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Jedi Knight Rewards

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Ask Raven for JKA rewards sounds. I'm sure I've seen paths for them in code so they exist(maybe).

It's leftover code from Q3, so it's likely that they never existed in the first place. However, I have reason to suspect that VA was done very early in production, so it's possible that such sounds exist. I'm a little skeptical though to say the least. That being said, @@ensiform is correct in stating that they're most likely not going to give anything out. I've been trying for months now to try and get the cut dialogue from JK2 back with no luck.

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It's leftover code from Q3, so it's likely that they never existed in the first place.

Nope. I'm sure i've seen paths to removed protocol/mon mothma sounds. We have:

40mom001 - 40mom010

40mom032 - 40mom046(52)

I've seen ~10-32 long time ago. I can't find this... maybe... huh nvm...

eezstreet likes this
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Yes I'm still interested.

Okay, then...


Capture reward has some effect sound without voice.

Defence reward has one sound: "Defence"

Assist reward has sound: "Assist"

Impressive reward has two sounds: "Two hits, impressive" and "Impressive"

Humiliation reward has two sounds: "Gauntlet, humiliation" and "Humiliation"

Excellent reward has two sounds: "Two frags in two seconds, excellent" and "Excellent"


Extra ones:

When you and your enemy are close to Boon and your enemy picks it first: "Denied"

When you kill an enemy flag carrier close to enemy flag stand just before capture: "Holy shit" (code exists but disabled, could be unlocked in ja++, yes, @Raz0r?)


There are also three rewards but they are not used in JK at all, and was only used in Q3A single player.

They are Perfect, Frags and Accuracy rewards with corresponding sounds: http://planetquake.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Guides.Detail&id=48&game=4

They are only shown in intermission, not during gameplay.



"Gauntlet" from Humiliation should be replaced with "Stun" or "Stun Baton" since JK does not have Gauntlet weapon, and has Stun Baton instead.

"frags" from Excellent should be replaced with "kills" maybe, but it does not matter much, imo.

"Holy shit" should be replaced with something less brutal, I think.


Additonal info: Jedi Outcast uses Mon Monthma's voice for announcing and Jedi Academy uses C-3PO's voice for announcing.


I think that's all...

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If everyone is okay with current version then I will release it.

If no, then reply, please.


What do you think about reward icons' sizes?

If resolution height has 1080 pixels then icon size is 89x89 pixels. Or if resolution height is 1536 pixels then icon size is 127x127 pixels.

So I suppose 128x128 (it has to be power of 2) pixels icon size would be enough. Or not? Should we care about next generation with UHD monitors and make icons with sizes 256x256 pixels?

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What about accuracy, frags, victory/perfect?

There are also three rewards but they are not used in JK at all, and was only used in Q3A single player.

If you need those rewards, then need to hardcode both server and client mods. The only one who can do that now is probably @Raz0r with his ja++. Ask him if you want them much.

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  • 5 months later...

I assumed that by 'liking' your post, it would imply that I like the new sounds :P


Feedback: I think the addition of the announcer for the awards is definitely good, doesn't really have any drawbacks. Is/are there sounds for C3-P0 that also announce the awards? Some people may prefer that to Mon Mothma and so would like to hear them instead.

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