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Kualan's Kitbash Workshop

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Do you make these skins? They all look terrific. Are you these characters available for download? Another thing, how would you like to make the texture of a bith musician?


Hey Kualan, are you maybe intressted in creating a Sate Pestage model? Maybe you could this also use for your comic, because of his position at Palpatines side.

Kualan likes this

Do you make these skins? They all look terrific. Are you these characters available for download? Another thing, how would you like to make the texture of a bith musician?


Practically every kitbash requires some manner of Photoshop work to make it look right, but the amount of original texturing varies from model to model. For example, in those last two previews the Balmorran War Droid only required some colour-shifting on the clone trooper accessories I added to the main model, whereas something like a clone officer skin or a galactic senator usually requires something a little more involved.


As for creating textures completely from scratch (such as for a Bith) - I've never done a total 'from blank page to fully-fledged texture' job before, mainly due to lack of hardware. The best results seem to always come from digital tablets these days.



Ahsoka from Rebels would be also nice Kua! :)


I might look into it. I imagine with some minor mesh work on the Ahsoka head used in my last preview and a retexture on the body (maybe with some additional adornments to match her Rebels appearance) one could get a close enough resemblance whilst still keeping to a more JKA-style look.



Hey Kualan, are you maybe intressted in creating a Sate Pestage model? Maybe you could this also use for your comic, because of his position at Palpatines side.


Somewhere on my computer I have a random list of prospective minor characters to cobble together, and Sate Pestage and the other Imperial advisors are on there. No promises though.

Tompa9 likes this

Practically every kitbash requires some manner of Photoshop work to make it look right, but the amount of original texturing varies from model to model. For example, in those last two previews the Balmorran War Droid only required some colour-shifting on the clone trooper accessories I added to the main model, whereas something like a clone officer skin or a galactic senator usually requires something a little more involved.


As for creating textures completely from scratch (such as for a Bith) - I've never done a total 'from blank page to fully-fledged texture' job before, mainly due to lack of hardware. The best results seem to always come from digital tablets these days.


Ok. I couldn't sleep last night so I started reading your comics. It made it worse, they hooked me right away. Nice job!

Kualan and TheWhitePhoenix like this

Ok. I couldn't sleep last night so I started reading your comics. It made it worse, they hooked me right away. Nice job!


Glad you like them! I'm trying to find a better web host though, so they're up on Imgur too if you have any trouble with the website in my forum signature: https://kualan.imgur.com/


I've been listening to the new Leia: Princess of Alderaan audiobook, and was inspired to make some Alderaanian kitbashes (more fodder for the next Mega Pack release). The guards' uniforms are based on Senator Organa's security detail in the Clone Wars TV show:







I had some time this morning so here's the second Kualan WIP Mega Pack - download it at Dropbox HERE.


As with the previous mega pack, this contains the raw 'models/players/____' format of a bunch of WIPs. They are missing some key things to make them truly "game ready" - namely sound packs, shaders and NPC files - but should serve as a useful resource for mods, RP servers, etc. I've gone through them today and given them all icons and checked the filepaths in the .skin files, so they should be ready for modmakers to play with straight out of the box.


Full roster for the second Mega Pack is:


- Abednedo Jedi

- Ahsoka (FA version)

- Alderaan Guard

- Black Sun Mercenary

- Breha Organa

- Captain Typho

- Clone (Civilian Gear) - 2 Variants.

- Clone (Naval Officer) - updated model from the previous version. 4 Variants.

- Coruscant Underworld Police

- Hondo Ohnaka

- Jedi Starfighter (Delta 7B) - 15 Variants.

- MagnaGuard - 2 Variants.

- Neimoidian Gunnery Battalion - updated model from the previous version.

- Oppo Rancisis - jury is still out on whether this will ever be truly game ready, but here's what I have.

- Rig Nema - 2 Variants.

- Sian Jeisel

- Sidon Ithano (The Crimson Corsair)

- Sugi

- Valorum

- Zao

J19, DarthStiv, Jeff and 6 others like this

Do the Coruscant Underground Police or the Black Sun Mercenary use ported content? I'd love to use them in my project, but in theory I wouldn't be able to upload the mod if it includes ported bits :(.


Do the Coruscant Underground Police or the Black Sun Mercenary use ported content? I'd love to use them in my project, but in theory I wouldn't be able to upload the mod if it includes ported bits :(.


Unfortunately they use reshaped/retextured partial ports for some of the equipment and gear in the models, one of the reasons I've released them in this thread directly.


These will come in useful for my machinima later down the line, @@Kualan. You're doing a great service and I look forward to a THIRD Mega Pack if you wish to make one. ^_^


Well the WIPs continue, so I imagine I'll release more later down the line. Today I took up @@Delta-573 's request for Sate Pestage/Palpatine's Advisors:







The hats are from the Kinect game, but the faces were sourced from a free 3D models website and manipulated a little in Blender to capture the tone of two cold, calculating advisors to the Emperor. They've been made to look a little young than their ROTJ appearances, these skins putting them in the late Republic / early Empire era.


One more for today:






Created using the Kaminoan model's body as a base, reskinned and given extra adornment/humanoid legs. Then shortened the collar and added a Muun-style jacket. The head is from a free 3D model site then heavily resculpted and reshaped in Blender to produce the Muun skull shape and facial structure (e.g. eyes that are a lot higher in proportion to the nose/mouth when compared to a human).


Just out of curiosity, I would like to how much you modify those skins and how. I'm seriously tempted to send some skins your way to overhaul them.

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