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Jan Ors head (Hi-Def)

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2 bones are more than enough for JKA, if the mesh is properly weighed. The amount you have in your pic is seriously overkill when you're only going to see maybe half of the tongue in almost any case. There is also a bone maximum, & afaik less bones = more performance ( @@Xycaleth ? ) so bone wastage is not an option.

I've never heard of a maximum bone count-- I thought it only depended on the total bone count in the root skeleton...


...cutting it down to 4 bones and will check that out.


I've never heard of a maximum bone count either :P But yes, more bones will mean more CPU suckage (until rend2 comes along).


Prolly just something I thought I saw, but there is this that could be just for ragdoll:


MAX_BONES_RAG (256) - G2_bones.cpp





You wouldn't even need 4 bones, but you can omit later at compile time if you change your mind.


@@DT85 -- thanks for your input; it takes a minimum of 3 bones to form a reflex curve... and the 4th bone at tip is because the tip can curl even more (e.g. lick your top/bottom lip) without extending the tongue very much.


I'll post how it looks when I have something to show.

Tempust85 likes this

So I have the esophagus/uvula modeled now... I just need to model the inner cheeks to tie it to the lips and wrap the gums & teeth...


This is a quick hack of weighting the lower teeth/gums/tongue to jaw bone to open the mouth and get this screenshot... the esophagus is not weighted yet:




EDIT: I see I need to tweak the tonsils a bit behind the uvula.


...after that I'll start on the Asian up-do hairstyle with chopsticks.

GPChannel likes this

So I have the inner mouth cavity completed-- I'm in the process of attaching it to the lips... I also spent some time Googling & downloading Photoshop Hair Brush presets... will post an update pic soon.

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So like I said... the inner mouth is completed but still needs a bit of tweaking-- I have some penetrations with the teeth.  In fact I think the teeth and inner mouth (but not esophagus) should be moved rearward just a bit (i.e., the teeth are penetrating on the inside of lips):




So I after I finish tweaking the inner mouth... I'll start on the hair.

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  • 1 month later...

What's the code-side situation with this project. Do we have a working prototype implemented yet, or am I speaking too early?


What's the code-side situation with this project. Do we have a working prototype implemented yet, or am I speaking too early?


Well, on the "code-side" I have a little program written in C++ that extracts the phonemes from PRAAT as a UTF-8 text file ( The software program I will use for parsing audio recordings into phonemes ).  I will need to incorporate this little program and other features into a 3ds Max maxscript file and face GUI and give it buttons to export out the text data files that @@eezstreet asked for in his "challenge" thread.  I also plan to export the facial bones so that those who don't have 3ds Max should be able to achieve the same results using the Unreal4 face editor ( <<-- is that the correct face tool @@eezstreet )?


But I've not done more than that now... first I need to finish the model and the facial rig... I'm currently working on the first ponytail hairstyle mesh now.

Cerez and Bek like this

Well, on the "code-side" I have a little program written in C++ that extracts the phonemes from PRAAT as a UTF-8 text file ( The software program I will use for parsing audio recordings into phonemes ).  I will need to incorporate this little program and other features into a 3ds Max maxscript file and face GUI and give it buttons to export out the text data files that @@eezstreet asked for in his "challenge" thread.  I also plan to export the facial bones so that those who don't have 3ds Max should be able to achieve the same results using the Unreal4 face editor ( <<-- is that the correct face tool @@eezstreet )?


But I've not done more than that now... first I need to finish the model and the facial rig... I'm currently working on the first ponytail hairstyle mesh now.

I'm not sure. I can't even remember what the format is supposed to be. Which data are we talking about here, the viseme data or the spoken data?


Ok... so @@Cerez started a private chat with me regarding the proportions of the Mandy Amano/Jan Ors head mesh... in regards to the proportions of the current mesh versus the "Golden Ratio" (denoted by Phi = 1.618) as related to the perfect proportions for the head and facial features (thanks to Euclid of Alexandria circa 300 B.C.).  While I was aware of this rule... I was going from photos-- and unfortunately I couldn't convince Mandy Amano to shave her head for me and take front and side profile headshots... :P


So I used other bald reference photos from the web.  Namely this one:



So after much back-and-forth... I decided to take a diversion from hair modeling and tweak the head mesh to achieve the "Golden Ratio" for the height of the head versus the width... so if:  height / width = 1.618  you're "Golden" :winkthumb:


The original sideview measures 5.302 units from the center of the eye to the top of the head ( which results in Phi = 1.52 )... so I used the Edit Poly Soft Selection feature to carefully elongate the head as shown in the screenshot below:




So given the measurements above,


12.329 / 7.62 = 1.618


But what do you think of this elongated head?  Too much?  Just right?  It still needs a few tweaks at the back & side of the head, but I would like y'alls opinion on this [ @@DT85, @@Psyk0Sith, @@eezstreet, etc. ]... all are welcomed to comment.  Feel free to markup screenshots to convey your thoughts... 


Anyone feel like a homework assignment?  http://www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us/PhoenixHS/math/grade10/Unit04/Unit%204-task5.pdf   :P

Bek and Cerez like this

Perhaps it's clearer to see what I meant to say this way:




This is just a rough mockup as illustration.


If you agree, @@Archangel35757, I'll also post my original measurements/proposal and visual guide here. The outer border of the red line represents the outline of the shape of the cranium:




Do you not post with image tags? I just mostly see links.


??? I'm using image tags. Using tinypic.com to upload them... Do you only see links? :huh:


I see the images just fine.


The only things I have issue with is the corners of the mouth, they look too sharp and the mouth shape looks a bit too sad.

Cerez likes this

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