map layout sucks, whatever amazing brushwork and texture work you do after it is for nought. Took way too long to figure that one out. So, if you take my crappy layouts and turn it into something amazing, all the more power to you. And, please let me know as I'd like to play it.


A note for those totally out of the loop and interested in the map assets:

There are a LOT of tatooine map assets that are like building blocks. You can make entire cities out of it. In fact, a Makermod port would be neat and I was planning something like that using JKG GLua /place commands.


I'd love for someone to get that upgraded Probe Droid in game. Provided it is somewhere in that mass of files. I only looked through a bit of the stuff.


I did a quick search of the main directory and didn't find anything relating to the outside of the Dantooine Enclave or the Dreshdae spaceport (besides some prefabs). Did I miss these, or were the original assets lost?


After some repears Coruscant map is start loading, but it crashes my base at some point. I cant't handle that. Well at last i saw it. Just almazing...it's so BIG.


I did a quick search of the main directory and didn't find anything relating to the outside of the Dantooine Enclave or the Dreshdae spaceport (besides some prefabs). Did I miss these, or were the original assets lost?

There was a Dreshdae? :o


There was a Dreshdae? :o


Yeah. I remember exploring them when JKG first released. Dantooine and Korriban were both very large maps, and as Varaxo said, Korriban included Dreshdae, the Sith Academy, another very strange building on the way sealed by a Vault Door, and the Valley of the Dark Lords... it was an amazing sight to see, despite heavily WIP.

Dantooine featured the Enclave, many hills and grassy canyons, and several Dantooine-style houses dotting the landscape.

As far as I remember these maps were removed in subsequent releases: I might recall Pande checking them out and finding out that Korriban was made of a lot of "blocks", so he might still have them.


Yeah. I remember exploring them when JKG first released. Dantooine and Korriban were both very large maps, and as Varaxo said, Korriban included Dreshdae, the Sith Academy, another very strange building on the way sealed by a Vault Door, and the Valley of the Dark Lords... it was an amazing sight to see, despite heavily WIP.

Dantooine featured the Enclave, many hills and grassy canyons, and several Dantooine-style houses dotting the landscape.

As far as I remember these maps were removed in subsequent releases: I might recall Pande checking them out and finding out that Korriban was made of a lot of "blocks", so he might still have them.

God damn...it's a shame that i newer saw it.


Yeah I have Korriban but its Plasma and MaceCrusher's map and yes there are some missing ase assets unfortunately no idea where they went.


Well that's certainly something. Recent work on a layout change for MBII's DotF was just released, and I was planning on continuing with improvements by integrating and finishing the V2 Mace was working on. Now I have to think about this version which is much more complete (and pretty), but incompatible with the current layout and might pose performance issues in MBII (yay code inefficiencies).


Not sure whether to thank or curse you Pande.


Spaghetti I actually introduced DOTF on mb2 forums a while ago along with Tk (who scripted things in it) and received generally pretty good reviews but the map will not treat old computers too well, that's for sure. Layout wise its identical minus the catwalk is removed in mine, also the pillar fighting in the main hall would be completely different as there is actually areas of 100% cover now, lots of them. I toyed with the idea of getting around that by making the windows breakable, allowing you to go outside and flank either the other windows or all the way around to the hangar entrance, but that would be so campable its not even funny.


Here are some photos:



Omicron, yeyo JK and Stoiss like this

Catwalk removal is definitely good, as is the cover change at main. Meshing your take on the old layout would be hard to do with this though. The balcony isn't really authentic, but it works quite well for gameplay as throne camping was a common balance complaint. Given the other changes, I would need to rework it quite a bit to fit your version (probably by dropping the balcony aesthetic and using an indoor corridor instead).


As to performance, I'd probably have to sacrifice some complexity here and there. At least in spots like hangar it should be possible to combine some of the brushwork into composite textures for the floor segments. Also I must ask about the lighting. Your screenshots look a bit brighter than in-game in general so I'm guessing your gamma is higher than default, or maybe the compile I tried is old. The areas around main and throne seem particularly dark even in your screens though.


I would love it a lot more if it wasn't missing an arm XD. I went into blender and tried to give it a new one but apparently there's some deep seated bug about surfaces on which loading it into ModView it tells me it needs to be rebuilt :(

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